I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 571: emergency procedures

Seeing the light source spreading around, Riel reminded:

"People from the alien guards seem to have searched here. Boss, since the last pillar has been destroyed, it's time for us to withdraw, right?"

After hearing this, the young leader of the Consciousness-only Society gradually calmed down from the state of excitement just now and said:

"Okay, then go back first and experience the fun of the catastrophe. In addition, everyone has worked hard this round. After you go back, tell me your wishes, and I will try my best to help you realize them."

When everyone in the Consciousness-only Association heard it, they all beamed with joy. It has to be said that from a certain point of view, this news made them more excited than the outbreak of the catastrophe.

While Ruier opened the space transmitter, the leader of the Consciousness-only Society looked back at Mount Li, and said to himself:

"Hey, I knew that you would definitely do this, and you didn't disappoint me. I look forward to the day when we meet again."

As for the alien guards, for the sake of safety, the captain has already asked others to withdraw from the tunnel.

Only I was still standing in front of the stone gate, waiting for Ji Han and the others.

Until Liu Bai stepped in first and came in from the tunnel and reported:

"Captain, they have already come out."

Only then did the captain raise his spirits and asked:

"Go, from where? What's the situation?"

"From the cave on the cliff behind Lishan Mountain, everyone is safe, and that Miss Liu Dan has recovered."


Hearing these words, the captain finally breathed a sigh of relief, and left the tunnel with Liu Bai.

In the tent that Ding An had just built outside, Ji Han and the six looked tired.

Except for those who were still on duty at the headquarters, the other captains who came together also gathered here.

"Ji Han, are you all okay?"

"We're fine, but I'm sorry for the captain, we still couldn't stop the catastrophe from happening, but we also figured out the true face of the catastrophe."

Speaking of which, Ji Han briefly summarized what happened after he went down to Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum.

The dangers encountered on the road also made the captains feel frightened.

However, Ji Han mainly talked about the truth about the catastrophe that he learned from the deep pit.

The captain replied:

"In this way, Tianjie means that all the spirit monsters from other worlds have come to this world? It's just because we have the design protection of Shahe Dragon Vein here, so we can't see what's going on now."

Ji Han nodded and said:

"That's right, from what we have learned so far, this is the case, but can the design of the mountains, rivers and dragon veins in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang be able to withstand it? We don't know what the situation in the areas affected by this design will be."

Song Hui asked:

"Didn't you get a hint to solve the catastrophe from the divine pillar jade?"

Ji Han shook his head and said:

"We have indeed obtained all the divine pillars and jade stones, and obtained eight golden characters from them, which are: Xiu Sheng Huo Du Jing Shi Jing Kai. It is the eight characters of Bamen Dunjia, but these eight characters are related to the solution to the sky. What does robbery have to do with it, we still have no idea at all.”

Gu Shui complained:

"What's wrong with these ancestors and masters? Can't you give a clearer reminder? If you have to make it so mysterious, no one can understand it."

Eggplant echoed:

"If you want me to say yes, isn't it convenient to speak plainly?"

The captain was calm and guessed:

"If there is an easy way, the ancestors who left the divine pillar and jade will definitely explain it clearly. Now they only left these eight characters, which means that they believe that we can understand it. I guess it may be because it hasn't come yet."

Cui Feng said eagerly:

"But the captain, according to what Ji Han and the others said, this matter will affect the entire other world and this world, and may even affect the whole world. We still have to prepare early."

The captain naturally knew the seriousness of the matter, so after thinking for a moment, he immediately arranged:

"Ding An, send a message to Chun Chen at the headquarters to tell him the basic situation of the Heavenly Tribulation, and in the name of the headquarters, arrange for the branches of the Alien Guards in various places to take emergency measures to deal with situations that may erupt at any time.

Next, I will send a brief note to the Institute of Unnatural Phenomena, telling them the current situation in detail.

Let Chunchen inform the International Alien Alliance in the name of the headquarters, saying that we have learned about the large-scale invasion of alien spirits, and remind the International Alien Alliance to notify other world organizations around the world to respond in a timely manner. "

"Yes, Captain, but telling them at this time, will it make them think we did it?"

Ji Han and the other captains also understood Ding An's hesitation. The best way to deal with this situation is to pretend that they don't know anything.

Although the chief captain kindly reminded us based on the principle of solving the problem, only we understand what happened.

This kind of reminder instead makes the alien guards look like the initiator of the catastrophe.

The captain replied:

"The safety and stability of the foreign world is the most important thing. If they have any misunderstandings, I will deal with them personally. Now is not the time to think about those things."

"Yes, I'll deal with it now, captain, shall we go back to the headquarters?"

"We'll have to wait until we go back, it's not yet confirmed whether the solution to the Heavenly Tribulation that Ji Han and the others said has anything to do with it.

After returning to the real world, temporarily borrow a few office spaces with the mausoleum protection team, and make a decision after clarifying the situation. "


Ji Han stepped forward and asked:

"Captain, haven't you found any traces of consciousness-only existence nearby?"

"We have basically deployed people within one kilometer, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has not found any traces of those guys from the Consciousness-only Society.

Are you sure that the monster that released the divine pillar you encountered was the work of people from the Consciousness Only Society? "

"I can't confirm it at the moment, just check with you."

Ever since he met Senior Laughing, it has been even more difficult for Ji Han to confirm how many gamers there are in the world.

At that time, because Shenzhu was released, anger surged up for a while, and no one else could be found who might do so, so I thought it was the ghost of people from the Consciousness-only Society.

But on the way back, I calmed down and thought about it:

The laughing senior clearly said that he has never met other players except the barbarians.

If it was really the blood shell manipulated by the young leader of the Consciousness Only Society, he had never seen Xiao Chunqiu before, so how could he be afraid of his relics? This still needs to be reconfirmed.

But since things have already happened, it is more important to find a solution to the catastrophe than to find the culprit. In addition, it is necessary to understand the specific situation of the catastrophe outside.

We still have to return to the real world before we can judge these things.

So after confirming that all the captains had returned to the departure tent, Gu Shui activated the teleportation.

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