I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 778: fallen child

【I dare not play this game】【】

"Which, sir! Is it really a game?"

However, after the eggplant made such a fuss, the four of them didn't feel so scared anymore.

The crying sounds seemed to be on the inside of the roof, because the steps were narrow and it was inconvenient to go up side by side, so Ji Han didn't hesitate, and walked up the stairs softly, Song Qian and the three followed behind.

The higher you go, the clearer the cry.

Ji Han poked his head out from the end of the stairs, there were also windows above, and the outside was not completely dark at the moment, so he could vaguely see some general layout here.

Sure enough, as I guessed just now, this should be the place where those children lived.

Although I can't see it carefully, I can tell that the two-layer double beds are placed, but they are much wider than when I lived in the dormitory.

And that cry came from the innermost part.

Seeing that Ji Han stood at the stairs without any response, Eggplant urged in a low voice:

"Hello? Ji Han, what's the situation? Did you see the woman taking a bath or what?"

"Shh, don't talk, this should be the place where those children live, the voice comes from the innermost part, follow me up bit by bit."

After saying that, Ji Han took the lead to go to the upper floor, and Song Qian, Qiezi and Chen Ke also followed on tiptoe.

Although they were afraid that the lighting sticks and lights would cause unnecessary trouble, it would be more difficult to deal with any monsters in a dark environment, so the four of them each threw the lighting sticks in one direction.

Soft white light fills the space, revealing those delicate wooden bunk beds.

It looks like there should be dozens of children. Those wooden beds not only look very delicate, but most of them are also filled with various small toys.

After quickly scanning the situation upstairs, the four of them stared at the innermost side from their own homes.

After all, such a big movement will definitely arouse the idea of ​​​​the source of the crying.

Sure enough, as the four lighting sticks fell to the ground and made a sound, the cry was also heard suddenly.

Chen Ke reminded in a low voice:

"Pay attention to the underside of the bed, don't that thing crawl out from under the bed."

Everyone also lowered their bodies, because there are more beds here, which really block the view.

On the contrary, Eggplant was puzzled and said:

"Hiss, I found it, it seems to be a child."

Because there is no floor cover, these beds alone cannot hinder Eggplant from using perspective.

After looking around, Eggplant just found a child sitting on the edge of the bed in the innermost part.


"By the bed by the window, it's just that the child's body doesn't seem very real. Wait a minute, the child is coming."

After finishing speaking, he lifted up the flashlight, and saw at the end where the flashlight illuminated, there was really a child leaning on the side of the bed and looking towards here.

Although he is a child, but judging by his height and shape, he should be in his teens, but he is similar to Xiao Jimo's.

Since it was a little far away, I couldn't see clearly, but I could still vaguely see that the child was wearing a skirt.

Seeing Ji Han and the others holding the flashlight, the child didn't seem to be afraid, but instead ran towards this side, yelling incessantly:


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【I dare not play this game】【】

Seeing this situation, Ji Han and the others did not dare to shoot rashly, after all, no one was sure what was going on.

Song Qian was the first to throw out a body talisman, but it had no effect on the child. She was surprised to see the blue light rising from the child, and Song Qian quickly wrote down a soul talisman again and threw it out.

The talisman fell directly on the child, and with a flash of blue light, the child finally stopped, lowered his head and stood silently on the spot.

Seeing that Song Qian seemed to have discovered something, Chen Ke asked:

"What's the situation, this is?"

Song Qian shook her head and said:

"Not sure, but this child seems to be just a soul body, not a real body."

Eggplant puzzled and said:

"People and things in the real world reflect the soul body in the inner world. I can still understand that these children live in the outer world. Will they also produce soul bodies?"

"I don't know how it came about, but I think it may be similar to some monsters with deep obsessions we encountered before."

While the three of them were talking, Ji Han first scanned the child in front of him:

【Resentful soul in the inner world】

[Explanation: It is not a product formed by the abstract reaction of the inner world to the real world, but because the energy field of the inner world is different from that of the real world, and it can maintain a strong energy body for a long time.

Therefore, people who die in the other world have strong obsession or resentment, and they will maintain the state when they died, existing in the form of resentful souls. 】

It was only at a close distance that she was identified as a girl with full head of blond hair. She stood still with her eyes closed, and she looked very beautiful. The only difference from ordinary people was that her body was emitting light blue smoke.

It seems that the child has died in the other world.

Only then did Ji Han briefly explain the situation of the resentful soul to everyone, and the girl's resentful soul became active again.

Seeing this, Song Qian tentatively asked in English:

"My child, I have no malice. What happened here? Who are you?"

Hearing this, the girl seemed to realize that Ji Han and the others were not her father.

The girl's resentful soul didn't answer Song Qian's question, but started to cover her head and howl loudly~www.wuxiamtl.com~ stood there and shouted hysterically in English:

"No! Father promised to pick me up! He will definitely! He is not what you said, I will wait! I will continue to wait! I will not leave with you!

You...you all go to hell! "

After speaking, she turned towards the crowd again, and her face became distorted. Song Qian had no choice but to throw out another soul-suppressing talisman, and the girl's resentful soul calmed down again.

"It seems that there is no way to communicate, Brother Han, how to deal with this child's resentment? We can't just waste it here."

Ji Han sighed, put his hands together and said:

"Let me try it. Since it's just a resentful soul, it should be able to be saved."

After saying that, he performed the Sutra of Punishing Evil and Calming the Heart again, and as the golden light slowly illuminated the entire space, the girl's soul began to dissipate slowly.

When encountering those souls that manipulated mercury in Qin Shihuang before, Ji Han used the Punishing Evil and Meditation Sutra to supersede those souls, so this trick still has some effect on those ordinary ghosts.

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【I dare not play this game】【】

Even though the body began to dissipate slowly, the girl's roar gradually weakened, but the content still didn't change much:

"Father will definitely come to pick me up! You have to wait too! Don't be fooled by this guy, what he said is all lies! We just have to wait here..."

Seeing the girl's resentment dissipate completely, Ji Han and the others roughly guessed what happened to her from her words.

"It appears that not all the children here have been picked up."

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