Chapter 141 Jianghe University Eliminated!

After talking to himself, he punched the two people from Jianghe University.

Two people fell down, and Xu Hai looked at them condescendingly and said with a smile: “Well, I heard that your little brother is coming to attack me. I’m sorry, I don’t know who they are, but they should have been They are eliminated, how about you tell me what they look like?”

Outside the arena, the teachers of Jianghe University looked at their students who had been easily dealt with by Xu Hai, and their expressions became extremely ugly.

He is still very confident in his student strength, even if he sees Xu Hai playing heaven-defying many times, he doesn’t pay too much attention to it.

A genius is indeed a genius, but in a three-on-one situation, he doesn’t think Xu Hai can really beat his three proud students.

After all, his proud disciples were once called geniuses. It can be said that if one of them is picked up, it will be difficult to meet opponents, let alone three.

But at this moment, looking at this wave of pictures, he really has a feeling of being dumb eating huang and even having a mouthful.

If it was defeated in the heyday, it would be fine, but now, when a few people are so easily teased by Xu Hai with no combat power, no one can stand it.

What was even more shocking was the president of Jianghe University in the big box.

“How is it possible, even if he is a genius, he can’t directly show this level of physical quality after he has just merged with the blood of the Super Saiyan.

I have learned about these students. Even if they are seriously injured, they are definitely not something that ordinary transcendental early can deal with. This Xu Hai was originally a spiritual warrior, after fusing the blood of the Super Saiyan, It’s a miracle to be able to defeat them with the body so easily. ”

“Old Zhang, you now know why Langya Martial Arts University, Imperial Capital University, Xuanwu University, they are all rushing to ask for this Xu Hai.”

The man sighed, then nodded with a wry smile.

“I understand now. If I know that Xu Hai has such a talent, then even if I don’t participate in the national martial arts competition this year, I will dig him over.”

In a more partial position, Sun Jiancheng looked at the high-talking principals with a look of disdain on his face, and he muttered in a low voice: “It’s also for you to say, Laozi wanted to dig him out at the time. Okay? It’s just that this kid doesn’t know which of the tendons will be unsuccessful, otherwise the military will really make a lot of money this time.”

The principal can accept these, but it does not mean that the teacher can accept these.

After a brief shock, the teacher from Jianghe University fell into deep confusion and helplessness.

This was the first time he took a national freshman martial arts conference. As a result, he encountered Waterloo, a ranking that Jiang Ho University had not encountered in many years.

It can be said that in recent decades, this can be regarded as the worst performance of Jianghe University.

Moreover, this result is not because of encountering Xuanwu University, Langya Budo University or the top universities like Imperial Capital University.

The reason they lost was simply because they encountered a freshman at the Imperial Capital Martial Arts University who was barely considered first-rate but now has a certain status among the second-rate.

How could this situation make him reconciled?

However, even if he is not reconciled, there is nothing he can do, the game is so cruel, even if he has the strength of the marshal in the early days, he can only roar incompetently.

In the arena, Xu Hai was a little tired looking at the three people lying on the ground with bruises.

After taking away the more valuable skills from them, he pointed to the students from Jianghe University and said to them: “Well, you guys will enter the poison ring in front of us. If you can If you survive, then I won’t take action against you, how about it?”

The dying students of Jianghe University gritted their teeth looking at Xu Hai’s appearance.

“Skills can be killed but not insulted, you should just knock me out and let the teacher take me away.”

Xu Hai looked at these Jianghe University students and smiled unexpectedly and said, “Okay, then I will just ask the teacher to take you away.”

After speaking, a ray of thunder light appeared in his hand again, and then this tiny thunder light was evenly distributed to the three people, and these three people also began to foam in their mouths and passed out in a coma while trembling.

“Xu Hai, do you have any malicious interest? Why do you have to beat people out every time you stun them until they foam at the mouth?”

Ji Hanyue looked at the following Jianghe University students with disgust, and couldn’t help but flipped Byakugan to Xu Hai. After seeing Ji Hanyue disgusting herself so much, Xu Hai smiled in embarrassment.

“Isn’t this more dramatic? If you don’t like it, I won’t do it in the future.”

After watching Xu Hai this way, the audience outside the court fell into silence.

If other universities were tortured by Xu Hai, they would still be able to gloat when they went up, but this time they were easily defeated by Xu Hai, but they entered the top ten universities last year and the year before, Jianghe University.

“Why do I feel that people from Jianghe University are so pulling this time…”

“Yes, even if you are seriously injured, you won’t be able to solve it by Xu Hai purely with a physical trick.”

“Looking at this momentum, even if they are not injured, they won’t be able to hold up a few rounds when they encounter Xu Hai.”

“Oh, I also expect them to have a head-on duel with Xu Hai. I didn’t expect them to pull it so soon.”

“Now that they have been knocked down, there should be no suspense in the game. Xu Hai’s team must be the champion of this group stage.”

“But why do I feel that Xu Hai didn’t fight very much at all. Except for the few groups of people who were killed in seconds, most of the time they were behind the mantis hunting the cicada and the oriole. They almost used the entire map’s supplies for nothing.”

“You don’t understand this. Some people are lucky, and luck is also a kind of strength.

And I heard that there is a very precious thing among the higher human beings, called lucky gems, which can make luck reach its full value within 24 hours after using it.

If there is such a thing, it is not surprising that this kind of result appears. ”

“You mean Xu Hai used lucky gems?”

“How is it possible… the value of a lucky gem may be higher than the combined skills of the entire national new martial arts competition, how can it be used by Xu Hai?

Besides, it is very difficult to obtain lucky gems. How could he be able to obtain that kind of thing for an extraordinary new student? ”

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