I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 701: childhood shadow

Even though he could clearly see that the stone gate was half down on the ground when he got closer, the size of this thing was still too big for Ji Han.

"Hey, Krasin, how do I open this door?"

"That's why you humans always complicate simple problems. This kind of door opens as soon as you push it. Also, you can't talk after entering, otherwise it is very likely that it will discover our existence.

You stretch out your tentacles, and I can have a spiritual dialogue with you by connecting your tentacles. "

Ji Han first stretched out a demonic tentacle to wrap Ke Lessin.

Sure enough, I heard Krasin's voice sounding in my mind next:

"Can you hear me?"

"No problem, but your voice came out of my head, and I always feel that you want to take it away."

"My current mental ability is not that strong. Besides, I can clearly feel that you have a very strong mental defense. I tried to explore your ability just now, but I was sure to be knocked out by a group of evil spirits."

Ji Hanxin said that this guy is really a monster, if ordinary people want to test their abilities, they will be frightened by the passive skill of Thousand Corpses Surrounding.

After confirming that there is no problem with the connection, Ji Han stepped forward and gently pushed the stone door.

Unexpectedly, with a slight push by himself, Shimen did not slide backwards, but fell straight down.

Seeing the two huge stone gates falling straight down into the dark abyss, Ji Han really didn't react for a while.

Immediately afterwards, a strong stench came out from inside.

"You Cthulhu open the door like this? What's the smell?"

"It's been said that the time and space we live in is different from yours. These smells are just appearances like its shape. Okay, let's go in."

Taking a deep breath, Ji Han jumped directly into the dark space.

But what I didn't expect was that the bottom was not water, but just a void, and I didn't have any feeling of falling, but more like floating in the air.

This feeling is very similar to the weightless environment he experienced in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor before, so Ji Han quickly adapted to it by turning over his body.

"You've adapted pretty quickly, I'm afraid you'll yell out because you fell."

"Stop praising it, how do you move forward in this kind of space?"

"The reason why Cthulhu's spiritual power is strong is that we can accomplish many things through the spirit. You just need to think about moving forward."

Although it was a bit difficult to understand, Ji Han tried his best to calm down and try.

Sure enough, he soon felt air flow passing by both sides, and his body really began to move forward.

It's just that the place where the eyes can see is all dark, and this feeling is particularly insecure.

"What's next? Do you know the location of that jade ring?"

Before coming in, Ji Han had already put the space-time compass in Song Qian's backpack in his backpack.

So I can also judge the specific location of the time ring, but I just feel that taking out the time-space compass in such a place may attract Cthulhu's attention.

Krasin replied:

"In the innermost part, what is distributed outside is only my body, and the real core of the body is still inside."

But just when Ji Han was about to move on, a light suddenly appeared in front of him.

At first, I thought it was Cthulhu's movement here, but the light with him was getting bigger and bigger.

I found that it was actually the gradually expanding solar system.

What are you doing? It is said that Cthulhu is a monster living in a different time and space, so it is not possible to see the universe through it?

Just when Ji Han was in doubt, his body had already penetrated into the infinitely magnifying sun.

"This is?"

When all the light around him stopped, Ji Han found himself in the core of the sun.

As I move gradually, my position at the core of the sun is constantly changing, but no matter how I move, I can't see the boundary of the sun at all.

Looking at this familiar scene, Ji Han suddenly recalled:

This is a nightmare! It was the first nightmare I had since I could remember.

I still remember that I borrowed a friend’s science magazine and saw an introduction to the solar system. According to the size of the sun, it takes at least 170,000 years for a person to walk from the core of the sun to the surface.

At that time, my sense of substitution was very strong. At night, I had a fever and had nightmares, dreaming that I was trapped in the center of the sun.

No matter how I run in all directions, I will never be able to escape this huge furnace beyond human expectations.

Although my high fever subsided later, that nightmare was still engraved in my mind.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, this is just an impossible imagination, but for me, it is indeed an indelible childhood shadow.

Realizing that this was a nightmare, Ji Han immediately thought that this might be the spiritual impact of entering the Cthulhu space.

Immediately, he recited the [Sutra of Punishing Evil and Calming the Heart] silently in his heart, watching the sun and flames in front of him gradually dissipate, and the surroundings returned to the previous state of darkness.

Just when the golden Buddha light was about to spread, Krasin's voice came from his mind:

"Hey, hey, are you okay? Don't use your abilities."

Only then did Ji Han come to his senses, and hurriedly stopped chanting, and the golden Buddha's light also dissipated before spreading.

"Huh, sorry, I accidentally had a nightmare just now."

"When you come into contact with Cthulhu from such a distance, your spirit will be more or less affected. The nightmares, painful memories, or things you are afraid of will be slowly drawn out."

Ji Han complained:

"You Cthulhu are really perverted! You will make some negative things."

"What we pull out is objective~www.wuxiamtl.com~Only you human beings who are influenced by emotions can divide them into positive and negative."

"Now is not the time to discuss this. If I don't use the [Sutra of Punishing Evil and Calming the Heart], I am afraid that I will fall into the same nightmare just now, but once I use it, I am afraid that the golden light will wake this thing up. Do you have other methods? ?”

Krasin paused and replied:

"You just keep going, you don't need to use any skills, I will save you from nightmares."

After finishing speaking, he began to use Cthulhu's strange language to recite wantonly in Ji Han's mind.

"What are you doing? It's so ugly."

"You are asking too much! Cthulhu's language is also power.

Unless it is a special ability, Cthulhu's spiritual influence and language have a mutual canceling effect. I sing the ancient Cthulhu poems in your mind so that it can cancel out its spiritual influence by your side. You can also temper your will. "

Although I don't understand Cthulhu's language, Krasin's singing in Field's voice is really ugly.

If I continue to listen to it like this, I don’t know if Cthulhu who is sleeping next to him will affect me. This Krasin will drive me crazy.

"Okay, okay, just sing Cthulhu's poems, right? I'll do it myself."

"Now is not the time to be picky, this is ancient Cthulhu poetry, not your human language game."

Ji Hanxin said that you just look down on the "300 Poems of Cthulhu" I bought?

-----Off Topic-----

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