Chapter 128 You Are My Bargaining Chip To Get Rich

“Xu Hai, Laozi didn’t misunderstand you! Now you are my bargaining chip to get rich!”

In the rest room, after the teachers of those students saw this scene, both eyes began to be filled with blood red:

“How is it possible? The three of them are already close to the extraordinary level, plus the skills I gave them, even if it is an ordinary extraordinary level, they will definitely not be their opponents, even if this Xu Hai is more powerful. Don’t kill them in seconds.”

He looked at the injured students, and a powerful aura burst from his body in an instant.

But within a second, another aura that was ten times stronger than him directly crushed him to his knees.

“Why, do you still want to hurt people in this arena? How was our agreement signed at that time? The arena is the battlefield, and Xu Hai is very kind to be able to keep them alive.”

This pressure made the teachers of the few students feel out of breath for a while, even when he was extremely angry, he couldn’t make a hideous expression.

“Xu Hai, I remember you. You did a good job. I will repay you if I have a chance in the future.”

He stared at the face of Xu Hai on the screen, and at the same time, drops of blood flowed out of the Qiqiao unconsciously.

These are my favorite disciples!

As a result, he was unable to ambush and was severely injured. Even if healed, most of the foundation might be damaged. If the foundation was really damaged, it would be a setback for the future.

In a certain room, several people were counting the spoils they had just seized.

This is a team formed by the merger of two well-connected universities, and the uniform of one team also shows their identity.

Jianghai University.

This university has won seventh and ninth places in the National Freshman Budo Contest last year and the year before. It can be said that this is a pretty good school.

Although the school with them is not as strong as Jianghai University, it is also one of the top 100 universities in the country.

Originally, the two universities were in the same city, and the senior leaders of both sides were old acquaintances, so it was very natural to combine into a team in this game.

“It feels a bit boring. This game is not difficult. Compared to this game, I am more willing to hunt those high-level monsters in the dimensional cracks.”

“Yes, it’s actually those schools that make it to the finals every year, and it’s the national freshman martial arts competition, rather than the national martial arts competitions of the colleges and universities.”

While talking, the other person seemed to think of something, and said with interest: “Have you heard that our batch has a very stubbornness, that is, the Imperial Capital Budo University that received the highest evaluation of the hidden level among the original forest dungeons before? Xu Hai, how about we go and touch him?”

“Forget it, the Imperial Capital Budo University was a university similar to ours a few decades ago, but now it is about to fall out of the top 100, what should I pay attention to.”

“Cao Zhengchun, you can’t say that. Xu Hai is a top genius who even our school and Langya Budo University have to compete with each other. To be favored by the leaders is definitely where he is great. I think since you If you want to meet a powerful opponent, it won’t be a problem to find him.”

But even with that said, the few people from Jianghe University are not very interested in Xu Hai. In their opinion, the top students from a second-rate university are placed with them, at most they have just reached the pass. The level of nothing.

But after hearing this, several people from another university showed an expression of interest.

“Brother Cao, do you want us to try to see if he is a master or a mere name.”

“Actually, I just saw the landing distribution map. The Imperial Martial Arts University represented by Xu Hai doesn’t seem to be far away from us. It is very likely that he will come to the military base, or we will ambush him.”

“Actually, I’m quite curious. After all, every university is spreading news about Xu Hai. It is said that General Sun Jiancheng of the military and that super genius Xu Haodong also favor him. If he is really good at strength. , Then you guys will take action again when the time comes. If he is actually a mere name, then the three of us should be enough.”

After speaking, a few people discussed it, and then the three relatively weaker students left their gathering place.

They plan to ambush a wave of Xu Hai on the military base.

At this moment, the audience outside the venue also saw the dialogue between these people by coincidence.

It’s just different from the attitude that they didn’t trust Xu Hai at the beginning, they looked at the expressions of these people full of compassion and sympathy.

“Which university is this? Is it West Lake University? They are really pitiful. If you let them know that Xu Hai killed three students who were almost at an extraordinary level just now, I don’t know if they will have this idea. ”

“Oh, it’s really bad luck. It’s not necessarily a problem for West Lake University to get into the top 30 with their elder brother Jianghe University. But now when they encounter Xu Hai, they probably won’t even make it through the first round.”

“But there is one thing to say, this Xu Hai’s popularity is really terrible, how can he be ambushed by others if there is nothing to do, if I change to me, I would have collapsed a long time ago.”

“You can’t say that. People are afraid of being famous and afraid of being strong. This Xu Hai’s reputation can be said to be the biggest among the freshmen of this year. I am also ambushing Xu Hai, especially without knowing the true strength of Xu Hai. The second-rate level of the Imperial Capital Budo University really adds a lot of protection to Xu Hai.”

To be honest, even the host felt a little surprised. Since Xu Hai appeared on the stage, all kinds of hot spots and hot search news that accompanied him have almost never stopped. Now the top 30 hot searched 20 articles belong to Xu Hai’s, the last time this grand occasion occurred was when the toothpick brother was exposed.

After hesitating, his voice came out of the speaker again.

“Actually, I personally think that under this situation, it is better for Xu Hai not to directly conflict with these people. The people at West Lake University are good to say, but the people at Jianghe University are after all the strongest team in this experience. Even if Xu Hai has the capital to fight them, a conflict at this time is likely to hurt both sides.

Rather than let other people pick up the benefits, it’s better to go to remote places to develop some good skills, strengthen your strength, and then come to attack these schools.

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