I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 840: How old are you?

Hearing the words "Xiao Chunqiu", Ji Han and the others stared at each other with wide eyes.

What the four of them thought of at the same time was the man who entered Qin Shihuang's mausoleum alone, and they all once placed his bones in their hometown together.

Ji Han was the first to think of this guy's player identity. He told himself that his player level has been raised for a long time, which means that he is very likely to be a player now.

So is he dating his game boss, or another player?

He didn't notice the inner dynamics of the four people behind him. After introducing himself, Xiao Chunqiu prepared to go down the ridge.

But after jumping up, Ji Han and the others stepped forward together and pulled Xiao Chunqiu down.

"Ehhh? What are you guys doing?"

Looking at the four people who suddenly seemed abnormal, Xiao Chunqiu was also a little confused.

I wondered why I had such a big reaction when I heard my name, could it be that guy sent it?

Hearing Xiao Chunqiu's pressing question, the four of them didn't know how to answer for a while, and they didn't know if telling him about returning from time travel would have any impact.

Ji Han scratched his head and said:

"Before laughing... Fellow Daoist, can I take a step to speak?"

As Ji Han said, he pulled Xiao Chunqiu into the Taoist temple, and asked in a low voice:

"How old are you?"

Xiao Chunqiu seemed to have heard some shocking secret, and instantly took two steps back in fright.

Seeing this reaction, Ji Han knew that he had guessed right.

If you reveal the truth about the game to others, you will be terminated from the game, so Ji Han didn't ask too clearly, but came up with the endless "How many levels are you?".

If Xiao Chunqiu has not bound the game yet, then he must not understand this sentence.

"You...all of you?"

Ji Han shook his head and responded softly:

"Shh, no, no, no, it's just me. They are my teammates who made the dungeon with me. I didn't expect to meet you, the same kind."

Xiao Chunqiu smirked twice when he heard the words:

"I see, I see, but how could you know that I belong to a player as soon as you hear my name?"

"Uh, that's a long story. What are you waiting for here? A monster in the game?"

After knowing the identity of Ji Han's game player, Xiao Chunqiu finally relaxed a lot:

"No, also a player."

Ji Hanxin said, what is this for? Is the game gang going to fight? Why didn't I know there were so many players before?

"A player too? You asked a player to fight here? What the **** is going on here?"

Xiao Chunqiu looked back and saw that Song Qian, Chen Ke and Qiezi were helping to guard the surroundings and did not look this way, so they told Ji Han the actual situation.

It turned out that Xiao Chunqiu had exterminated a cult that secretly developed in China three years ago, and the leader was also a player.

At that time, the two had a battle, relying on the family's unique skill Xiao Chunqiu to defeat each other, but he also failed to kill the grass because of serious injuries.

Unexpectedly, three months ago, the other party actually contacted him through the game props, and once again made a challenge, and promised that if he lost this time, he would not step into this level.

The two sides agreed on this ancient battlefield located in the frontier, and Xiao Chunqiu himself came here with the idea of ​​at least dying with his opponent.

But I didn't expect to meet Ji Han and others who were doing the task, and then everything that happened before happened.

Hearing that Xiaochunqiu said it was a cult, and recalling that everyone speculated that Xiaochunqiu might be in charge of one husband, so that the members of the Dracula family had no influence in the country, Ji Han asked:

"The opponent you're talking about is Duke Dracula, right?"

Xiao Chunqiu said in surprise:

"It took me several times to confirm the guy's name, and you know him too?"

"No, I just heard about it."

The girl named Lilith from the Dracula family said that her grandfather was afraid of herself.

Good guy, looking at this situation, it turns out that Xiao Chunqiu is not alone in charge, but should be fighting against the enemy with him.

After hearing this, Ji Han curiously said:

"You really have a big heart. He made an appointment with you, and you really came alone. Aren't you afraid that that guy will cheat you?"

"It doesn't matter, it's the same for me no matter how many people he brings. Besides, I don't want to drag others down. As a player, you should understand this feeling very well, right?"

What a lone wolf, I don't have the ability to get through Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum alone, but it's not bad to have a group of friends who can go through life and death together.

Thinking of Ji Han, he stretched out his head to look at the three people outside, but he met Eggplant's eyes.

Eggplant complained:

"Don't worry, it's fine outside, you two talk about your own, don't keep looking around, it always makes me feel that you two are doing something shameful inside."

Just a bit stinky.

Ji Han turned around and said:

"Okay, since it's God's will, let me meet you this time, and I will help you with this."

Since he knew he would definitely win, how could he not give away the experience for free?

But Xiao Chunqiu is still a little worried:

"It's not that I'm dead-headed, but some of my moves may involve you, and I'm afraid..."

"If you're talking about the Meteor Finger, then I'm prepared, so you don't have to be afraid of affecting me."

"Gou...you know Gouyun finger?!"

After all, this Meteorite Finger is not a game skill, but a unique skill passed down by the head of his Xiao family, and it is impossible for outsiders to know. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

He didn't tell others either, either he saw through himself, or his ancestors told him, but luckily his age was about the same as his own.

"Could it be that you are from the past or the future?"

"The secret must not be revealed. It's not like you don't know the weirdness of this game, but one thing is for sure, that is, the four of us are absolutely on your side."

It's not that Ji Han is trying to show off on purpose, but because he is afraid that talking too much with Xiao Chunqiu will change his ending.

After all, Xiao Chunqiu in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang gave everyone a lot of help. Although he still died there, Xiao Chunqiu was very satisfied with his choice.

Recalling that when he was in Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum, he only recognized himself when he saw his tentacles.

I think there should be decades between now and his death in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, plus I had completely changed into another suit at that time, so the consciousness remaining in the ring did not recognize me at the first time.

"Forget it, if you ask about everything, your fate will end soon, so I'll be a rogue, please help me."

"Hey, that's right. It's very reasonable and logical to bring a few helpers in duels. There's not much time. Let's talk about that guy's ability first?"

Without waiting for Xiao Chunqiu to explain in detail, Song Qian outside reminded:

"The situation is not right, there is movement below."

Xiao Chunqiu and Ji Han ran out as soon as they heard this, and looked at the place Song Qian pointed at.

The grassland outside the cliff was slowly torn apart from the center, as if someone had scratched the skin of the earth.


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