Chapter 15 The Golden Map

“If any of you see the portal of the golden map, don’t go in. If you accidentally go in, you must come back immediately. Don’t hesitate at all, you know?”

“Why sir, since this illusion is designed, isn’t it just for us to enter?”

The teacher glanced at the talking student, took a deep breath and said: “The fifth-level illusion has been out of control for a long time. Since the fifth-level golden map got out of control, none of the people who entered can come out normally.”

After saying this, everyone present closed their mouths, but Xu Hai narrowed his eyes slightly.

He remembers that in the game, it seems that the golden map is different from the other maps. Are these coincidences?

“Well, classmates, don’t be too scared. The fifth map, even for your seniors, three or four seniors, will have a hard time finding the entrance, let alone you.

The level of many of them, that is, staying on the fourth map for an hour or two.

So although I told you to be careful, in fact I didn’t worry much because you were not qualified to go in. ”

“Next, I will tell you about what will probably be in each map.”

As he said, he pressed the switch of the remote control in his hand again, and the map on the blackboard instantly disappeared, replaced by a bunch of things similar to monster illustrations.

“Oh my God! Does the dimensional monster look like this?”

“This thing is much scarier than what we saw in the movie.”

“Will we study this kind of thing in the future? I’m so scared.”

The monster illustrations on the blackboard had a great impact on the students present, but Xu Hai’s expression became very strange.

Do you seem to know this thing yourself?

Isn’t this the monsters in Resident Evil?

Forcibly suppressing the excitement in his heart, Xu Hai was inexplicably more confident in his heart.

I have watched the movie Resident Evil myself many times, so I know the characteristics of the monsters inside.

Moreover, not only movies, but also games, he has also played a lot. This time the pictures the teacher put up are obviously some of the relatively low-level losses in Resident Evil.

“Okay, okay, don’t show such a scary expression, this is nothing scary, it’s just the first time it looks a bit infiltrating.”

“This thing is now named as a zombie. It is a relatively common kind of alien animal. Its main function is to eat and infect people.

But because our copy is an illusion copy, so zombies can’t really infect you with the virus, so you don’t need to worry too much. ”

Next, the teacher systematically introduced several kinds of zombies from Resident Evil.

Xu Hai got more excited as he watched. He understood that the various attributes of this zombie had hardly changed. The only thing that changed was the strengthening in strength and speed.

Even when the teacher introduces some monsters that have not been thoroughly studied, Xu Hai can easily tell the various characteristics of these monsters.

After introducing the monsters on the first map, the teacher began to introduce the monsters on the second and third maps.

Xu Hai was even more surprised to find that the monsters on the second and third levels also came from Resident Evil and its derivative series of movies.

In other words, this copy seems to be an illusion, but in fact it is a Resident Evil game that won’t be infected and won’t really die.

By the time the fourth map was broadcast, there were no new types of zombies in the illustrated book, but the number of zombies had increased exponentially.

As for the fifth map, there is no information.

Maybe the human race has certain records, but the authority of something like this is still too far away for a group of ordinary students and teachers.

Looking at the above information, Xu Hai not only sighed in his heart, he didn’t have many hobbies in his previous life, but like reading novels, comics, watching movies, and playing games. He didn’t expect that he could bring such great convenience to himself after crossing. .

Previously, Hokage Ninja gave him the strongest inheritance Sharingan that has not been discovered by the earthlings of this world, and the current Resident Evil has given him an insight into the various monsters he may face next.

I just don’t know what the golden map will be on the fifth map of this illusion.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of one thing, his own Sharingan, but the best at cracking this illusion.

Maybe he doesn’t have the ability to see through the entire big illusion, but if he enters the golden map, then according to the characteristics of Sharingan, he will never get lost in the illusion of this golden map like other people.

Even this powerful illusion will only oppress Sharingan, who is becoming stronger and stronger.

As long as your Sharingan continues to evolve, it can be said that it is very easy to take advantage of this illusion.

Thinking of this, Xu Hai almost jumped high happily.

“Xu Hai, what’s the matter with you? Why is your expression so strange? Is it irritated by these things above.”

Dong Yunhao gently pushed Xu Hai, feeling a little puzzled. It stands to reason that Xu Hai is not such a timid person.

Xu Hai, who was pushed a bit, also reflected. He smiled awkwardly, then lowered his head and started thinking about what he should do after entering this illusion.

After finishing the information about these monsters, the teacher continued: “In these four maps, in addition to the various monsters from the dimensional crack, there is another place I hope everyone will pay attention to.”

“In the illusion, the time you feel may not be the real time.

For example, in the most basic illusion, you may feel that one day has passed, but in fact, only one or two hours have passed in the real world.

In the second map, this time will double, and subsequent maps have a similar pattern.

So if there is something you need to think about in your inheritance, you might as well find a safe refuge in the illusion, and then think slowly, which may save a lot of time. ”

Hearing this, Xu Hai, who was originally a little excited in his heart, became even more excited.

If it weren’t for the presence of so many classmates, he really wanted to rush to the stage and take the teacher to the entrance of the copy, and then ask him, when will this copy let him in?

However, he just thought about it. Another classmate not far from him stood up and said excitedly: “Teacher, when can we get in this copy?”

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