I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 790: one more time

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Although he didn't figure out what the black substance that Soul Eater Mercy had just absorbed was, that thing must have raised its strength to a higher level.

Looking up and scanning again, the previous AA level has now become AAA level.

It seems that those guys have killed a lot of people here, otherwise this thing will not suddenly strengthen.

Thinking of this, Ji Han completely released the [Evil Spirit Possession] that had not been fully utilized just now.

The huge skeleton frame formed by the ghost gradually formed on his body, enveloping himself.

With the fighting experience just now, Ji Han didn't wait any longer, he attached the bone fire of the resentful spirit to his body, and relied on the Yanmo Fist blade in his hand to strike him.

Unexpectedly, this violent punch was caught by Soul Eater Mercy with dozens of arms stretched out.

Before Ji Han could react, Soul Devourer's arms grabbed him tightly.

At this moment, the arms that had turned black and purple seemed to become more powerful, Ji Han couldn't even break free, this dog has too many arms.

Using [Instant Strike] in time did not succeed in getting away, and Soul Devouring Mercy finally leaked its ultimate move at this moment. It relied on its surrounding arms to connect the wall and the ground, and pressed Ji Han's leaning evil spirit together. under.

And those purple-black arms penetrated into the bones of the evil spirit covered by Ji Han's body like sharp blades.

"Damn, this dog is really dark!"

Seeing the bones made of evil spirits being slowly pried open by it, Ji Han scolded in his heart that this broken game had started cheating again.

It is said that it can withstand all physical attacks, the bones of this mother will be pried open, but I have no choice but to cancel the [Evil Spirit Possession] at the right time.

As the huge skeletal armor on his body dissipated in an instant, Ji Han, who had returned to his normal size, was able to back away from the piercing of the dozens of sharp blades.

How could Soul Devouring Mercy allow Ji Han to escape so easily, using his arms instead of legs to chase after him like a centipede.

However, Ji Han also kept a back hand, using the Yanmo fist blade to block the outstretched arm, and popped out his right index finger when he saw the time.

The **** that gathered the power of the Nine Nether Corpse Flood Tail hit Soul Devourer Mercy's chest, and finally sent it flying far away, hitting the stone wall.

But the data presented in front of us is not optimistic. \\./hand\\./machine\\./version\\./none\\./wrong\\./first\\./post~~

[Damage: 500]

【Cash Reward: 5000】

Damn, he got less rewards than before. It seems that this guy not only has a stronger attack, but his defense has also improved a lot.

Sure enough, Soul Eater Mercy didn't seem to have any serious problems after landing, turned around and rushed again after landing.

It may not be right to fight head-on, you have to think of a different way, since its power also comes from the soul body, try the [Sutra of Punishing Evil and Calming the Heart].

While running away to avoid the attack, Ji Han clasped his hands together and released the Punishing Evil and Calming the Heart Sutra, but the spreading golden light didn't seem to have any effect on Soul Devouring Mercy.

I don't know if it's because this is a foreign country, or because those souls who died tragically don't want to be saved, and the Punishing Evil and Calming the Heart Sutra doesn't have the slightest effect.

But the space in the stone room is limited, after running two laps, Jian was soon overtaken by Soul Eater Mercy who crawled directly over the wall.

Ji Han also wanted to use the Nine Nether Corpse Flood Tails to force it back, but because the thing was prepared just now, it didn't intend to fix Ji Han, but swung his body, using its size advantage to send Ji Han flying out.

Even though the demonic tentacles had wrapped around his body, Ji Han still felt dizzy, as if his soul was about to fly out of his body.

Song Qian, who had already dealt with the viscera collectors outside, and the three of them also came to the door of the stone room when they heard the movement inside.

Seeing that Ji Han, who was at a disadvantage, was in a completely different state from Soul Eater Mercy.

Seeing that the three of them were about to rush in to help, Ji Han hurriedly stopped him:

"Don't come in, it's too dangerous! If you take a blow, your soul and body will be separated!"

And Soul Devouring Mercy also noticed the existence of the three of them, and saw it lying on the ground and twisting its body, with a huge force it directly threw more than ten arms out.

Song Qian and the three who didn't know what was going on immediately retreated to the door, and those arms immediately turned into blue thin snakes and crawled towards the three of them.

But the goal is not.

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It wasn't Song Qian and the three of them, but the mercenaries trapped in the illusion of hallucinogenic gold powder and the offal collectors who were killed on the ground.

As the little snakes quickly climbed into their bodies and penetrated into their bodies, these guys miraculously stood up.

Eggplant raised his hand and shot the nearest mercenary in the head, but the dead mercenary did not stop.

Just as Chen Ke was about to draw his sword, Ji Han stopped him when he saw the situation:

"Lead them out to deal with them, don't forget that there will be no corpses here in the future!"

Didn't expect this to be the case, Ji Han was still thinking about matching the rescue of the children in the future.

Song Qian said worriedly:

"Brother Han, is it really a problem for you to be alone?"

"Don't worry, I'm sure, but before I go out, you must not come in, it will be bad if you get rolled up, unless it's almost dawn and it's time to go back, do you hear me?"

"Brother Han, you are not going to use some self-destructive trick, are you?"

"What are you talking about~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Hurry up and leave!"

Although they were still very worried, they were also afraid that Ji Han's performance would be affected here, so the three had no choice but to climb up the window again and jumped out of the building.

And those mercenaries and viscera collectors who were possessed by the little blue snake also seemed to be alive at this moment, chasing them out along the window.

Because in the future world, there are no corpses in the open space, so Song Qian and the three at the front had no choice but to slide along the cliff for a certain distance into the deep valley.

After confirming that this place cannot be seen from the open space in front of the building, he stopped and began to work.

And Ji Han confirmed that Song Qian and the three of them had indeed left, and then took out the [Supreme Purity Acid] that he bought in advance.

Maybe some ideas can be found after grinding with this guy, but this time the time for action is very limited. If this guy is left here, everyone in the whole building will die.

And I'm afraid I won't get the reward for killing the boss, so I swallowed the little blue pill thinking about it.

The familiar feeling struck again, and the body gradually became uncontrollable like a balloon filled with water.

Soul Eater Mercy didn't know what happened, seeing Ji Han standing still, he stuck to the ground and quickly approached like a centipede.

Immediately afterwards, when he was about to approach, he quickly twisted his body so that his body was whipped towards him like a whip. According to his previous experience, the power of the blow was indeed no less than that of the Nine Nether Corpse Flood Tail, and it was aimed directly at the soul.

But this time Ji Han didn't dodge, raised his right arm and relied on his elbow to block the blow.

Soul Devourer Mercy froze for a moment after her stature stopped, but when she looked up, she saw Ji Han with a piercing smile. . First\\./Send\\./Update\\./New `..Mobile.Mobile.version


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