I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 884: wanted warrant

I dare not play this game anymore. Main text volume Chapter 884 Wanted Order Although I am a little curious about the Priory of Mount Xion and the Messiah, there is no other material here to provide clues.

The four continued to move in, and soon an underground space appeared in front of them.

Using the lights and flashlights of the drone can no longer fully illuminate the surroundings, and the things that came in before did not show up along the way.

Eggplant fired a flare into the air, lighting up the entire space.

What appeared in front of him was a circular open space, and in the center of the open space lay a huge cross, placed on the ground like a table.

There are many torches around the circular open space, and there are many stone seats on the ground. It can be seen that this place can accommodate many people, and the outermost are several marble columns that need to be surrounded by two people, and the outside is uncarved. rubble ruins.

The ground is covered with papyrus with densely written text, scattered everywhere.

At first, I thought that after taking a glimpse of the whole picture, I could at least confirm what kind of place I came to, but the layout here made people even more confused.

I saw that the things in the storage room outside were relatively neatly arranged, and the mechanism was not damaged, so everyone thought that the bottom should at least maintain the same state as when they left.

But the messy scene in front of them made the four of them a little curious about what they had experienced.

Eggplant frowned and said:

Song Qian nodded and said:

As he said that, Ji Han lowered his head and picked up a piece of papyrus. The handwriting on it was already extremely blurred, and it would break with a little force.

Taking advantage of the brilliance of the flares, Ji Han glanced at the time-space compass again, and what the latter indicated, the direction of the time ring was exactly the cross in the center of the open space.

But there is no entrance there, it seems that there will be another secret room escape later.

Chen Ke took a flashlight and scanned around roughly, but also saw no one.

Ji Han waved his hand and said:

Eggplant puzzled:

Hearing this, Eggplant couldn't help being curious and said:

In this regard, Ji Han didn't want to hide anything. He could lie to Duke, but to lie to Song Qian and the others, he would be making fun of their lives.

"Tsk, to be honest, if I were singled out, I would definitely not be able to defeat the current Duke, even with the leader of the Consciousness-Only Society.

To defeat him, our only chance is to figure out how he got to where he is now, and this Messiah is the breakthrough. "

Realizing the importance of this person, everyone began to search for scattered clues among the papers all over the floor.

It's just that the structure of these papyrus is really unstable, and most of them have been decomposed after being damp, and it is impossible to see what is written on it.

After searching in many ways, I finally found a few remnants on top of a pool of decomposed paper scraps. And a few sheets that have been glued to the stone cross. Although these sheets cannot be removed, the contents on them can still be barely seen.

The four of them first checked the papers on the ground, only to find that although the papers were damaged in different degrees, the contents seemed to be the same.

Ji Han was the first to use the quantum wave reading method to confirm the content of the title, but the translated three words still made him frown.

Continuing to translate with doubts, Ji Han discovered

Here is a stack of wanted notices about the Messiah:

[Messiah, a member of the Priory of Mount Xion, slaughtered other members on the way to protect the Holy Grail, and stole one of the four sacred objects of the Priory: the Sexless Flow Blade, which shamed the Priory.

The Messiah's introducer and witness has been punished.

This thief has committed a heinous crime, and a wanted order is hereby issued to notify all members of the Priory to be vigilant.

If you have any clues, report them in time. This thief has vampire blood and is extremely dangerous. Once you find out, you can't act without authorization.

In addition, anyone with vampire blood is prohibited from entering the Priory of Mount Sion. 】

There should be a stick figure below, but because the handwriting on it is not as deep as the writing on it, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com so it is not clear now.

But even so, the amount of information in just a few lines is large enough.

The Messiah really joined the Priory of Mount Sion, and obviously they knew the identity of the Messiah as a vampire, otherwise they would not have emphasized the prohibition of introducing vampires to join in the end.

Killing other members and taking away one of the four sacred objects of the Priory: the sexless blade, this is why the Messiah was expelled from the Priory of Mount Sion.

If it's just to kill a few people, there's absolutely no need for the vampire messiah as a player to sneak in. He must have premeditated, and the target should be that asexual blade.

No relevant information can be found in the game, which means that Messiah should obtain item information from other places.

Ji Han explained the content of the arrest warrant to everyone, and then asked:

Eggplant analyzed:

"This guy's goal should be that flow blade, you think, since he was added through many obstacles and was able to perform the task of guarding the Holy Grail, it means that he was already very trusted and reused at that time.

At this time, he suddenly made an attack. He didn't aim at the Holy Grail, nor did he join forces with other people to destroy the Priory of Mount Xion. Instead, he chose to take away only the asexual flow blade, which shows that this guy's goal has been it from the beginning to the end. "

Ji Han also agreed:

The only readable things we found just now were the papers that fell on the stone cross in the center of the open space. Because those papers were too fragile to be taken off, the four had to gather them together by taking photos and recording them.

In the end, relying on Ji Han to use the quantum fluctuation reading method to gather the important information in it, he sorted out other details of Messiah's joining the Priory of Mount Sion.

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