Chapter 185

“Furthermore, this time Xu Hai has no luck bonus. Can the overall strength of their team be comparable to the top three universities? It is still a problem. You know, the top five and the top three are different. There is a huge gap.”

“Yes, yes, who doesn’t know that Imperial Capital University, Xuanwu University and Langya Martial Arts University are one grade, and the remaining universities are another grade.”

These people in the audience did not approve of the host’s statement very much, and the host himself did not add much, he just mentioned casually. To be honest, in his heart he didn’t really believe that Xu Hai could get it. This rolling achievement.

In the arena, Hao Rong herself was shocked. People outside didn’t know her true strength, but how could she not know?

“Is this really my strength?”

Her fist did hit the opponent firmly, and the opponent was indeed knocked out by herself.

“Han Yue, I don’t think they are very strong, otherwise you should come and try.”

After saying these words, although Hao Rong’s face still had some hesitation, his confidence had already increased a lot.

And Xu Hai was still standing next to them, watching the battle with a smile, but before everyone noticed, he had secretly helped Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue play a lot of assistance.

To be honest, although Xu Hai’s own skills have been sealed, Sharingan has not been affected too much, so Xu Hai has not really been hindered as others thought when it comes to insight into the opponent’s actions.

On the contrary, relying on Sharingan’s advantage, Xu Hai almost used his hole punching skills to help Hao Rong and the others complete this matchup with the students of Mordu University.

Soon, with the help of Xu Hai, these people were solved by Hao Rong. Looking at the students of Magic University lying on the ground and the teachers who came to take them away, Hao Rong always felt something like a dream. Illusion

“Did we really win? This is Magic University, are they fake?”

After all, this is a famous national school, and it is still a veteran team that often wins the top five.

And it was such a powerful team that Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue were able to solve, which seemed a bit wrong.

However, under the joy of victory, Ji Hanyue and Hao Rong still put their doubts behind.

“Well, let’s see what they have on them.”

Hao Rong looked at the spoils on the ground with excitement, his expression on his face became more and more excited.

“Oh my God, they are really worthy of being students of Magic University. There are so many good things in them.”

“Xu Hai, come and see, there are a lot of good skills here.”

Xu Hai looked at Hao Rong who was looking for something, smiled slightly, and walked over slowly.

At the same time, in his heart, he was a little emotional

“There is one thing to say, it is really the most comfortable to rely on the skills acquired by others. This also saves us from looking for skills one by one. In the future, we will rely on robbery to acquire skills in the game.”

Soon, a few of them picked their favorite skills, and then began a new round of integration.

At the same time, in the arena, in addition to the Xu Hai team and the Mordu University team, the other teams are also in full swing.

Moreover, due to Xu Hai’s various fancy operations in the previous competitions, various ambushes and surprise attacks emerged in the finals. The difficulty and excitement of the competition were much higher than those of previous competitions.

Although a map has been changed, many teams have discovered that there is a bridge here, so the bridge has once again become a battleground in the finals.

“Wang Dahammer, the bridge has been occupied by us. If you are acquainted, leave here as soon as possible. Otherwise, your school really won’t have the chance to get the top five this year.”

On the bridge, the two teams are facing each other.

And all around them, all kinds of trophies were piled up on the ground like this, but it was a bit strange that the people in the two teams did not have the slightest interest in picking up these trophies.

The person named Wang Dahui frowned slightly, and his team was the nationally renowned Langya Budo University freshman team.

At this moment, the opponent did not suffer from stage fright because Wang Dahui came from Langya Budo University. He looked at Wang Dahui’s team with a very fierce expression.

“Langya Budo University, Laozi wanted to fuck you a long time ago.”

After saying these words, Wang Da Hammer and his opponent’s man shot at the same time in an instant.

Blocking the bridge has not yet begun, but in order to compete for this strategic location, a very fierce battle has already begun nearby.

In addition to blocking the bridge, ambushes in various places are also continuing.

Suddenly, there were a large number of unconscious students piled up next to all the buildings suitable for ambushes, and even the rescue teachers were caught off guard. After all, the pace was too fast.

At this moment, the house where Xu Hai lives is also very popular.

After solving the team from Mordu University, several more teams came to their house to repair.

It’s just embarrassing that these people were easily cleaned up by Xu Hai before they even entered the door and sat warm.

Even when they were being cleaned up, Hao Rong and the others didn’t rely on Xu Hai’s help so much to get rid of the few teams that came here to fix them.

And after killing these waves of teams, Xu Hai finally stretched out

“Let’s change the place, I don’t think this place is interesting anymore.”

Outside the court, those people looked at Xu Hai’s stubborn beating, and suddenly became a little speechless.

“I didn’t expect Xu Hai to really have the face to rely on his female teammates to protect himself.”

They looked at the two girls in constant fighting and Xu Hai who was sitting cross-legged in the room leisurely, and they were a little angry for a while.

“This guy….. Originally I thought he was a master, but he turned out to be just a salted fish, and he was blinded by his good luck.”

“Yeah, if I were to be replaced by me, I couldn’t bear to have two girls beating to death by the side, but sitting on the ground and watching the play.”

“If a teammate like this is in my squad, I would fight him a long time ago, so I don’t care whether I win or not win the game. I will do it first before talking.”

“Don’t say it’s in my own team, even if it’s in another team, I must clean him up, and I’m mad at me.”

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