Chapter 123

At this time, he actually appeared in the game lounge.

“Yes, this person is Xu Hai.”

Wang Xiuwei looked at Xu Hai and nodded solemnly. Ever since he signed the contract with Zhou Wenzheng that day, he has been very upset, so he just came back and collected various information about Xu Hai.

Including family background, height and weight, as well as the messy inheritance, he has already understood clearly. The reason why the collection is so complete is to find a chance to kill Xu Hai during the game, so as not to wait for Zhou Wenzheng to return. Own.

“To be honest, this freshman is quite miserable. He actually killed Zhou Wenzheng’s younger brother inexplicably. Isn’t this he’s seeking death by himself?”

The people next to him laughed mockingly, and then they walked towards a certain edge, and did not intend to trouble Xu Hai here.

There are still so many teachers here, let alone them, even if Zhou Wenzheng came in person, it would be difficult to start Xu Hai.

As for Xu Hai not far away, even if Sharingan was not turned on, he felt the malice.

“Unexpectedly, Zhou Wenzheng still has this kind of channel. Didn’t it mean that he is practicing in the dimensional crack? Interesting, I hope your little brother is a little more powerful, otherwise it would be too slapped by me to kill him.”

He looked at the direction that Wang Xiuwei was leaving and muttered to himself.

In addition, Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue were watching the surroundings curiously. As for Sun Qiang, his expression was not very kind at the moment.

He didn’t notice those people who had bad ideas about Xu Hai. He just looked at the bustling stadium. He had a hunch that students from various schools would inevitably target Xu Hai.

But like this kind of national level competition, as long as they can be reasonably and legally, even Sun Qiang and even Li Changsheng can’t do anything about them.

Therefore, all he can do now is to tell Xu Hai that he must protect his life. If he is not an opponent, he will surrender immediately. Don’t be competitive, ruining his future or even his life.

Soon, the time came just before the start of the game, after the countdown. A host appeared in the center of the gymnasium.

“Hello everyone, everyone, I am honored to be able to host this annual National College Student Budo Contest. Next, I announce that the Budo Contest has officially started.”

As soon as the voice fell, there was a fierce applause in the stadium.

“I am the host Zhang Minjian this time. Our official competition time will start in one hour. Now what we are going to do is the draw of representatives from various universities. After the draw is over, we will decide according to the order of the draw. Lots of admission for various colleges and universities.”

Because the venue is limited, there is definitely no way for the freshmen of five thousand schools to be accommodated at once, so in the first round of the competition, there will be different batches of competition.

As for Xu Hai and Hao Rong, the lottery draw this time was an intermediate batch, not very forward. This also made Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s great. Fortunately, we are not in the first group. We can watch other people’s games again.”

Xu Hai didn’t care too much, just sitting quietly in the lounge watching the broadcast.

“Hurry up, everyone! Seeing that the freshman of Southwest United University has obtained the inheritance of Guixianren. His Guipai Qigong has reached an extraordinary level. In the frontal conflict just now, he relied on his Guipai Qigong to kill the opponent in a flash. s student.”

“Look again! Another student who has obtained the hidden inheritance of Orochimaru, which is different from the hidden inheritance of Orochimaru from Teito Budo University, this student from Longfor University. After obtaining the inheritance of Orochimaru, what he took is similar to giving up. Defend the route of direct attack.

And his inheritance is also very special. Physical attacks are actually ineffective to him. Although his teammates have been wiped out, his attackers have been knocked out of the field by him. ”

“My God! The Xinxiang University team is so strong, they picked up the very famous Shenluo Tianzheng, and no one can get close to their team.”

This commentary sounded constantly, and captured the wonderful scenes in the arena very professionally.

In the lounge, Xu Hai’s eyes became brighter.

To be honest, although they are all based on the rules of eating chicken, the resources in this arena, including skills, are far more interesting than the peace elites I have played.

Of course, what is different from the games I have played is that in this small simulated battlefield in the gymnasium, these people rely on head-to-head conflicts and do not have the same tactics and tactics that they used to play games in their previous life. .

Even if there are a few players who are better at playing, they just found a bunker to ambush, but in the process of ambushing, many people were killed by the enemy because they didn’t hide well enough.

“However, to be honest, these students are a little bit interesting. Many people were rescued by the teacher from serious injuries and did not choose to surrender.”

Xu Hai still has some sighs. In a game, he saw at least four or five people seriously injured or even dying, but even in this way, they still did not choose to surrender, but headed head-to-head with their opponents throughout the game.

It’s hard to find too many hard stubbles like this in any school, but they are everywhere in the game at this moment.

Even Xu Hai fully believes that if there is no help from these teachers, the students will be killed directly.

Of course, the country will not allow this situation. After all, every college student who can come to participate in the competition is a valuable asset of the country. They are the elite of the elite. If the casualties in the competition exceed 1% , Then the country probably won’t even think about holding this game again.

This game was faster than everyone thought, but it was over in an hour or so.

Such a fast pace even made some viewers unable to react.

“My goodness, this game went too fast, right? How long has it been?”

In the lounge, Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue have not yet reacted.

To be honest, although it has been an hour since they started watching the game, it was a melee of tens of thousands of people after all. How could it be over in such a short time?

When Sun Qiang saw their reaction, he said with a smile: “In fact, they didn’t just fight for an hour, because time has a different flow rate within the playing field.

As I said, this is a small world that we have created. Naturally, it cannot be exactly the same as the outside. It is said that a top-level figure of half a lifetime controls the law of time here, making the difference between the time here and the outside reach about ten to one. In other words, inside, they fought for about ten hours. ”

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