Chapter 178

Not only that, after integrating One Tail Shouhe, Xu Hai can also use Sharingan to perform other skills, and even under certain conditions, it is not impossible to use Raikiri’s atomic breath.

Therefore, under the situation of full burst, the teacher who has just entered the general level is probably no longer Xu Hai’s opponent.

“If the resurrection technique can be developed for a further period, then using the characteristics of my One Tail Shouhe, it is very possible to build an immortal team.”

Speaking of this, Xu Hai suddenly looked forward to it. If he could master the Master’s resurrection technique on the battlefield in the future, his teammates would never leave him because of the battle.

Not only that, it is not impossible to be a death squad even in team battles.

However, based on Xu Hai’s current combat power index, many people who want to resurrect are still talking about dreams. After all, he needs to recharge Shouhe for so long to resurrect a fish, let alone resurrect a person, which is needed by people and fish. Chakra is not the same.

“It feels like in reality, the power of Sharingan and One Tail Shouhe could not be fully utilized. If only they could evolve again, maybe they could use Susanoo.”

In Xu Hai’s impression, the two most fancy skills in Hokage Ninja, except for Rasengan, are actually Susanoo.

Needless to say, Rasengan got a little bit of the protagonist’s aura, especially when he played Ōtsutsuki Kaguya at the end, the kind of messy Rasengan actually Xu Hai didn’t think he could show it.

But Susanoo has been used by many people. As long as you have Mangekyō Sharingan, using Susanoo is not a big problem.

From the Susanoo of Uchiha Itachi, which appeared at the beginning, to Susanoo, which is completely physical and similar to Gundam, the power of skills is also stronger than one.

Even in the end, Susanoo’s tail beasts almost always can be killed in seconds.

“My Sharingan still has to train slowly. Although it has a general level of combat effectiveness now, it is still far behind a real master.”

Indeed, the general and the marshal are two levels.

“However, despite this, I shouldn’t encounter any opponents in the game. It’s a pity that One Tail Shouhe didn’t last for that long after the integration, otherwise it would really be invincible.

The best way to solve this problem now is to use fairy beans to supplement my Chakra. Later, when Hao Rong’s fairy beans bloom and bear fruit, it is estimated that this problem can be well alleviated. ”

The current Xu Hai, after integrating the One Tail Shouhe, can obtain general-level power, but his own Chakra volume is still extraordinary in the late stage.

Although Xu Hai is much more powerful than the general supernatural late stage, he has not yet reached the general level, so this fusion skill can only be regarded as a short-term explosive skill for him, and cannot be maintained for a long time.

“I don’t know if I can pick up a more powerful weapon.”

There is a difference between having a weapon and not having a weapon, and not only swords and guns are weapons. Having a suitable energy conversion glove can actually help him display his skills better.

After all, it is impossible for everyone to meet with One Tail Shouhe, if this is the case, the consumption is really too great.

“After the finals are over, see if there is a chance to ask for one from the school.”

“If I said that the game ended very early, then the effect of the lucky gem might not have expired yet. If this is the case, why should I ask the school?

When the time comes, go directly to the Ministry of Education, maybe they will come up with a good thing to me. ”

Thinking of this, Xu Hai’s heart began to be filled with hope again. He took a deep breath, practiced for a while before packing up his things and preparing to leave.

After the end of the second round, the discussion about Xu Hai became more and more enthusiastic.

Without him, it is because Xu Hai’s performance in these two games is too unbelievable.

In terms of pure strength, Xu Hai himself is a top player among the various teams, and besides his strength, his luck has made many people continue to marvel.

And, the most surprising thing is that he entered the competition as a student of Teito Budo University. Compared to his strength, this is even more strange and rare.

In the Imperial Martial Arts University, Li Yunlong just hung up Xu Hai’s phone.

At this moment, his face was full of excitement.

“Xu Hai, this kid is really strong. I remember that when the freshman tested the strength index, he also had a strength index of 700 points. I didn’t expect that the strength index displayed on the field could reach two or three thousand points. NS.

Our Imperial Capital Budo University is really going to rise this time. ”

The secretary next to him saw that his principal was so excited, and he was a little happy in his heart. He didn’t expect Xu Hai to be so strong.

At the same time, Li Yunlong kept tapping on the table with his hands and muttering to himself.

“This time with Xu Hai, a top genius in charge, we shouldn’t have to be afraid of any school challenging us in the challenge.”

When he thought of this, he remembered Xu Hai’s words about winning the championship.

Vaguely, Li Yunlong actually felt that this matter may not be so ridiculous.

“If Xu Hai can represent the Imperial Capital Budo University to win the national championship, then as the principal this time, I will really be almost proud.

Having been the president of the Imperial Capital Budo University for so many years, even though he was ordered in times of crisis, he did not make any achievements. If I seized the opportunity this time, it would probably be my turn of events. ”

In a certain military base, Xu Haodong was looking at Xu Hai’s battle report about the game, thinking.

“Sir, you can see that Xu Hai has taken such a big advantage without having fought much. If it weren’t for our military personnel, I suspect that the Ministry of Education had opened a small stove to Xu Hai and walked through the back door.”

“For things like this, people in other schools are definitely not convinced. It is estimated that the Ministry of Education will have trouble after the game.”

The adjutant sneered at Xu Hai more or less. After all, people in the army rarely liked this crooked approach. In his eyes, Xu Hai’s performance is high, but the gold content is just like that. .

And Xu Haodong smiled and said to him: “Think about it, I didn’t make a shot during the whole process, but my luck was heaven-defying. You almost follow wherever you go. Do you think this thing is familiar? ”

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