Chapter 156 What’s in the Airdrop

Sun Qiang still didn’t believe it, but under the control of the old man, he couldn’t move at all.

“Watch TV.”

The old man smiled slightly.

Sun Qiang turned his head when he heard the words, and suddenly found that an old man he knew well appeared in the middle of the game.

“Dear audience friends, everyone, I am the organizer of this national freshman dance competition and the deputy minister of the Ministry of Education.

Regarding everyone’s reports of Xu Hai’s cheating, we have already investigated. Not only us, but also the military and the Ministry of Administration have also participated in this investigation.

We can be very responsible to say that Xu Hai did not cheat, and why this happens is currently not very convenient for us to explain.

But I can tell you that after the game, we will give you an explanation that will convince everyone, but for the sake of fairness, we can only keep it secret for the time being. ”

This old man is still very prestigious among the human race. At this moment, after he stood up and said these words, everyone present became quiet.

Even the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Education said so, so Xu Hai probably did not cheat, it was just heaven-defying luck.

“Unexpectedly, I didn’t expect this to be the real son of heaven.”

“Even the Ministry of Education has issued an endorsement for him, so there must be no cheating.”

“Why did the Ministry of Education come out and say that there must be no cheating?”

“You are stupid, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Administration and the military themselves are independent institutions.

Do you think Xu Hai, a freshman, is qualified to let all the three big bosses stand behind him and do such awkward things for him?

Any of the bigwigs of these parties can easily give Xu Hai a bargaining chip, and there is no need for Xu Hai to use cheating to gain benefits. ”

And when everyone was amazed, Xu Hai watched the falling airdrop, stretched his waist and lay down in a different position.

Hao Rong looked at Xu Hai in surprise, hesitated and walked over and pushed him.

“Xu Hai, your…your skills are here…”

“Ah, if you are interested in this airdrop, you can open it yourself.”

“Ah? I don’t understand too much, don’t you want to airdrop?”

“Xu Hai, this is an airdrop, are you sleepy?”

Xu Hai shook his head.

“I don’t have much interest. If you are interested, just take the things away.”

“Are you serious?”

Xu Hai nodded and stopped talking.

Hao Rong looked at Xu Hai and sighed. She actually didn’t know exactly what medicine Xu Hai was selling in the gourd, but now that Xu Hai said so, Hao Rong was not polite and opened the airdrop directly. box.

However, although Xu Hai said that was a bit strange, after all, he just opened the box. If he really opened the right thing, he would definitely need to return Xu Hai.

Thinking of this, Hao Rong didn’t worry about it anymore, and decisively opened the airdrop box in his hand.

And after opening the box. Looking at the contents inside, Hao Rong was stunned.

“This thing doesn’t seem to be a skill.”

“Huh? How does this thing look like a passive skill with attribute bonuses.”

Ji Hanyue was stunned for a moment.

Passive skills with attribute bonuses are equivalent to no physical equipment.

This kind of thing is much more cherished than many active skills.

Hao Rong picked up the circle of aperture, and radiated warmth in his hand.

She turned to look at Xu Hai: “Xu Hai, do you want to take this skill away? I think this is a very useful skill.”

Xu Hai smiled and shook his head.

In fact, he was already observing this thing from the beginning. Although Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue are not very familiar with each other, Xu Hai has seen through Sharingan the true nature of this thing.

“Hao Rong, you break this aperture.”

“What are you talking about? Break this skill? You are crazy!”

Xu Hai sat up and said confidently, “Believe me, there will be better things in this aperture.”

The old man in the lounge smiled slightly.

“You, a student, are okay, you can actually see through the careful thinking we set.”

Sun Qiang looked solemn, he did not expect Xu Hai to have such good eyesight.

After hearing Xu Hai say this, Hao Rong didn’t hesitate to break the ball of light outside this skill.

After breaking the ball of light, a scene that surprised everyone happened. There was a small Medusa in the ball of light.

“If you two are interested in this thing, it will be fine to absorb it directly. If I am not mistaken, after absorbing this thing, you can acquire the petrochemical skills like Medusa, but at this stage you can The power played out is not so great.”

After hearing Xu Hai say this, Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue were both stunned at the same time. They looked at each other, and then said in unison: “No, I can’t take such a good skill, let you take it. .”

Xu Hai waved his hand.

“I’m not interested. If it’s petrified, it’s a fart. It doesn’t feel good. You can take it yourself. After all, if you protect it, it won’t cause me trouble.”

After hearing Xu Hai say this, Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue both felt a little ashamed, but they couldn’t refute it.

The two looked at each other again, and Ji Hanyue took the initiative to say: “Hao Rong, you have absorbed this skill first, I don’t have much fighting ability, but I have this transparent person who can protect me.

And you are a support type warrior, and you have a certain amount of combat power. If you can get this petrification skill, you can not only protect yourself, but also help Xu Hai a lot. This thing is obviously more suitable for you. ”

Hao Rong originally wanted to shirk, but when he saw Xu Hai’s eye gesture, he hesitated and accepted the Medusa.

Anyway, according to Xu Hai’s meaning, there will be many other good skills later, and then let it be to Ji Hanyue.

“Then this time I will get this skill first, can I give it to you next time?”

Ji Hanyue nodded, then looked at Xu Hai again.

Xu Hai looked at Medusa in Hao Rong’s hand and said with a smile: “Hurry up and absorb him. This thing may be more powerful than you think.”

Hao Rong nodded, and then absorbed this skill expectantly.

To be honest, Hao Rong and others have always been good at things like skills. Except for Xu Hai’s pervert, no one should refuse such powerful skills as Medusa’s petrochemical.

Soon, a strong light surrounded Hao Rong’s surroundings, and then a touch of black appeared in Hao Rong’s eyes.

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