Chapter 183 Magic City University Team

This is still the case that I cannot integrate with One Tail Shouhe. If I can integrate, even if it is the Emperor Capital University and Xuanwu University together, it is estimated that Xu Hai will not care too much.

After seeing the people in the door, those few people immediately showed a grinning smile.

“Unexpectedly, today’s luck was so good. I came up with a few people who didn’t seem to have picked up the skills very much. They just happened to be able to practice the skills we just picked up.”

The other two people who arrived took a look at the environment inside the house, and both walked into the house.

In fact, they only saw Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue in front, but did not see Xu Hai.

Otherwise, at this moment, they might be afraid of Xu Hai a lot.

“Xu Hai, what should we do?”

At this moment, Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue leaned behind Xu Hai after feeling the oppression of the strength of those people from Magic Capital University.

And because of the light, the people at Mordu University still did not see that the person in front of them was Xu Hai, but after hearing the names of Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue as Xu Hai, they finally reflected what they had encountered. Which team is it

“No, it stands to reason that Xu Hai, the famous and strongest rookie, has good luck in heaven-defying. Why don’t you even get a piece of equipment now?”

“Wait, this time the rules of the game are to seal the effects of various high-level skills and equipment, which means that your lucky bonus really does not come from your own luck, but from special equipment?

It seems that the rumor of that lucky gem is not fake.

So, are you out of luck now? Xu Hai. ”

They looked at the empty room and the panicked Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue, and suddenly realized what had happened.

In a moment of effort, the faces of these students from Magic Capital University became a little subtle.

If they are facing Xu Hai with very good luck, then they may still have some fear when they start.

But at this moment, Xu Hai has lost his luck bonus, and his teammates can’t use the high-level skills that were drawn in the lottery, so in the battle, these students from Magic University can be said to have already accounted for a huge amount. The advantages.

They looked at each other, and after hesitating, they were ready to do it directly

“If we can kill the Xu Hai team first, then our results should be much better this time.”

The results of the finals are actually related to the results of the rematches. The higher the scores obtained in the rematches, the higher the scores of the team they eliminated in the finals will also increase accordingly.

After seeing the people from Magic University preparing to take action, the expressions of Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue became even more flustered.

“Xu Hai, let’s apply for withdrawal directly, so that it won’t affect you.”

And Ji Hanyue is even more of an iron

“Xu Hai, you go first, the two of us will delay the time, and then we will surrender.”

“Anyway, both of us are dragging oil bottles. As long as you can leave, you might have a chance to get a good ranking.”

Xu Hai was a little surprised. He didn’t expect Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue to make such a decision.

You must know that he is the only combat team in this squad. If he really leaves, then Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue will definitely be seriously injured even if their lives are not in danger.

And Hao Rong nodded firmly when Ji Hanyue said this.

“Xu Hai, you saved me once in the dungeon of the illusion. In the dungeon of the virgin forest, I got so many benefits because of you. This time, I will protect you.”

“After a while, we will try to delay them. You evacuate as soon as possible. After you leave, we will directly surrender. In this way, we should not be seriously injured.”

Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue took a deep breath and stood in front of Xu Hai one after another.

Xu Hai looked at their backs, feeling a little inexplicably

“Xu Hai, hurry up, they haven’t reacted here yet.”

Hao Rong said.

And this time Xu Hai did not respond to them. He looked at Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue, who seemed to sacrifice himself in front of him, and looked at the arrogant and arrogant students of Magic Capital University who were not far away, and suddenly laughed.

“Are you serious? Then if you are serious, let you go first.”

He stood in place, while Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue rushed towards the team at a certain university without hesitation.

After seeing Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue rushing up, a few people at Magic Capital University not far away couldn’t help but laugh instantly.

“No, Xu Hai, you actually let a woman take the shot first, are you crazy?”

“They all say that you are the rookie king. In my opinion, you are really a weak chicken.”

Not only the spectators off the field, they also started to talk about this scene.

“Impossible, Xu Hai actually let two girls step forward to block their guns. Is this really his style?”

“It’s so speechless, it’s worth noting that I still liked her so much before.”

“I think Xu Hai was completely lucky before. Now he does this kind of thing when he is out of luck. The Imperial Capital Martial Arts University is more or less unpredictable.”

Not only the audience outside the venue, but even the host saw Xu Hai doing this with a hint of anger in his eyes.

“Although I don’t know what Xu Hai thinks, he asked two girls to go up and fight with the people from Magic University. In my opinion, it is a very irresponsible and non-manly thing. I hope you will take it into consideration. Quit, don’t learn from him.”

And in the secret room not far away, the three old people were a little confused when they saw Xu Hai doing this.

“No, Xu Hai can reach a 3,000-point combat power index based on his physical strength alone. In theory, it shouldn’t be a problem to deal with a few students at Magic University.”

The old man from the Ministry of Education looked at Xu Hai who was motionless in his place and was a little curious.

“Does Xu Hai have other plans?”

The other two people nodded when they heard this sentence.

After all, they are not these audiences and hosts. They know Xu Hai’s real combat power index, so naturally they don’t think Xu Hai intends to leave the girls and escape alone.

And in that abandoned room, Hao Rong had already rushed out first, her target was the captain of the three.

But in the face of Hao Rong’s offensive, the students of Mordu University were a little dismissive.

They know Hao Rong’s strength, and they also know Hao Rong is an auxiliary player.

At this moment, Hao Rong had no skills, even if he had a combat power index of thousands of points, in their eyes, it was just a little rubbish without threat.

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