Chapter 151

But in the game, there will be no fewer students who are jealous of you and study you. It is very possible that they are not opponents of others, but they are handy enough to deal with you. ”

Beside Xu Hai, Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue nodded in agreement when they heard Sun Qiang say this.

They actually feel that Xu Hai’s current attitude is a bit too relaxed and too self-confident.

“Xu Hai, you don’t need to pay attention to other people, but you should always pay attention to the students of Imperial Capital University. There is a student in Imperial Capital University called Xianhe. Although he got only from the Crane Immortal in Dragon Ball Inheritance, but inexplicably integrated the inheritance of Guixianren, now it can be regarded as a double cultivation.

His strength is definitely the highest among the freshmen. Even if he encounters a general-level master, he may not lose too ugly. There is also a person called Yun Tianhe in it. His strength is said to be even higher than that of the crane. Be more powerful.

If you don’t pay attention to them now, they will probably know you well after encountering them, and you will really suffer a lot when you fight. ”

Sun Qiang didn’t joking, because he saw from the screen in the lounge just now how the team of the Imperial Capital University crushed the teams that ambush them.

There were even a few schools that didn’t know what it was. Seven or eight schools wanted to take action against the people of the Imperial Capital University. As a result, only one team member was dispatched and the rest were beaten to the ground.

To be honest, it is very rare for several teams to unite together in a field like this.

After all, the number of places is limited, and different universities will also guard against each other. The relationship between Jianghe University and West Lake University is really a small number, and the schools that can let seven or eight universities work together to deal with it in the entire country. There are only three schools: Imperial University, Xuanwu University, and Magic University.

If it is forced, it will be possible to add a Langya Budo University that has been in the limelight recently.

But even if it was like this, the students of the Imperial Capital University were still a strong one who defeated dozens of people. How could this keep Sun Qiang’s heart not shocked?

Even if it was him, he was definitely not an opponent of these people at the same time.

“I really didn’t expect this new generation of young people to be so powerful, much better than ours. It is estimated that my current strength will be difficult to rank in the top ten at this time in their future.”

There was a little emotion in Sun Qiang’s heart, but he still looked forward to more.

As a teacher, it is also very happy to see the younger generation grow up so fast.

Beside Sun Qiang, Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue also sighed.

Their concerns have also been put on the Imperial Capital University at this moment.

“We seem to have seen the crane from the Imperial Capital University. It was in the place where the award was received. I saw from a distance that he was talking about us, and he was smiling, and his attitude seemed to be pretty good.”

Hao Rong curled his lips while watching Ji Hanyue say this.

“You didn’t realize that when you were snatching the airdrop just now, was this crane the most ruthless one?

He didn’t even care about the life and death of these people, and got the airdrop directly with a big move. If it weren’t for the help of these teachers, it is estimated that the students who took the big move would have to die here. ”

“I feel so familiar with the big move he just made. I don’t know whose inheritance he accepted. Do you feel that the inheritance he accepted is very similar to that of the great elder of Nanok?”

With such strength, ordinary inheritance is absolutely impossible.

Sun Qiang frowned

“No, the inheritance he accepts is not just that simple. It should be an inheritance one step up from the Great Demon King Bik. I don’t know what the specific name is. It should be the one that he has tried so hard to find for him in his family. Inheritance.”

Hao Rong nodded, his face full of jealousy.

No matter what inheritance the opponent got, he was able to kill these people unscathed and almost instantly in the face of so many people. In terms of record alone, he is definitely no worse than Xu Hai.

And Xu Hai, although he also showed great strength in the game, but because of the lucky gems, the impression that his displayed strength is at most is just an extraordinary late stage, compared to the shocking ability of the crane. It’s still slightly worse.

On the side, Sun Qiang saw the attitude of the two people, and said with a smile: “Not only the Imperial Capital University looks like this, like Xuanwu University, Langya Martial Arts University, and Magic Capital University, they all have similarly strong players.

Originally, Madu University and Langya Budo University would not be mentioned by me, but I heard that they have produced very powerful geniuses this year. Even if they meet Tedu University, there is no chance of winning, so you don’t want Xu Hai. Take it lightly.

I think that even if you are alone, your strength may not be able to win much compared to them, let alone three people. ”

After speaking, Sun Qiang suddenly stepped forward, took out a small remote control and tapped at the screen, and then the scene of the previous game suddenly switched to a position that few people saw.

Sun Qiang turned his head to look at Xu Hai.

“Xu Hai, have you met this person?”

“Oh? Teacher, how do you know him.”

Xu Hai nodded. This person is not someone else, but Wang Xiuwei who was previously commissioned by Zhou Wenzheng to kill Xu Hai.

“In my mind, this person should not be a top student in any prestigious university, but his strength is not inferior to those of top universities or even top universities.

I feel that he is only half a step away from the supernatural late stage, and his teammates are all of this strength. It stands to reason that freshmen with this strength should not be obscure, but I have seen so many freshmen geniuses before. The data, but the only one who hasn’t seen him before, don’t you think this is abnormal? ”

Hearing this, Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue also turned their heads. They knew that Sun Qiang valued this person so much that he would definitely not be idle and satiated.

But Xu Hai didn’t care much.

“In fact, I have heard their conversation before. It seems that Zhou Wenzheng entrusted them to come over. It seems that he may not be a freshman.”

Hearing this, Sun Qiang’s brow furrowed even tighter.

“Why did Wenzheng receive news this week? Who told the news? Shouldn’t he be in the crack of the dimension now?

Maybe it should be the Red Mountain, this guy is really going to be bad. ”

He is really annoying Hongshan. Originally, he thought that Xu Hai should get enough attention after passing the National New Martial Arts Conference.

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