I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 725: so elegant

【I dare not play this game】【】

"Huh? Do you know about this?" After being slightly surprised, A-Dong shook his head and said, "The Dracula family has something to do with that town of Brad? We really don't know about this, but we just find it a bit unbelievable. But From the perspective of possibility, the Dracula family has lived for so long after all, and it is possible that they have been to many places. Mr. Ji Han, where did you get the news? Is it reliable?" Ji Han did not hide anything this time: " I personally believe what I learned from the Consciousness-only Association." "Well, since this is the case, I suggest you tell everyone after you go back, so that they can be mentally prepared. We should also be careful when we go. , if it really has something to do with the Dracula family, I'm afraid Mr. Ji Han, your task this time will not be so easy." Ji Han recalled Kiryu's previous reminder, and added: "I know, and the Consciousness-Wei Society over there My friend also told me that if you encounter someone from the Dracula family, you must make up your sword after winning, and you must be careful that their corpses will come back to life or attack again." Er Qiu said dissatisfied: "Mr. Ji Han , How does this sound like a criticism of me for not killing that guy last time?" "Ha, no way, I just want to remind you to pay attention to safety, after all, you are also our reliance." The four nodded deeply after hearing the words They nodded and walked out together. When they passed each other, Ji Han noticed that only Lao Xia was carrying not only a handbag, but also a black leather case in the other hand, which didn't seem too heavy. . Although he was a little curious about what was in there, Ji Han still held back and didn't ask. After all, I don't want to be a gossip who talks about everything, and these four people seem to be so mysterious to everyone, if they answer when someone asks them, then it is impossible for them to remain mysterious and feel today. It wasn't until the four of them walked out from the gate of the alien guards that Er Qiu glanced back "inadvertently" to confirm that Ji Han had already entered the elevator, and then gently held his chest and exhaled: "It's so dangerous, why is it always Meeting Mr. Ji Han at such a time, it’s so strange to Lao Xia, what kind of clothes did you ask everyone to change so early, and put that thing in the suitcase, fortunately, Mr. Ji Han doesn’t have the see-through eyes like Mr. Eggplant.” Lao Xia looked up. With a kick, he said: "Stop talking to me, it was just you kid who made a noise for everyone to change clothes first!" A-Dong comforted: "Okay, it's good if you didn't get caught, Er Qiu, you just gagged You're pretty good at messing around." Xiaochun shook his head helplessly, as if he was very used to the daily fight between the two of them. At this time, he asked A-Dong: "A-Dong, Mr. Ji Han just said that he already knew that the town of Brad is related to the Dracula family. Will this affect the development of the matter?" A-Dong shook his head and said: "Looking at the situation just now, Mr. Ji Han should only know about it, and he certainly doesn't know the specific situation, otherwise he wouldn't have asked us." Hearing this, Lao Xia felt a little emotional: "Maybe, I mean maybe Ji Han Mr. Han knew the situation there in advance, so some things might not happen." A-Dong patted Lao Xia on the shoulder and said, "Okay, it's not too late to make those guys pay the price, let's go." Ji Han said Bian also relayed all that Tongsheng told him to Song Qian and the others and Ethan and his party. As long as the affairs of the Dracula family are not announced to the public, it should not cause any problems, so Ji Han and the others did not hide anything from Ethan and his party. When Ellie heard about the vampire family, she immediately recalled: "There are indeed many legends about vampires in Venezuela. You said that they are related to the town of Bled. Could it be because of the blood orchid I mentioned earlier?" Chen Ke nodded and said: "At that time, it's really possible. Vampires think that sucking human blood is not healthy, so they discovered blood orchid as a substitute, and finally started to be vegetarians? I didn't expect that there are vegetarians among vampires." Eggplant scolded: "Grass, If those vampires can really eat blood orchids in their own right, the town of Bled should be a blood orchid breeding base, how could it become the desolate place it is now? It’s because someone poisoned them, and it’s not related to vampires.” Chen Ke still didn’t give up, and continued to add in his mind: “The church and priests are very resistant to monsters like vampires, and priests may not have enough mana. However, seeing vampires sucking the blood of the residents of the small town, they poisoned the entire town directly, causing the members of the small town to be poisoned to death, so that those vampires who ate it by mistake would also be poisoned to death. Tsk tsk tsk, the logic is clear and reasonable. Now even Ji Han couldn't bear it any longer, he went up and kicked Chen Ke's ass: "It's reasonable for you, Holmes! Have you ever seen that you want to protect the town residents from being killed by vampires~www.wuxiamtl.com ~So you poisoned the villagers? You hurt the enemy by eight hundred, and you hurt yourself by eight thousand, right?" Song Qian didn't care about the three people's nonsense, she turned around and asked: "Ai Li, what is the legend of vampires in your place all the time? Is there any basis? Has anyone seen what that thing looks like or something?" Ellie shook her head and said, "It's a bit strange to say that no one in our area has actually seen a vampire, or has provided evidence to prove that he has seen it. But the legend of vampires But it was widely spread in the village. My parents only saw the livestock in the villages and towns being sucked dry by unknown monsters to death. I don’t know about it further, anyway, I have never seen anyone attacked by a vampire. So some people think that the vampires there are just some kind of wild animals that can **** blood." Ethan guessed: "Could it be that this is the place where the Dracula family sucked the blood of livestock?" But everyone didn't sound like it. , although none of the people present had seen a vampire, the impression of that thing was quite noble and elegant. Although they may not all have snow-white faces without a trace of blood, with red eyes, they are handsome and handsome in silk tuxedos. But if you want to say that they ride on domestic animals, gnawing on their necks and sucking blood, it seems a bit "too elegant". Ji Hanxin said that he hoped it wasn't really some wild animal, and he had spent a lot of money to deal with possible vampires. In the end, I told myself that it was a group of blood-sucking wild animals bred by the Dracula family, so I had to get a refund! Seeing that Ji Han frowned as if he was worried about something, Song Qian reminded: "Brother Han, I forgot to tell you that when you went out just now, the captain had already arranged someone to cooperate with us." "Oh? So fast? Who Huh?" "The two captains, Ding An and Jiang Lan."

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