I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 886: keys and numbers

I dare not play this game anymore. Chapter 886 of the main text volume. Keys and numbers. Hearing the eggplant's prompt, Song Qian, who was the closest, also lowered her head to check.

At the end of the stone sculpture of the cross is a large splash of blood droplets. Even if the viewer does not see **** tied on the cross, they can infer the bloodiness of the scene from the shocking amount of blood.

Before figuring out the mechanism, Song Qian made other discoveries:

Papyrus paper was also pasted on the place where the blood drop in the stone carving was, but the paper had been crushed by someone's hands and it had been broken. Combined with the dust on the paper, it seemed that there were fingerprints of someone.

Hearing that Ji Han and the others also came over to check it, it was indeed the trace of a move just now.

Chen Ke was puzzled and said:

Ji Han guessed:

Eggplant asked curiously:

Chen Ke pinched his chin and speculated:

"The previous arrest warrant clearly stated that the Messiah was in trouble on the way to **** the Holy Grail. There are three doubts here:

First, since the Holy Grail is so precious and it is the object of their protection, why is it always escorted and transferred?

Second, from the experience of the Messiah later, it can be seen that other countries also have branches of the Priory. If the task is to protect the Holy Grail, then why set up branches in other regions if they are full?

Third, the asexual flow blade taken away by the Messiah is said to belong to the four holy objects of the Priory, but this thing is said separately from the Holy Grail, which shows that the Holy Grail is not one of the holy objects. Does this mean that the Holy Grail Not an object at all?

To sum up the above three points, the rumors of my mission are likely to be true. The holy grail that the monastery really guards may be the blood of Jesus. Because it is a human being, no matter how high its status is, it is not a holy thing.

Because it is impossible for them to imprison the descendants of Jesus, it must be protected under the condition of ensuring the normal life of the descendants of Jesus, so they will be escorted frequently, and they have set up branches in many countries, I think it is because the descendants of **** already have many people scattered all over the world.

Of course, the above are just my speculations, and there is no reliable evidence, but these are indeed the most in line with the current situation. "

Ji Han replied:

Song Qian didn't hesitate to discuss with the three of them. They groped slowly on the blood drops, but didn't find any place that could be pressed, so they pulled out in reverse, and sure enough, they were quickly drawn out from the carved blood. up.

The tail of the blood of the stone carving dragged a long round metal rod with many uneven bayonets on it.

The top was carved into the shape of a drop of blood and hidden in the stone cross. If Eggplant didn't find the problem, I'm afraid there would be no problem in searching.

Ji Han remembered "The Encyclopedia of Unlocking Locks" anyway, so he took the key and observed it carefully.

Indeed, although the shape is a bit unique, it is indeed a key design, but where is the keyhole? Eggplant didn't find any other clues just now.

turn to

On the other hand, looking closely, Ji Han found that the long key was actually engraved with a line of numbers:


what is this? Was there a password lock then?

But there is no place where you can enter a password.

Besides, who engraved the password of the combination lock on the key?

Thinking of this, Ji Han took a flashlight and took a picture of the place where it was pulled out, then turned the one in his hand over and inserted it in the other direction.

As he entered again, there was a crisp sound from the stone cross.

The cross that was not placed flat on the ground was slowly separated from the middle, revealing a circular hole in the middle.

Ji Hanxin said that it was very easy to open the mechanism this time, but what is the string of numbers on it for?

Regardless of other things, the four carefully observed the hole that appeared under the cross.

I thought it was another path to continue downward, but looking down along the cave wall, the four of them were all taken aback.

Because from above, you can just see a time ring with a faint white light below.

It really didn't take much effort to come here, I didn't expect that the time ring was placed in such a conspicuous place in the place I came this time.

At that time, the ring seemed to be inlaid on the ground, and it seemed that there should be room below.

Ji Han didn't understand for a while, since there is still space below, why did the time ring be placed in such a conspicuous position at the entrance of the cave? Even if the people at that time didn't know the real function of the time ring, they shouldn't put it here Bar?

Song Qian tied the heart lock chain to the stone cross, and was about to go down to get it, but was stopped by Ji Han in time.

Chen Ke pointed to the confetti that had been touched off the cross and said:

After thinking about it for a while, Ji Han agreed with Chen Ke's point of view, then took the heart lock chain and said:

Then he grasped the chain and slid down the hole involuntarily. According to the guidance of the space-time compass in his arms, the one below was indeed a time ring.

But before he landed, the light of the time ring suddenly became dazzling, and the soft white light covered Ji Han, Song Qian, Chen Ke and Eggplant.

Before they could react, the four of them disappeared from the underground stronghold of the Priory along with the white light.

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