I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 686: preserve strength

The yacht had disappeared, and Ji Han and the others were also trapped on the ghost ship.

This really caught everyone by surprise.

Field suggested:

"No, let's send it back first, shall we? Anyway, the location has been confirmed. When we go back, we should first locate it and then find a boat to come back."

Chen Ke explained:

"You should give up on this idea, can you see if the space converter in my hand can still be used?"

After speaking, he showed Field the space converter with the lights off:

"It is not very reliable to perform space conversion here, and it is even less likely to be trapped in the middle of the Bermuda Sea now."

"Then what should we do? Aren't we trapped to death on this ghost ship?"

Ji Han turned around and said:

"Everyone should go back to the cab first to see if they can drive the ship."

Walter shook his head and said:

"I'm afraid it won't work, the cockpit can only adjust the direction.

I thought it was strange before that this cargo ship is actually a sailing ship. Although there are oars on both sides of the crew room, most of the time the ship still relies on wind power to sail.

But look at the white mist around here, there is no wind to help the ship sail.

But from the currents on both sides, it can be seen that the ship is obviously moving forward.

Moreover, we have been chasing the yacht for so long before, which means that the ship still has a certain speed, which is strange. Where does the power of this ship come from? "

As for the understanding of ships, everyone is definitely not as good as Walter, Ji Han shook his head and said:

"I'm not too sure about this, but we can't sit still, let's try it in the cab first."

Back in the cockpit, Eggplant tried the rudder several times, but the ghost ship did not give any feedback, as if everyone had no way to influence the ship.

"Grass, this bald man is really right."

Ji Hanxin said that this is a bit embarrassing, but the good news is that the ghost ship is still moving forward, and heading towards the place where the time ring is.

But the bad news is that this forward force does not come from the ocean, but some mysterious force.

If it was the time ring that sucked the ship away, that would be a good thing, and everyone would save themselves from continuing to drift on the sea.

But if there is some other force controlling the ghost ship, things may not be so simple. After all, all the sailors on the ship disappeared.

No matter what happened to them, none of them came back alive in the end.

Field panicked at this moment, gritted his teeth and said:

"If we try our best, it's not impossible to escape Bermuda with the few of us relying on the power of levitation. If not, let's fight! I'll take you to fly out and try! Just go to a place with a signal to teleport through space!"

Ji Han sat on the spot and comforted him:

"Don't panic, we're just trapped on this ship, far from what you said.

And I guess from the moment the yacht disappears, we won't be able to leave the ship for a while. "

"What do you mean by that?"

Ji Han raised his hand to signal everyone to sit down, and then replied:

"Since this ship is heading in the direction of the clues of the catastrophe, it's okay for us to take a ride with the wind. But before the ship reaches its destination, we'd better infer what the previous sailors have experienced?"

Walter shook his head and said:

"This may not be realistic. If it is an ordinary ship, we can deduce what happened at that time based on the situation on the ship, but everything here can be restored, so we see that everything is no longer what it was before."

Ji Han rearranged:

"We don't care about the situation on the ship. We just speculate that the first group of sailors who boarded the ship found that the other ship with them had disappeared after dawn, and what would they do after they found the same thing on board as us?"

Song Qian replied:

"They will call for help from the previous ship, they will try to drive the ship back, or they will escape through the lifeboat on the ship."

Ji Han nodded and said:

"Probably so, but you also saw that the people on the previous ship did not hear any calls for help, the ship did not return, and the lifeboat on the deck did not move, which means that all their self-rescue actions Neither worked."

Song Qian thought about it:

"Brother Han, according to what you said, this ship is actually like a bait in the sea. When other ships see this ghost ship, they will want to come up to take a look, but once they come up, they will probably be trapped on the ship.

And when the ghost ship disposes of a group of sailors that came up, it will quickly return to its original state to lure a new batch of sailors. "

"That's right, that's it."

Field puzzled:

"Then what do you mean? Let's just lie on the boat and die?"

Ji Han smiled and said:

"What nonsense, the bodies of those crew members were not found on the ship, which means that they must not have died on the ship, otherwise their bodies should be the same as those cockroaches.

I just hope that everyone will not waste their energy in vain. After all, from now on, our physical strength may be extremely precious. "

Hearing this, Walter immediately remembered the cockroach he saw before, and asked:

"You mean, we will be like those cockroaches~www.wuxiamtl.com~ unable to eat or drink water?"

Ji Han shook his head and said:

"I don't know, because I can't confirm what things will be restored. For example, the clothes we wear are not living things, but they will not be restored.

So it stands to reason that the food and drink we brought should not be restored, but the restoration rules are not set by me, and no one can guarantee that the situation here really conforms to our speculation.

But one thing is certain, the power manipulating this ship must be trying to send us somewhere.

As for whether we can let us eat, we have to wait to know the result. "

"What are you waiting for? Let's just eat something and try it out."

As soon as Field finished speaking, Eggplant frowned suddenly, covered his stomach and said:

"It seems that Ji Han has really recovered. Do you remember the time? How long will it take?"

Ji Han glanced at his watch and replied:

"One hour, it seems that the rhythm of recovery here seems to be uneven."

Field wondered:

"What are you two talking about?"

I saw Ji Han took out a pack of beef jerky from his pocket and said:

"When I first learned about recovery, I gave this bag of beef jerky to eggplant. We wanted to test whether the things we brought would be recovered? And the recovery time.

It now appears that even food brought in will be recovered. "

Hearing this, Walter also sat on the ground:

"So until we find out what's going to happen in the end, we're going to do nothing here to conserve energy."

"No, there is one more thing worth trying, let's go, let's go to the cabin first."

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