Chapter 170: After Promotion

“No, it’s so easy for Xu Hai to enter the national finals. I thought he would suffer a loss this time.”

Sun Qiang looked at Xu Hai who entered the national finals on the screen with a shocked face. He didn’t know what to say for a while.

“Your student, you still don’t know so much? Even old things like us can see that he has the ability to easily enter the national finals. Are you trying to hide in front of us old things?”

The old man gave Sun Qiang a look helplessly.

In his impression, the Imperial Capital Martial Arts University did not have anyone able to easily enter the national finals, including the previous Zhou Wenzheng and Sun Qiang.

Oh no, Sun Qiang didn’t even qualify for the National Freshman Budo Contest when he was a freshman.

He only got that special inheritance in his sophomore year, and Yiming has been amazing since then.

In the other lounge, people from Xuanwu University and Imperial Capital University looked at Xu Hai who had entered the national finals with very meaningful expressions in their eyes.

“How many places do you think the Imperial Capital Martial Arts University can get this time?”

“At least I can get the top five, if it’s good, it may be the first.”

“Are you so unconfident? I thought that your Imperial Capital University are all people with a higher eye.”

“You Xuanwu University should be more worried. If you have Xu Hai team, your name will most likely drop one place, and with the addition of Langya Budo University’s plan specifically for you, maybe you Will immediately fall out of the top three.”

To be honest, this new martial arts conference is really interesting.

Xuanwu University made a plan specifically for Imperial Capital University, while Langya Budo University made a plan specifically for Xuanwu University.

This kind of plan, one chain after another, does have a bit of unscrupulous means for ranking.

In addition to them, more teachers and students are still analyzing the various videos of Xu Hai in their lounges, trying to find out what flaws in the skills Xu Hai uses, so that their students can get more in the finals. There is a slight chance of victory after encountering Xu Hai.

This situation actually occurs in every competition, but in the previous competitions, most of their analysis is the top universities such as Imperial University and Xuanwu University.

For schools like Teito Budo University, it is almost impossible for them to be included in the list of analysis.

However, their analysis did not have much effect, because Xu Hai’s luck component is too strong. Most of the time, he kills the opponent directly after a short shot. So after analyzing for a long time, in the end The result of the analysis is actually to stay away from Xu Hai.

And in a certain secret room, the three old people gathered together again, this kind of tri-legged momentum seemed to be normal.

The old man from the administrative department first said: “This Xu Hai’s luck is indeed beyond ordinary. I think everyone should be sure that Xu Hai used lucky gems.”

“Yes, I guess he also used lucky gems, but we didn’t have the opportunity to communicate with the world consciousness in the original forest copy. Otherwise, we should be able to know if the reward is lucky gems.”

The old man from the Ministry of Education smiled slightly when he heard him say this.

“It’s not cheating anyway. What does the rest have to do with us? Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. It is not easy for him to be a newcomer with this ability.”

“Yes, being able to own a lucky gem is the greatest luck in itself. Now that he uses this thing, we do not have the right to interfere strictly speaking.”

“Then when does your Ministry of Education plan to announce the results of this investigation? I don’t think we can hide the lucky gems anymore.”

“Let’s announce it after the game is over. After all, it was said at the time that the announcement will affect Xu Hai’s results. Although most people have guessed it, there are no good countermeasures against this method. .”

At this time, Xu Hai and the others had left the venue and returned to the gymnasium.

As soon as they appeared, they heard Sun Qiang’s surprise voice.

“Xu Hai, you guys are back, yes, I never thought that you would get such a good result.”

“It’s worthy of being a disciple passed down by Laozi. He has the style of my time.”

Xu Hai glanced at Sun Qiang helplessly.

Although he was considered a student of Sun Qiang, Sun Qiang hadn’t taught him anything strictly speaking, he just gave him a little guidance.

However, he did not expose Sun Qiang. Who wouldn’t want to use his own student status at this time to pretend to be a force? It’s not a big deal anyway.

However, Sun Qiang is really happy. Although it is said that the best result of the Imperial Capital Budo University has won about 50, it has been many years ago, including last year’s Zhou Wenzheng, in fact, he did not get particularly good. The results.

“Let’s go, Xu Hai, when I came here, I heard the notice that the second lottery draw is still available. Go and see what good things you can get this time.”

Having said that, Sun Qiang took Xu Hai and the others to the place of the lottery.

Hao Rong looked at Sun Qiang, and a trace of doubt flashed in his heart.

“It’s strange, is this lottery held every time the game is finished? How come the rules are different from the previous ones?”

Ji Hanyue followed Hao Rong and looked at the people nearby who had been watching them. Suddenly, she felt ashamed for the way she had been courteous and confessed to Hao Rong before.

Although it was said that she was hit by the skill at the time that caused this series of problems to happen, Ji Hanyue has always remembered what happened.

Moreover, even if Ji Hanyue can’t remember, this camera has all taken it!

It can be said that Ji Hanyue is almost in a state of social death now.

And Sun Qiang, looking at Hao Rong’s puzzled eyes, smiled and said, “Anyway, it’s what the country thinks. Then you don’t want to do this. Let’s go. This lottery is not a difficult thing.”

He glanced at Hao Rong, and then at Jin Ji Hanyue, who had made various amazing moves in the competition venue just now, without saying anything, speeding up his pace and heading to the place where the lottery was drawn.

At this moment, the lottery hall is already overcrowded.

Whether it’s people who are coming to the lottery draw or coming to see the excitement, they all gather here, and there is a big sense of enclosing the lottery hall.

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