#160-Chapter 160

Although these two skills are good on the map, they are only good. They are far from the top skills. What’s more, the place of this bridge is so dangerous. Who do you eliminate if you don’t eliminate it? Think about it after you go back. ”

The people ambushing them nearby all smiled at each other when they heard the teacher say this. When the teacher walked away, one of them said: “Did this student pick up a skill and turn himself into a fool, a multiple Shadow? Clone Technique dared to come over and cross the bridge, don’t hit him.”

“This means that we have a teacher rescue during the game. If we are in the dimensional crack, I feel like this kind of captain will definitely take his team members into the fire pit.”

“And don’t you think his realm is very vain? It is also an extraordinary level of mid-to-late combat power index. The captain of the top 30 university in the country we met before was much better than him.

I feel that if it really fights, even if he uses multiple Shadow Clone Techniques and spiral shurikens in his mouth, he is definitely not that person’s opponent. ”

“We still cleaned him up too fast. I originally wanted to play with him slowly and destroy his self-confidence.”

“Forget it, although that would be very interesting, but the neighborhood is the center of the battle after all. Once other squads notice, we are likely to be attacked by others. Let’s make a quick decision.”

“Okay, okay, everyone quickly pack the trophies. I am really interested in this multiple Shadow Clone Technique.”

One of them looked at the scroll on the ground, and there was a trace of greed in his eyes.

Of course, he just thought about it. Skills like this must be considered after comprehensive consideration.

However, not just him, but other people are also very curious about this skill.

Watching him walk forward, it didn’t stop him from using this skill.

And he got this skill, and then handed it to his captain.

“Captain, your inheritance is more suitable for Shadow Clone Technique. Go and try this Shadow Clone Technique.”

One of the strongest people on the field is the captain of this student. Although the student himself wants to integrate Shadow Clone Technique, considering the integration of his captain from the overall situation, it will be easier for them to have a chance to enter the finals.

And another person looked at Shadow Clone Technique, hesitated for a moment, and stood up and said, “Actually, I also think I am quite suitable for this skill. Otherwise, your team will give me this skill. You can take any other skills. Our team will not participate in the distribution this time.”

And the captain shook his head when he saw him say this.

“Zhao Si, that’s what you said about the illusion technique just now, and now I’m taking my multiple Shadow Clone Technique again, isn’t it a bit greedy?”

The two quickly started arguing.

“Analyze carefully, this multiple Shadow Clone Technique is more suitable for me, OK?”

“Why do all the skills fit with you? I also said that the most rubbish skills are suitable for you, why didn’t I see you directly asking for those things.”

“You don’t even have the inheritance of the Ninja Village dungeon. You want to use multiple Shadow Clone Techniques. Isn’t this taking off your pants and farting?”

“Am I the inheritance of Ninja Village? It’s okay as long as I think it’s suitable. Why, do you want to fight?”

“Fight? Just relying on your skills as a three-legged cat, I can crush you without having to do anything personally.”

“What are you going to fart? I don’t know what happened to you, otherwise we’ll just have a fight here.”

Gradually, the controversy seemed to begin to escalate.

The two groups of people who refused to let me and I did not let you actually started fighting when they were packing up their things.

And the scroll representing multiple Shadow Clone Techniques also accidentally fell into the water under the bridge during the fight.

And the strangest thing is that none of the people who were fighting actually noticed this scene.

Slowly, the scroll went down with the current, and soon came to the place where Xu Hai was.

Near the rock, Xu Hai holding his fishing rod, feeling something wrong with his hand, he gently pulled it up.

Soon, the scroll carrying the exercises came into Xu Hai’s hands.

Looking at this skill scroll, both Ji Hanyue and Hao Rong were stunned.

“Xu Hai, what is this?”

Xu Hai scratched his head, picked up the scroll, and then his eyes lit up.

“Oh my God, this is multiple Shadow Clone Techniques, I didn’t expect that there would be such a thing.”

Outside the venue of the game, I have been watching Xu Hai and seeing the spectators fighting on the other side of the bridge. They are all dumbfounded at the moment.

“This Xu Hai definitely used that lucky gem.”

“Yes, yes, otherwise there is no way to explain how he had such good luck, my goodness, is there really such a chosen son in this world?”

“It would be great if I had lucky gems too. After I got the lucky gems, I would Tenten to buy the lottery ticket.”

“Did you have a bad brain? You have lucky gems, and what lottery tickets are needed. It is estimated that hundreds of millions of dollars will be hit on your head if you walk directly on the road.”

One after another voices were discussing, and the two old men from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Administration looked at each other, filled with helplessness.

“This kid is too arrogant. He originally wanted to press down on his use of lucky gems. As a result, he was so blatantly using the lucky gems’ ability, it is estimated that he could not be suppressed.”

“Hey, why should young people hide their own blessings? Besides, public opinion has always felt that Xu Hai cheated. If we don’t explain the lucky gems, then there will definitely be a lot more to Xu Hai’s future. Negative public opinion.

It’s better to let everyone see that Xu Hai used lucky gems. Anyway, he got this thing himself, and it’s not as if someone cheated for him. ”

On the big rock below the river, Xu Hai lay leisurely basking in the sun.

And, there is a fishing rod beside him.

There are no living creatures around, but the ground is full of various skills and equipment. These high-level skills that have made many people fight for bloodshed, are piled like garbage in that big block at the moment. On the stone.

Next to Xu Hai, Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue looked at the various skills on the ground, always feeling that they had a sense of unreality.

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