I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 773: unsuccessful evacuation

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[Status: Stamina: 9600; Armor: 9320 (immune to fire damage) (immune to a fatal attack)]

[Game level: Level 77, the first stage of disaster (the next stage is the extreme stage of evil)]

[Points: 458]

[Game cash: 50 million]

[The title of the current game can be exchanged for cash after the game is over, and the accumulated superposition: 54 million]

[Weapons column: Death Separation, Flame Demon Fist Blade, Chongyang Respecting the Elderly Stick, Zhenyue Sword, Cold Moon Wolf Bow, Claw Knife (Quenching), Mechanical Crossbow, Dagger, Bow Crossbow Anesthesia Gun]

[props column:

Treatment props: 20 bottles of green nutrient solution, 2 bottles of blue nutrient solution, 2 packs of blood ashes, 1 bottle of flesh suture solution;

Attack props: 5 bags of hallucinogenic gold powder, 20 meters of shadow thread;

Fusion props: 1 leech blade, fire of death;]

[Backpack column:

Other obtained props: a piece of high-purity stimulant, vampire expert suit (without gun), a five-minute hourglass timer, fog-releasing wind bead, time-space compass (with Dumen and Huomen time rings), startling door time ring, black Jade spirit ring, five jars of mercury, the first Jade Seal of the Kingdom, 1 piece of divine bird fire feather, 1 bottle of blood water from a thousand corpses, 1 piece of replica jade, 5 jars of yellow sand as a souvenir, pieces of meat flowing from a thousand-year-old body, black shadow corpse liquid 2 bottles, 5 bottles of Black Rock Mountain solution, 5 underground mycelia, 2 bottles of sea spirit sand]

[Skill table:

Shaken Faith, Calling the Fallen Finger, Returning to Nothing, Double Jump, Eye of Prophecy (opened), Borrowing Soul Possession, Evil Spirit Possession, Instant Strike, Thousand Corpse Soul Surrounding, Alien Eye, Abyss Gaze, Recognition Mycelium, Invulnerability, Nightmare Whispering, Tentacle Control, Flame Addition, Overlap]

[Game scene: Valley of Death, Extreme Desire]

[This bureau presents a gift: a bouncy protective ball]

Extreme desire? What desires could such a place satisfy? This is really something I don't understand.

A bouncy protective ball is presented as a gift. Although it is cheaper than what I usually buy, it still has a great defensive effect.

But seeing this gift, Ji Han felt that he might renege on what he had promised Albert before. Given this kind of props, it probably won't end the dungeon peacefully.

With the flash of white light, the four finally arrived at the inner world of the ancient building on the wall of Death Valley.

Although the sky is not completely dark, the light here is still darker than the real world.

After teleportation, the four subconsciously looked around to make sure there was no danger.

It was only then that I noticed that the place I was at now was very similar to the top floor in the real world, but the surrounding layout was quite different.

It is no longer simple furniture. Although it has been abandoned for a long time, you can still see the furniture in the hall full of luxury.

Even the ground is covered with thick carpets, and there is no sound when stepping on them.

The only thing that was inconsistent was that some furniture had been bumped and shifted, and they were not arranged neatly, and even a few chairs fell to the ground.

Eggplant nodded and said:

"I just said that these foreigners can't learn the spirit of our struggle in building stocks. The real world is their real destination, and the building in the real world is just a cover."

"It can also be seen that they must have been in a hurry when they left. They probably knew they would never come back."

The four of them came to the window. The Death Valley here is only a little darker than the real world, and some moving objects can be vaguely seen at the bottom of the valley.

Chen Ke took out the drone and wanted to rely on the drone again to explore the way ahead, but he didn't expect that there were doors closed down the corridor. Although there were no locks, it was enough to keep the drone out.

"No way, brother Ji, it seems that we can only take the stairs."

"Be careful, even if the building was safe at first, after such a long time, who knows what lived in it."

The four of them descended a little bit along the side stairs to the second floor from the top down.

You can still smell a strange sour smell when you push the door open. There are two white hospital beds in the room, several medicine cabinets on the wall, and many medical equipment on the other side.

The whole space looks like entering a medical examination room of a hospital.

Song Qian wondered:

"Is this really a hospital?"

Eggplant joked:

"To build a hospital in such a remote place, I would rather believe that this is a medical themed room in their love hotel."

The four checked briefly, and Chen Ke looked at the medicines and explained:

"This should be the physical examination room, and the following may be the most important thing, but seeing these medical equipment, I am even more flustered."

Eggplant lit a flue:

"There is a fart to panic, and I won't use you for surgery."

"No, I'm reminded of that Albert who said his father forbids anyone from entering, not even his own son.

Generally, in foreign horror movies, at the beginning of the movie, someone persuades that no one is allowed to enter. Generally, the protagonists are a group of deadly college students.

Seeing these medical equipment, I am just worried that there might be some mutated virus here. If we are all infected by then, we will be really doomed~www.wuxiamtl.com~ In the end, in order not to take those viruses out, we also Discourage the people behind not to come in, and so on. "

Ji Han checked and confirmed that there was no valid information, then he turned around and joked:

"Chen Ke, it's a pity that you don't **** want to be a movie screenwriter, but now we don't have time to imagine here, let's go, the next level."

However, before going down the stairs this time, Song Qian at the front stopped.

Because there is a dead body lying at the bottom of the stairs at the moment.

The four of them looked at each other, but none of them said a word, but slowly walked to the corpse along the corridor.

Although it was covered with dust, the occupation of the deceased could still be seen from the white coat and the broken mask and gloves on his body.

Eggplant raised his hand to check:

"A fatal wound on the neck, it doesn't look like he encountered some monster, but he should have been killed by someone, and the other party should be quite professional."

Nothing of value was recovered from the dead doctor, except for a brooch with "Harry" written on his chest, and nothing with a message on his body.

In order to get rid of the danger first, Eggplant carefully pushed open the door on the third floor behind him.

I saw that the sickbed in the house had been toppled over, various medical instruments were scattered all over the place, and there was a dead body of a doctor in the center and by the wall.

Song Qian guessed:

"It seems that not everyone was successfully evacuated from here. These doctors were probably silenced by their own people, right?"

Ji Han picked up a few pieces of paper thrown on the bed next to him and said:

"It's still too early to draw conclusions. There seems to be some information here. Let's look it up and see if we can figure out what happened here."

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