I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 719: small town tales

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Although Ji Han didn't want himself to take part in such a dangerous mission, he had to admit that the captain was right.

Because of the time ring, it must be the four of us who entered the mission.

Although there are four time guardians outside, it is difficult to fight four hands with two fists. Besides, he has confirmed that the authority of the game is above the four of them.

Even if the Dracula family does not dispatch **** gamers, the props that the players hand over to future generations are dangerous enough.

And I can't confirm that the supernatural organization where I want to go is of one mind with myself.

If he was already a member of the Dracula family, wouldn't he be completely cold.

So to ensure the safety of the rear, you have to arrange a few people on your own.

"Then thank you, Captain. I will report to you as soon as I confirm the location, and please let me know before each arrangement."

"it is good."

At the same time, Thomas also took Lilith back to the castle of the Dracula family.

Although the two easily escaped Moss and others' siege, they were still worried that Ji Han and the others played the voice on purpose, so as to facilitate the tracking of the castle.

So the two went around in a big circle outside, and didn't return with peace of mind until they confirmed that no one was following them.

Unexpectedly, he bumped into the white-haired old man sitting in the courtyard: Duke Dracula.

"Just to find out the situation, why did you come back so late?"

Thomas explained:

"That kid is much more sensitive than we imagined. He just teleported from the inner world and found us at least a few tens of nautical miles away. In order to avoid being followed, we wandered outside for a while."

Duke snorted coldly and said:

"Since he's smart, he's just trying to give you a bad shot. If that guy really wants to catch you, the two of you will never come back."

Hearing the meaning of these words, Lilith became even more curious:

"Grandpa, have you...have you ever fought against him?"

Thomas frowned, thinking that you would really offend your grandfather.

But what he didn't expect was that Duke didn't get angry, he just said a little unhappy:

"That happened a long time ago, so long ago that the world has not looked like this."

Lilith and Doma looked at each other. It seemed that their guess on the boat was correct. Ji Han was definitely not the age he seemed to be. He was at least about the same age as Grandpa.

Hearing Duke's cryptic answer, Lilith didn't dare to ask further questions.

And the result doesn't need to be asked, if grandpa won in the first place, he certainly wouldn't be so resentful towards that kid.

Seeing that Lilith and Thomas looked at him silently, Duke also saw what they were thinking.

"Let's talk about this later, it's meaningless to tell you now, as long as you know that you are no match for that guy, don't go there and die.

Every drop of our Dekla family's blood is precious. "

Lilith and Thomas nodded together and said:


It can be seen that the two were about to leave, and Duke stopped Thomas again:

"Wait a minute, Thomas, call Andre for me."

"Contact him? Do you want to?"

"I won't let you take risks, but it doesn't mean I won't do anything. Tell Andre, there is no limit this time, release as much as he likes, I only have one request, try to cause as much harm to Ji Han and his team as possible." harm.

Not just that Ji Han, anyone who is with them, killing one counts as one.

Don't do anything on their territory though, wait until they're out on a mission. "

Hearing Duke's order, Doma and Lilith were a little excited, because they knew very well what it meant to contact Andre?

But the cautious Thomas still asked:

"What if you meet someone from the Consciousness-only Society? Do you want to get rid of it too?"

"If they just watch the battle and don't need to fight, that guy is still worth using, and I don't believe he dares to attack me again."


Unaware that the danger is approaching, Ji Han and the others are still analyzing the next destination in the zero team's building.

Provide you with the fastest update of "I Don't Dare to Play This Game" by the great **** Xueshou Mutsuki!

Chapter 719 Strange Tales in Small Town Free reading: https://,!

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Because there was no hidden sign of the location this time, Chen Ke quickly went to the destination:

Venezuela, a country in northern South America.

The key is not the country, but the specific location that Chen Ke found according to the prompt of the space-time compass.

Although we don't know the distance of time, the place marked in the space-time compass should also be a scene of the past.

Whether that lively town is now a city or a tourist attraction, it is acceptable.

But when Chen Ke located there, he could see from the photos taken by the satellite that there were only deserted buildings left, without any human habitation.

Interestingly, there is another more prosperous city tens of kilometers away.

Ji Hanxin said that he knew that this **** game would not set the game location on a bustling street, it looked like another ruin.

But since it is so close to the surrounding cities, why is it deserted?

After all, it is not easy to develop a city in the tropical rainforest. Even if there is a problem with the previous urban planning, it can be demolished and rebuilt.

Soon Chen Ke gave the answer:

"Found it! Look at this!"

As he spoke, he turned the computer over, and everyone saw what had happened there written on the computer.

"At the end of the 19th century, there was a vicious poisoning incident in the small town of Bled. The priest put the homemade poison into the water source of the whole town.

As a result, almost all the residents in the town died strangely. It is said that many corpses at that time had strange mutations.

And the priest was also shot and killed by the mad residents.

Some residents who were not deeply poisoned did not die, but became irritable and attacked others.

In the end, the government once dispatched the army to eliminate the threat there, but after the residents moved in, disappearances often occurred.

Coupled with the fact that the river was diverted due to frequent floods and the road into the town was completely buried, the officials completely abandoned the town that was no longer populated. "

Chen Ke commented:

"Someone poisoned it~www.wuxiamtl.com~ If it's really just poisonous, there's nothing wrong with it. Brother Ji's antidote is so powerful, he should be able to handle it."

Eggplant reached out and tapped Chen Ke on the head lightly:

"You have been to so many places, can you believe the official words?

Poison? In real life, I haven't seen any poison that will cause the human body to mutate after eating.

I guess there is a high probability that something happened in that place. After the official sent troops to solve it, in order to avoid causing riots, they made up such a poisoning story.

Not to mention poisoning, even the diversion of the river and flooding the road mentioned in it may be done by the government, Ji Han, what do you think? "

"It is indeed very possible, but these are all speculations. Do you have any reliable friends who know more about that area? We may need a tour guide."

Provide you with the fastest update of "I Don't Dare to Play This Game" by the great **** Xueshou Mutsuki!

Chapter 719 Strange Tales in Small Town Free reading: https://,!


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