I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 708: go quickly

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When Ji Han heard these words, he still breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, this is the first monster I have encountered that has not marked any blood volume, which means that it must not be defeated.

If this continues, everyone will die here. yesterday

Hearing Krasin's reminder at this moment, Ji Han hastily greeted everyone:

"Field, take everyone out! Quick!"

Although Ji Han didn't know if it was because he discovered that this monster had some other killer moves, or because he had some new ideas, he didn't want to ask any more questions at this moment.

Seeing that everyone finished this round of attacks, and Ji Han offset the black rain falling on his head, Field took the opportunity to fly downward with everyone.

Watt asked:

"what happened?"

"Krasin told me it was done, let's go aside and wait."

Field found a safe height, and the six of them floated in the air relying on Field's suspension technique, watching the island under their feet gradually shatter.

This time, it wasn't just the rocks on the island, even those tentacles that were flapping wantonly began to crack as if poisoned, revealing the white lines inside.

It was only then that Ji Han remembered and asked:

"Where's our ship? And the ghost ship?"

Eggplant scolded:

"Grass, the meteorite fell from the sky before, we were all almost killed, and the ghost ship and yacht must have been completely destroyed."

Chen Ke gritted his teeth when he heard this:

"Tsk, so many antiques! What a pity."

Ji Han snorted and said:

"Don't worry, I'll put the blame on Moss."

At this time, almost all the shattered rock shells of the entire island fell into the sea water, leaving only a huge black and white monster floating on the sea surface.

At this moment, that thing has no intention of attacking Ji Han and the others.

The white pattern on the body is still expanding, as if to swallow it completely, and it is also slapping the sea surface in pain, making a strange sound unique to Cthulhu.

Just in case, Ji Han was just about to release the [Sutra of Punishing Evil and Calming the Heart] again.

Dazzling white light exploded from the monster's body, completely smearing it white.

As the color changes, the surrounding sea water gradually calms down.

It's like a small white island floating in the black sea water. This time, there are no mottled rocks and ruin-like stone pillars on the island, only the smooth skin like the skin of a whale.

Song Qian asked:

"Brother Han, is it finished?"

Ji Hanxin said that he didn't know much about it, could this be Krasin's true face?

At this time, a voice came from the calm sea again, and it was no longer Krasin's tone, the voice sounded very ethereal

"It's over, I've regained my strength and my body."

When Ji Han and the others heard this, they felt a little more at ease. Ji Han asked:

"Is this your true form?"

"I've said it many times, we don't have a real concrete form, all the images and voices we express are just for you to be able to distinguish.

Because I know that you are very resistant to the black rock state just now, so I will finally meet you in this state. "

Ji Hanxin said that he hoped that he would never have to know about the so-called Cthulhu again.

"Then let's go back, shall we?"

"Go back? I'm afraid I can't do it now."

Hearing this, everyone immediately became vigilant, and Song Qian even asked:

"What? You don't really want to cross the river and tear down the bridge, do you?"

"Then how could it be, after all you still have two jade rings of that kind in your hands, I don't want to be like that guy, constantly circulating in endless time and space.

I just don't think it's convenient for you to go back like this. Besides, your ship was destroyed by that guy just now, so I want you to wait a while. "

Just as he was speaking, the black sea water on the side began to churn, and the wreck of yacht No. 1 floated up from the bottom of the sea.

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Krasin spit out a huge blister, wrapped the broken wreckage in it, and then everyone saw that the wreckage began to slowly recover, and gradually reassembled into the No. 1 yacht that was not destroyed.

Chen Ke shouted:

"Hey, hey, wait a minute, can you restore that ghost ship for us too? We want to drive it back too."

Of course, Ji Han and the others knew that Chen Ke was thinking about the above antiques, but who knew that Krasin resolutely refused:

"No! I will use that ship again."

Chen Ke still wants to fight for it again. After all, what Krasin wants is only the ghosts at that time, and the antiques transported inside should not be included. I should be able to let him hand over those antiques to him.

But Walter pulled him secretly. Chen Ke didn't understand what it meant, but he kept his mouth shut.

Ji Han also hurriedly changed the subject:

"Okay, happy cooperation. By the way, your voice will never appear in my mind again, right?"

"When you leave the other world, my voice will naturally disappear, but when you sincerely pray to the mark I left, I will naturally reply to you. After all, I promised to help you again, as I told you It still counts.”

Seeing that the No. 1 submarine on the sea surface has fully recovered, Ji Han nodded and said:

"Let's talk about it one day. There are still many people waiting for us in the real world, so I won't say goodbye to you."

Field also sensibly controlled everyone to fly back to the restored No. 1 yacht, and Chen Ke activated the components on the ship again. Fortunately, these instruments were not damaged.

Krasin asked:

"Can you go back to the real world? Do you need my help? There is no problem sending you and this ship back."

Ji Hanxin said that he didn't want to waste extra opportunities for help in such a place, and seeing that there was a problem with the space converter on the ship, he turned around and said:

"It's okay~www.wuxiamtl.com~ We have already prepared, we can go back by ourselves."

Now without the influence of the time ring and Cthulhu, the space teleportation capability on Yacht No. 1 can meet the teleportation needs of six people.

However, Krasin still seems uneasy:

"The time and space here are very chaotic, don't we really need to help you?"

"Hey, I know you are worried about us, but you can also treat us as idiots who can't do anything? After all, we just helped you regain your power."

While talking, Ji Han made a pressing gesture for Walter behind his back.

Walter understood, came to the yacht control interface and directly activated the space converter.

Without waiting for Krasin to confirm anything, Ji Han and the six disappeared from the other world of the Bermuda Triangle with a white light on Yacht No. 1.

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