I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 803: Kucha Town

As soon as the red light in the crack flickered, the whole video ended.

Liu Dan asked:

"What happened to that flicker just now?"

Chen Ke looked at the recorded data and replied:

"I don't know anymore, but I can't see anything from the slow motion and pause. It seems that something lit up in the crack. From my point of view, it looks more like a volcanic eruption, but this kind of place can't exist. Big volcano."

Ji Han turned around and asked:

"Chen Ke, can you confirm the location?"

"Because I don't know the time and age, I can't confirm whether the Toucheng and Taoist temples are still there. It's a bit difficult. But this kind of valley still looks quite distinctive. In addition to the surrounding snow-capped mountains, if you locate it according to the large terrain , shouldn't be a big problem."

"Okay, then let me help you find it together."

Chen Ke didn't expect Brother Ji to be involved this time. Normally, at this time, he should go out to hide or contact the Consciousness-only Society. What's wrong this time?

"What? Can't I help?"

"Uh, no, I'll send the relevant screenshots and terrain analysis right now."

Chen Ke guessed right, Ji Han didn't think that his help could help Chen Ke complete his positioning quickly.

It's just that now I really don't know how to deal with this situation. If I really face the situation I encountered in the dream, what should I do for the next task? How do you prepare yourself?

So think about keeping yourself busy and not thinking about other things for a while.

Seeing Ji Han's participation, everyone started to help find the next location.

Everyone searched together, and the efficiency was surprisingly high. This time, it was Ji Mo who discovered the location first.

Although Liu Dan denied it when it was first proposed, after comparing the topographic maps one after another, it is true that only that place conforms to the geographical features on the map.

On the west side of Tianshan Mountain, Qiuci Town.

Looking at the place name, Eggplant frowned and said:

"Gucha? It sounds so familiar."

Chen Ke introduced:

"The town of Qiuci is an ancient name, and it often appeared in ancient times, especially on the ancient western border map. Now that place is called Kuqa in the border area, and it belongs to the place where you can go abroad by walking a hundred kilometers further.

It is also an important town in the west in history. I still remember that during the Tang Dynasty, the Anxi Protectorate was set up there, governing the four towns of Anxi, and Qiuci Town was one of them. "

Ji Han didn't expect that the time ring appeared in China this time, which is really good news for him.

But the location is also a bit special. After all, he will go abroad in a few hundred kilometers. It is hard to guarantee that the Dracula family will come in from the other world to fight against everyone.

So strictly speaking, the place where the mission is done once is a place where neither side has much advantage.

Song Qian looked at Ji Han's face sinking like water, leaned over and asked in a low voice:

"Brother Han, are you still worried about the safety issue this time?"

Seeing that other people were also looking at him, Ji Han knew that such concealment would only lead to unnecessary misunderstanding, so he explained:

"Maybe you also think that something is wrong with me this time, mainly because I had a dream on the plane, and in the dream, everyone will die tragically at the next mission location."

Eggplant waved his hand and said:

"After all, we have experienced such a weird and terrifying place together. It's normal to have some nightmares. Don't worry too much about it."

Ji Han said word by word:

"But what if the scene in the dream is exactly the same as the one in the space-time compass just now?"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes widened.

Ji Han continued to explain:

"I don't know how to tell you, maybe it is affected by the time ring, but in rare cases, I seem to be able to predict a little bit of the future.

At first I also wanted to treat it as a nightmare, but when I saw the scene in the space-time compass, the flat valley was exactly the same as what I saw in the dream, so I am not afraid of your jokes, this time I also hesitated. "

Chen Ke heard the words and suggested:

"Since that's the case, let's all set off this time, and send everyone who can be sent! Captains of the Alien Guard! Friends of the International Alien Alliance! Even those from the Consciousness Society..."

Before Chen Ke could finish speaking, Ji Han yelled to stop him:

"No, no, no! Absolutely not! Absolutely no need for everyone to set off!"

"Huh? Why?"

"Because in my dream everyone was killed."

Upon hearing this, Chen Ke hastily twitched his mouth twice, thinking that he really knew how to give advice, and reached the point of the gun in one step.

Seeing that everyone's expressions became heavy because of his few words, Ji Han smiled and comforted:

"You don't have to make a bitter face. After all, it's just my dream. It may really be because of the pressure recently. Telling everyone is just to let everyone treat this mission cautiously. Anyway, I will go anyway. "

Eggplant kicked Ji Han lightly from behind, and cursed:

"Then what the **** are you talking about here to scare people!"

Ji Mo turned around and asked A Dong and the others:

"Brother Adong, aren't you the guardians of time? Will you know what will happen next?"

"Sorry, little sister Ji Mo, because Mr. Ji Han and the others have come into contact with the time ring, so even we can't know what will happen next. But I can be sure of one thing: only what has happened cannot be changed, and the unused Things change all the time."

A Dong's words gave Ji Han a lot of encouragement, and the latter arranged after he let out a sigh of relief:

"Okay, since the location of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has been confirmed, everyone should prepare separately.

Song Qian, please report the general situation to the captain again and see if he has any suggestions. After all, this mission is in China, and we can only rely on the alien guards for support.

Chen Ke prepares the equipment and weapons that may be used, especially for vampires. Let’s see if Captain Ding’an has any new progress. Liu Dan and Ji Mo can help; Find out the general situation there, and if something happens, at least there must be a way to evacuate.

Adong, you four, please go there ahead of time. If you find out about the movement of the Dekla family, communicate with us. To be on the safe side, this time we will not make a quick decision, but make full preparations. "

Everyone also acted according to the arrangement, while Ji Han silently opened the game interface.

Looking at the game points and game cash above, Ji Han is also thinking about whether to spend all the money to make full preparations. After all, the opponent is also a player, and if there is a gap in the props, it is difficult to settle it based on strength alone.

But to be honest, for the opponent's thousands of years of players, his own money may not be enough for others to see.

Thinking of Ji Han, he swipe the item interface, gritted his teeth as he saw that there was only one bottle of [Thousand-Year Hundred Corpse Blood Water] left, and swiped over again.

No, now is not the time to use that trump card.

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