Chapter 146

Everyone present was stunned. This thing was not as unfamiliar as the inheritance that Ji Hanyue had obtained before, so almost everyone present could see what the reward Xu Hai received was.

“He actually got the tail beast!”

Tailed beast, to be honest, no one should feel strange to this thing.

Because people who have participated in the dungeon of Ninja Village or those who have not participated in the dungeon of Ninja Village probably have a certain understanding of this thing.

As the top alien beast in Ninja Village, it is extremely glorious and difficult to be able to sign a master-slave contract with the alien beast.

At present, there are very few people in China who can have tail beasts, and what Xu Hai has obtained is a remnant soul of One Tail Shouhe. Don’t underestimate this remnant soul, if it can be continuously nourished, etc. After Xu Hai’s combat power index broke 100,000 points, this beast might really have infinitely close power to its body.

The staff present were very surprised, because they knew the content of the lottery, naturally they knew that this first round of the lottery would not be able to give out such a precious thing as the tail beast remnant soul casually.

And in a closed room not far from the lottery hall, an old man was sitting quietly.

He is the supreme commander of this game. It is also a guardian sent by the country to prevent accidents.

It can be said that he is the strongest among everyone in the audience.

And he is also the only master among all the players who has reached the semi-sage level.

Originally, he closed his eyes slightly, but the moment Xu Hai got the remnant soul of One Tail Shouhe, his eyes slowly opened.

“It’s weird, who is so lucky to get the inheritance of One Tail Shouhe.”

Next to the lottery machine, Xu Hai felt a little itchy in his eyes, and soon, unconsciously, a faint ripple appeared in his eyes.

At the same time, the One Tail Shouhe tattoo on his body also began to emit a faint light. After a while, One Tail Shouhe appeared at his feet in a very tiny posture.

Although this One Tail Shouhe is only a mini version, its aura has reached an extraordinary level.

“I didn’t expect that while getting the One Tail Shouhe tattoo, I actually let Sharingan embark on an evolution that is not normal.”

Yes, at this moment, Xu Hai not only has Sharingan in his eyes, but also has a circle of lines similar to Rinnegan, but this line is not completely permeated in his eyes, just a faint trace.

“According to this momentum, after my strength continues to increase, I can get a reincarnation like Sasuke Sharingan.”

Xu Hai didn’t think about the final development of Sharingan before, but according to the heritage of Konoha Village, their Uchiha family has no history related to Rinnegan, so in common sense, the highest level of Sharingan is Eternal. Mangekyō Sharingan.

At this moment, Xu Hai, who received the One Tail Shouhe tattoo, seems to have opened a new door.

This new gate is not the same as the path taken by the Sharingan inheritance he has obtained, and it is also different from the Sasuke in the comics, but a road similar to a synthesis between comics and reality.

At this moment, he gradually felt the power of his body.

This One Tail Shouhe was originally something that Rinnegan could control, and Sharingan, as a foundation of Rinnegan, was naturally able to exercise some restraint on the tail beast.

The complete One Tail Shouhe can be said to be able to control the law of sand. Even a master at the pinnacle level of the generals is just a one-handed existence in front of the waiting.

Although the One Tail Shouhe in his own hand is only a juvenile body, it is definitely enough to face ordinary transcendent level masters. Coupled with the transparent person obtained by Ji Hanyue, Xu Hai hardly needs it when fighting. Then consider the issue of protecting Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue.

He closed his eyes and began to feel the connection between himself and One Tail.

And all around him, those people fell into deep silence.

After more than ten seconds, they finally came back to their senses.

“This Xu Hai is really heaven-defying luck, how can someone draw a tail beast in such a place?.”

“Did he cheat? My goodness, I feel like he is the son of the Ministry of Education.”

Among the crowd, sighing voices sounded one after another.

At this moment, everyone is boiling.

“Isn’t it said that he can draw a skill at most? That’s fine if his teammate draws a summoning skill, but what is Xu Hai’s drawing? Can anyone use the One Tail Crane as a summoning skill? .”

“Why can they get such a good thing? Our group first can only draw a bad technique.”

“Protest! I protest.”

“This is definitely tricky. We should poke at the Ministry of Education. I feel that there must be some boss here to help Xu Hai.”

“That’s right, otherwise it’s impossible to extract this kind of thing now according to the usual rules.”

Ordinary audiences are okay. At most, they can marvel at Xu Hai’s luck, but those who are also eligible for the lottery really can’t sit still at this moment. The things Xu Hai team drew were all heaven-defying. How could this make them stand it?

However, some people showed great interest after seeing Xu Hai drew One Tail.

“Originally, I thought that once Xu Hai fights with students from top universities, protecting his teammates should involve a lot of energy, but now he has drawn the tail beast, and his teammates have drawn the summoning object.

And according to my observations, his teammate’s summoning skills can at least summon extraordinary-level summoners, so it means that in addition to Xu Hai, the Xu Hai team also has two extraordinary-level thugs and one close to extraordinary. Auxiliary system and an auxiliary system that can’t see the strength at present, but should also have an auxiliary that is close to the extraordinary level of ability.

With this configuration, although it may not be able to give Xu Hai much help when fighting these top newcomers, at least it will not be a drag. The result of this draw really feels a bit interesting. ”

“You mean, someone is deliberately giving Xu Hai this kind of benefit.”

“What do you want? This lottery machine is directly manufactured by the country, and it contains the rules imposed by masters. If people below the semi-sage level want to manipulate this thing, the price that needs to be paid can be It’s far greater than a Remnant Soul of One Tail Shouhe and a transcendent level transparent human skill.”

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