I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 698: Juvenile Cthulhu?

In other words, Captain Edward used the time ring to successfully affect Cthulhu within the stone gate.

Let the opponent fall into the cycle of time and space and cannot escape.

In order to lift the time curse on himself, Naksulu forcibly used his ability to affect time and space to escape, and finally its body did escape.

But the time ring still restored a Cthulhu monster inside the stone gate.

That is, this Cthulhu monster summoned its followers, and manipulated the ghost ship to trap the human beings outside to lift the time ring restriction on it.

It's just that those people couldn't resist its mind control, so they collapsed and died before reaching the door.

Looking at the little octopus on the head of Captain Edward's body, Ji Han wondered:

"Uh, is it possible that you are Cthulhu who escaped from the split?"

The little octopus waved its tentacles and replied:

"That's right! I am the body of this great Cthulhu."

If this little thing is magnified thousands of times, it will indeed look a bit bluffing, but now this octopus is only the size of a palm, and the wanton waving of its tentacles just makes people look particularly cute.

Although none of the people present had ever seen the real Cthulhu except for the ancient underwater creature seen in the Mariana Trench last time.

But everyone still has their own imaginations about Cthulhu in their minds. The impression labels of darkness, mystery, hugeness, and chaos should be more or less satisfied.

The little octopus in front of me has nothing to do with these labels.

Of course, it has indeed done it in terms of making people unable to understand, but from another angle.

Eggplant laughed:

"You little guy dare to be called Cthulhu? I think you were restored to a juvenile body by that jade ring?"

Hearing the words, the little octopus spit out a jet of ink at the eggplant, and said angrily:

"If you met me before, you would be a corpse now!

What you see is just my concrete appearance!"

Chen Ke said with a smile:

"This is really far from the Cthulhu I imagined, and he actually speaks Chinese and uses Field's tone."

The little octopus snorted coldly:

"This is just to be able to communicate with you successfully. If I use my own language, I'm afraid you will go crazy too."

Field was dissatisfied:

"Then you don't need to use my tone, do you?"

"Just now you yelled the loudest, and the timbre was the best."


Ji Han stepped forward and said:

"So you use this form instead of a huge and terrifying form to show people, is it because you can't maintain it?"

"Puff! Puff!"

Seeing that he seemed to be right, Ji Han avoided the jet of cuttlefish juice and continued:

"Okay, we believe what you told us, but I don't understand what you mean when you say that only you can get us out?"

The little octopus explained:

"The entire sea here and the ships you are on will not be affected by the other me in Shimen.

Cthulhu's control, which was already difficult to escape, coupled with the time recovery ability given by the jade ring, will make it impossible for all life forms that land on the island to leave alive. "

Ji Han and the others agree on this point. The mental attack encountered on the island, relying on Ji Han's [Evil Punishment and Meditation Sutra] has no basic defense, but there is really no good way to escape this space.

"So what can you do?"

"As long as some of you can go in and take out the jade ring and lift its curse, I can try to regain my previous ability, regain control of this place, and save you from leaving."

The six people looked at each other. If what the little octopus said was true, it would indeed be a good idea, but everyone still had doubts in their hearts.

Song Qian asked:

"Three questions.

First, there is Cthulhu in this stone gate, that is, you once, will it allow us to enter and exit safely?

Second, how can we believe that you little guy can regain your previous strength?

Thirdly, and most importantly, how can you ensure that you won't break your word, cross the river and tear down the bridge, and come to deal with us when you really recover? "

As Song Qian said, this is also the scruples of Ji Han and others.

The little octopus turned over and said:

"First of all, it's time for it to rest, because he's who I was, so I know him well, and that can help you guys.

Secondly, all the physical manifestations of Cthulhu are just what they show, and the different space energy body is our true face.

When the time curse of the jade ring is lifted, its power will definitely overflow, and I will seize the opportunity to absorb and regain the initiative.

But I'm really not 100% sure to regain the initiative, after all, that's me in a perfect state.

As for the last point you said, even if I made a promise, you probably wouldn't believe it, because you don't have the strength to guarantee this promise.

But judging from the current situation, you should have no better choice, right? "

Although listening to the tone of this little octopus is indeed a little uncomfortable, what he said is also true.

But who knows that Ji Han shrugged and said:

"I'm not afraid that you will tear down the bridge if you cross the river. At that time, it will be a big deal and you will be banned again."

The little octopus lowered his body and said:

"I didn't intend to kill you~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and I have suffered a lot from underestimating human beings last time.

But I still feel that what you said seems a little too big. Are you threatening me?

Instead, I now have some doubts about whether you have the ability to take out that jade ring. "

Ji Han didn't reply in a hurry, but patted Song Qian, took the space backpack from her, and reached out to the little octopus:

"Dare you come to my arm, I'll show you a baby."

"Just go up, don't try to get rid of me in this octopus state, I'm just an energy body, you can't kill me."

After speaking, he jumped on Ji Han's body.

Ji Han didn't do anything, but just walked aside with Song Qian's space backpack and the little octopus.

Then he opened the backpack, showed the space-time compass inside to the little octopus, and explained in a low voice:

"I just want to remind you kindly that not only the captain has this kind of jade ring, we also have the same thing.

So we are still very sure about taking out the jade ring.

On the other hand, if you want to cross the river and tear down the bridge, my friend, we also have the capital of the seal. "

Seeing Yuhuan, the little octopus obviously took two steps back:

"I really underestimated you, no wonder you can come here unscathed, but Cthulhu is not a monster that you can easily understand."

Ji Han twisted his body, and three thick demonic tentacles sprang out from beside him.

"It's okay, we are not human beings that you can easily understand."

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