After all, they were already crazy like that, and they didn't have much remaining physical strength. It was not impossible for them to be scared to death by some huge monster that suddenly appeared on the island.

But to be honest, when I saw them all dead there, I was still terrified.

If it was under normal conditions on land, I would definitely leave this ghost place without looking back.

But at the moment, I don't have any thoughts of turning back.

The most important part of my life, the Marys Leicester, is out of control, and the sailors who have been with me through so many storms are now dead here.

Although my physical condition has recovered at this moment, I, who was a soldier, know very well that it is just a self-eating phenomenon produced by the human body after the physical energy is almost exhausted.

It is estimated that within a few hours, I will fall to the ground due to collapse, and I am afraid that there will be no chance to stand up again.

So I know the possibility of going back is very slim.

I hope to spend my last few hours doing something meaningful, at least figuring out what happened to us and why we are here.

Sailors at sea are never afraid of death, but they are equally afraid of death for no apparent reason.

Rather than sinking to the bottom of the ocean with doubts, I'd rather fight in the waves until I die.

After making up my mind, I re-examined the equipment on the sailors and took out a few weapons that were barely usable.

At the same time, I also found that the flat wooden box they had been holding had been opened.

Inside is a beautifully carved jade ring. I don't know much about cultural relics, but I can tell that it is extremely valuable.

At this moment, the jade ring is still emitting a long white light.

Oddly enough, it was thrown on the far side, and wasn't dedicated to the guy they believed in, as Medale and they said.

Instead, it was thrown aside together with the box, and both the box and the jade ring were covered with a lot of strange slime, which smelled fishy.

Not far from these corpses, there was also a large piece of wet mucus on the ground.

I can't see what animal is secreting it, but it exudes a strong smell.

I briefly restored the situation on the scene. At that time, Medale and the others should have come here with the wooden box, and they were encountering the large monster that secreted mucus.

Mentally broken and exhausted, they were frightened to death on the spot.

According to the mucus and position analysis on the wooden box, that thing might have been blown out by a monster.

Thinking of this, I picked up the jade ring in the wooden box.

Because it is obvious that the monster should be against this jade ring.

Moreover, I also heard Medale and the others say that their "faith" regards this jade ring as a heretical evil.

So what if their "belief", or in other words, monsters are evil?

So this jade ring should be the so-called deterrent thing, right?

I know that for a soldier, these ideas are too unrealistic.

Fighting with knives and guns is the real way to solve the problem, but then it may be the last moment of my life, so I hope I can consider everything I can think about.

Maybe it was the white light on the jade ring that scared the monster.

As the mucus on the ground continued to move forward, the weird sound echoing in my ears became louder and louder.

They burrowed into my brain like little bugs, and seemed to drive me crazy every moment.

But I'm still unimpressed.

Because at this moment, there is nothing but unsatisfactory hatred and the goal of finding the truth in my heart.

I believe that even if the gods really come, I will not stop my progress.

Finally, I dragged my tired body to a huge stone gate.

According to the traces on the ground, the monster must have gone in. I really can't believe that the buildings here were built by that kind of monster.

I prefer that these are just some ruins of civilization, and those monsters are just doves occupying the magpie's nest.

I know that after I go in, there will be no possibility of turning back.

But I'd still like to see what's in there!

Look what the **** it is that got us to this point! Then kill it with your own hands!

But I do worry that those who pursue us will not know what happened on the Marys Leicester, so I also recorded what happened after I went to the island.

But I really didn't have the strength to send the diary back to the ship.

That's it, my friend, I'll just walk in the door, and I'll look the damned scared in the face of whatever comes my way, and make that son of a **** inside pay what he deserves.


Although some information is not written in detail, Ji Han can roughly follow the context.

After listening to Ji Han's narration, everyone also had a general understanding of what happened on the Maris Leicester.

Walter nodded and said:

"That is to say, the captain finally went in alone to fight the Cthulhu you said?"

Field grinned and said:

"This shouldn't be called fighting, right? It should be a unilateral death, right? How can a human body beat Cthulhu?"

Ji Han shook his head and said:

"Not exactly, the sailors outside were frightened to death just seeing the monster, and the captain entered Cthulhu's territory alone, and he didn't show any panic until he died.

It can be said that he is really a pure man. "

Eggplant asked:

"Ji Han, then the jade ring mentioned in his diary is the clue to the catastrophe we are looking for. It should be in the monster's lair inside this door right now?"

Watt asked:

"The clue to the catastrophe you have been looking for is a jade ring?"

Song Qian knew that she couldn't tell them too much about this and couldn't reveal the specific use of the time ring, so she hurriedly explained:

"It's mainly the lines on the jade ring. Those lines are hints to solve the catastrophe. But at present, it may be difficult to take out the jade ring."

Hearing this, Ji Han frowned and said:

"In this way, the captain may not have died in vain. He should have injured the things inside before he died."

"Brother Han, how do you know that?"

"Because the captain has already gone in, but when we found his body, it was outside, which means that the monster threw his body out.

But this is interesting, according to the captain's guess, the monster was obviously against Yuhuan, but only his body was thrown out, and there was no Yuhuan, so I speculate that Yuhuan was left behind by the captain in some way in. "

Chen Ke scratched his head and said:

"Brother Ji, what should we do now? Shall we go in directly? I'm afraid this is not appropriate."

Ji Hanxin said that he had never seen the real Cthulhu, so it was really not an option to just rush in like this.

"Don't worry, first check if there is any other information on the captain, we have to plan things out."

"it is good!"

Unexpectedly, just before Chen Ke walked over and squatted down, the captain's body suddenly moved, reaching out and grabbing Chen Ke's ankle.

-----Off Topic-----

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