I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 787: offal collector

Chen Ke and Eggplant were taken aback by this dead body that fell down suddenly.

Looking at his attire, he seemed to be a mercenary who had just been knocked out outside, but at this moment his chest had been opened, and the internal organs inside had disappeared.

Eggplant and Chen Ke became vigilant about their surroundings, and shouted towards the stone room:

"Ji Han! Hurry up, this place is not flat!"

Hearing the commotion outside, Ji Han and Song Qian also ran out immediately.

He asked the corpse lying on the ground:

"what's the situation?"

"I'm not sure. The one that fell from the window was wet. It should be the mercenary who was knocked out and thrown outside. Except for the beasts here, most people would not do this kind of thing. It is probably a monster from the other world, because Wrecked the grid so ran in."

Ji Hanxin said that if there were such powerful monsters, how could a mere power grid be able to stop them?

Seeing that Ji Han and Song Qian came out so soon, Chen Ke also asked:

"Brother Ji, how is it? Have you got the time ring?"

"Well, I got it, I didn't expect it to go so smoothly."

"Then shall we go back now? Or do something else? Are we really not going to rescue those children?"

After putting the time ring into the package, Ji Han calmed down a bit, and analyzed:

"I think we might have another way of getting them out, you see, since we deduce from the future that they were rescued by someone, and we saw what happened here later, then all this when we see has become the result.

Due to the relationship between time and teleportation, if we rescue those children, it will only make them face greater risks, but we can make tonight the day they are rescued. "

Song Qian nodded and said:

"Brother Han, what do you mean to say, let everything here look like what we see in the real world, so that today can be the day they are rescued?"

Eggplant questioned:

"Is this a bit too mysterious? After all, there are too many details in the real world! It is impossible for us to reproduce it completely."

Chen Ke explained:

"Brother Ji, you misunderstood what Brother Ji meant, just like the corner of the power grid outside was destroyed by me just now. Save the day.

And we just need to follow the trend and do what we should do, and the surrounding situation will definitely change accordingly. "

Eggplant frowned and said:

"It's simple, for example, what should we do now?"

Before Ji Han could reply, a bolt of lightning flashed across, revealing a person hanging from the upstairs window.

Although it was only for a moment, Ji Han and the others still noticed that the guy was bleeding in front of him, and he was still chewing something.

Sensing the gaze of Ji Han and the others, the thing jumped directly from the window to the upstairs stairs.

From the back view, it seems that he is a naked person, but there seems to be two arms on the back, and the strength of his hand is so strong that he can throw himself over with one hand.

But I don't know if it's because the body is too big or for some other reason. Although the body is thrown over, the thing in the mouth falls down.

Eggplant raised his gun to aim, but the thing had already climbed the stairs and disappeared.

The four of them lowered their heads to look at what fell on the steps, and it turned out to be a half-gnawed heart.

Song Qian said in surprise:

"Oops, it must be a monster from the other world!"

Chen Ke stepped over the steps and ran up:

"Let's go! Go up and have a look! With these mercenaries, we can't stop those monsters!"

For those children to be rescued, the first thing is to ensure that they are not killed.

The mercenaries here are not as strong as they seem, and they don't seem to have much experience in dealing with monsters in the other world.

Not to mention an S-level one, but an A-level one, the entire building would be ruined, and destroying the power grid here is really a wrong move.

At this moment, everyone couldn't think too much, and the four quickly ran up the stairs.

But as soon as he reached the upper floor, the monster who had ambushed on the stairs ahead of time pressed Chen Ke, who was at the front, to the wall.

Fortunately, he had already had too much experience of being raided, so Chen Ke relied on Baikiwan to block the pair of sharp claws, only then could he see clearly that the monster in front of him had only a big mouth full of fangs.

Before the three of Ji Han could support him, the other one jumped down from the corner of the stairs.

However, the three reacted quickly. Song Qian reached out and stuck the Immobilization Talisman on the thing's body. Before it could be pressed down, Ji Han's demonic tentacles rolled it up and smashed it to the ground.

After one roll, Ji Han found that the whole body of this thing was soft, as if it had no bones.

Regardless of that, Eggplant drew out his dagger and stabbed it directly into the thing's fang-covered mouth.

The sharp dagger passed through the body, and the thing finally stopped moving.

Song Qian threw out the heart lock chain to help Chen Ke tie the two hands on the back of the blame me, and then Chen Ke seized the gap and drew back to cut the thing's throat.

Looking down at the thing's sharp claws, Eggplant cursed:

"Grass, there may be more than these two, be careful."

Ji Han then scanned the corpse on the ground:

【Organ Collector (Class B)】

【Health volume: 500】

[Description: A rare carnivorous monster that only feeds on internal organs. It is brutal and bloody. It has only muscles and no bones in its body. Even its fangs and sharp claws are hardened muscles. .wuxiamtl.com~ Get close to the opponent's body, use the four sharp claws to cut open the chest, and enjoy the delicious food inside. 】

Ji Hanxin said, good guy, I didn't expect to meet "boiled stew lovers" here.

After telling the three people the details of the monster, Song Qian hummed and said:

"The guys who built this building should be given to this monster to be gutted!"

This kind of monster feeds on internal organs anyway, it is so natural, and the people who built it here to continue their lives think it is even more abhorrent.

Eggplant asked:

"Do you want to look up again? I'm a little worried. It's so hot below, why is there no movement at all above? Could it be that they have already evacuated with those children?"

Ji Han, Song Qian and Chen Ke also had this concern, and they continued to go up the stairs.

Before reaching the rest room of those mercenaries, the four of them felt a little dazed, and then blue smoke began to float upwards from their bodies.

The four people who noticed something strange immediately stopped and stepped back. Sure enough, as soon as they opened the distance, the feeling of trance disappeared.

Ji Han raised his arm tentatively, and sure enough, he saw the blue smoke wafting from his fingertips.

Recalling the resentful spirit of the girl she saw on the second floor of the children's rest area, Song Qian guessed while drawing amulets:

"Wait a minute, it seems that there is something on it that can absorb the soul body."

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