I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 763: private land

It didn't take long for Suarez to finally deal with the situation in the town. Fortunately, there were no major casualties.

Ji Han also told Suarez and others what happened without revealing the secrets. Of course, he didn't say that he traveled back, but only said that he went to the other world to search for clues to solve the catastrophe.

After all, it seems inappropriate for people to be so busy with this matter that they don't know the last bit of what happened.

After personally experiencing the danger of Ji Han and others' missions, Suarez respected them.

In order not to delay the schedule, Ji Han and the others handed over the remaining matters to Suarez and his friends from the International Alien Alliance, while he and everyone prepared to return to the headquarters of the Alien Guard.

Originally, you could use the space-time compass to find the next location here, or even go directly there.

But considering that the next mission is likely to face the revenge of the Dracula family, everyone dare not take it lightly.

Before leaving, everyone once again thanked Suarez and others for their great help. Although this guy left a bad impression on Ji Han and others for the first time, their help this time was indeed very good.

Suarez himself seemed to be very happy because this mission shortened the distance between himself and Ji Han.

However, Ellie was rather dissatisfied. After all, they basically didn't help what a tour guide should do this time. I thought it would be good for Ji Han and the others to carry out the mission together.

Ji Hanxin said that it was already lively enough, adding a few more people back through time would really make a tourist group.

Song Qian and A-Dong also repeatedly confirmed that being swallowed by that white light will be teleported away by time, but there is really no way to find the clues of the teleportation, so it is really impossible to confirm where the child named Suantou was teleported.

But Ji Han is more optimistic about this.

At least the kid wasn't killed by Andre, and his ebony and white ivory were also bought in the game, when the game stated that the pair of weapons came from the legendary vampire hunter.

That is to say, that child is likely to grow up to be a very powerful vampire hunter later, which should be enough for him.

After reporting Liu Dan and Ji Mo's safety, the group returned to the headquarters of the Alien Guard.

As usual, Song Qian took Chen Ke and Eggplant to report the details to the captain.

For this mission, the four time guardians seemed to be injured too, especially that old Xia, so when they went to the infirmary, Ji Han still bought two bottles of green nutrient solution and sent them there.

Taking advantage of no one, Ji Han wanted to call Tongsheng again.

It turns out that a text message from Kiryu was received on the phone a few hours ago:

"Call back in a day, there are some things to deal with."

Is this guy busy too? Could it be that the Dracula family started to counterattack so quickly?

After hesitating for a moment, Ji Han finally didn't call,

That guy should be fine.

Since I can't get in touch, in order to save time, it is better to figure out the next destination first.

After the time guardian who had re-treated the wound, and Song Qian who had reported to the captain, brought Ji Mo and Liu Dan back to the team building of the zero team, Ji Han took out the space-time compass and the shocking time ring he had just obtained again.

Ji Mo worried:

"Brother, you just came back, don't you want to rest for two days?"

"Confirm the location first, and leave the investigation work to you. Next, we really need to take a good rest."

As he spoke, he merged the two objects in his hand, and then the white light lit up again.

This surprised Ji Han a bit, after all, the last time the two merged did not show a white light, when A-Dong and the others said they had to go to the right place to start the teleportation.

"A-Dong, what's the situation? Could it be that the task performed this time is on the current timeline?"

A-Dong stepped forward to check, shook his head and said:

"No, the white light is only because the collected time rings have reached a certain number, so more information can be revealed. As for the time rings you are searching for this time, I guess it is still not on this timeline."

Just as he was talking, a new image appeared on the space-time compass.

Everyone is also very experienced, each found a comfortable place to sit down, and waited for the screening of the space-time compass like watching a movie.

As the white light on the space-time compass rotates for a while, the virtual image gradually spreads above.

However, the diffused image was a mass of darkness, which seemed to be a night scene.

You can still see many white dots flickering, and even the picture fluctuates.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and they didn't understand where it was recorded.

Immediately afterwards, a string of lightning suddenly lit up in the screen, and the hazy night scene in front of him became clear.

It was a night of heavy rain after a long time, no wonder it was a blur and I couldn't see anything clearly.

However, with the light of the lightning, everyone still remembered some scenes:

What appeared in front of me were two high mountains on the left and right, and the quiet high mountains in the rainstorm seemed even more disturbing.

Lightning illuminates the steep cliff between the two mountains. The mountain wall between the two mountains is as steep as a knife. The surrounding situation is not clear, but it should be a relatively desolate place.

Eggplant snuffed out the cigarette **** and said:

"Looking at the surrounding scene, it doesn't look like domestic~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But there are two mountains that are quite distinctive, and they should be able to locate them."

Song Qian pointed to the somewhat blurred place between the two mountains and said:

"There seems to be a light there, and it's neat, like..."

Before she could finish speaking, another bolt of lightning flashed across, probably because it was relatively close, and just illuminated the place Song Qian was pointing at.

Only then did everyone notice that the neat light spots came from a tall building built between two mountains.

At a glance, there are about 10 floors. The exterior walls of the entire building are almost the same color as the surrounding mountains, as if they were dug out of the mountains. If it weren't for the lights that are lit at night, it would be almost impossible to find.

It's just that this building built between two steep mountains looks extraordinarily weird on this rainy night.

Chen Ke nodded and said:

"This is so characteristic, it shouldn't be difficult to find out."

The scene of the space-time compass began to gradually draw closer, heading towards the strange building.

The shapes, exterior walls and lights of the strange buildings gradually became clear.

Ji Han joked:

"Not to mention, if a horror-themed hotel is built in this environment, it is estimated that horror lovers from all over the world will come here."

As soon as the words were finished, the window closest to everyone was suddenly broken open, and the person who smashed the window immediately jumped down from there regardless of the height below.

Seeing this scene, everyone turned their heads to look at Ji Han.

Chen Ke did not forget to complain:

"Brother Ji, hey, you want a horror-themed hotel."

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