I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 392: imagination

Chen Ke held the Hyakkimaru blade in his hand and cut off the roots of the tree that drilled out of the ground.

Because Baiguiwan was stained with Chen Ke's blood, blue smoke also rose, which was similar to the tree roots that drilled out of the ground. Ji Han could tell at a glance that the knife had also transformed into a spirit body.

"Damn, do you really think I'm not willing to bleed? How about it? Is this knife okay?"

As soon as Ji Han and the three breathed a sigh of relief, Eggplant immediately reminded:

"Be careful behind you!"

Immediately afterwards, several blue rough diamond tree roots similar to those just drilled out from the ground, crushing the ground and the stone house above.

Before Chen Keniu finished blowing, he couldn't stand again. Song Qian hurriedly threw out the heart lock chain to hold Chen Ke, and Ji Han stretched out the devil's tentacles to pull him over.

Although there were no longer as many ghosts on the surface as before, a large number of tree roots began to emerge from the surrounding area.

The four of Ji Han could only keep a distance to observe the situation. With a "boom", a thickest tree root came out from the place where Ji Han had just burned.

Different from other root systems, what stands at the top of this root is the ancestral soul of the earth.

Before Ji Han and the others could launch an attack, Earth Ancestor lightly waved his branch-covered arms, and the houses beside the four of them began to rush towards them.

"Grass, here we come again!"

The four hurriedly ran to the distance again, but this kind of moving speed was still not as fast as the sliding speed of the houses. Eggplant looked back and destroyed a room first with one shot.

"Brother Ji, running like this is not an option!"

"I can't do anything about it. People's territory is up to others, but I have to find a way to get closer."

Ji Hanxin said that he could use the evil spirit to possess him, but there are still many ghosts beside the tree root, and it would be bad if it dragged him back to the conscious world.

But escaping like this is not the solution. You have to find a way to resist this guy's ability to manipulate space.

At this time, Song Qian who was writing the talisman suddenly reminded:

"Watch out for the top of your head!"

Ji Han looked back, and saw a stone house flying directly towards the four of them, just a few meters above the heads of the four of Ji Han, and followed Ji Han and the four of them forward together, which seemed to be overwhelming.

Eggplant didn't even have to spend time cursing people, just raised his head and fired two shots, punching a big hole in the center of the stone house.

Chen Ke also swung the Hundred Ghost Pills and slashed towards the top of his head, and the blood-soaked blade threw a blue light along the eggplant where it exploded, splitting the stone house to the left.

But before Chen Ke was happy with the power of the knife, the ruins of the stone house fell down.

Song Qian threw out an amulet hoping to resist the impact, while Ji Han stretched out the devil's tentacles to protect everyone.

But when he looked up and saw the ruins of the fallen stone house above his head, Ji Han still couldn't help being a little scared, hoping that it could stop.


With Ji Han's cry, the ruins of the whole house stopped half a meter above his head.

Protected by the devil's tentacles, Ji Han and the others looked at the ruins of the stone house above their heads and broke out in a cold sweat.

Chen Ke swallowed and said:

"Brother Ji? What... what's going on?"

Eggplant scolded:

"Could you get the **** out of the stone house first and then have a **** chat?"

Song Qian tugged lightly, and Ji Han finally came to his senses, and hurriedly shouted:

"Get out of the way!"

The four of them rolled outwards on the spot and slid out from under the stone house. Before they slid a meter away, the stone house behind them crashed down and hit the ground, crushing the talisman cover that Song Qian had thrown, taking a piece of it with them. smoke.

Seeing that the surrounding houses began to move again, Song Qian grabbed the arms of Ji Han and the others and used the invisibility technique to help everyone hide temporarily, and pointed to the stone house not far away that had never moved.

The three of Ji Han understood, and before the invisibility technique failed, they ran to the back of the stone house on that side together.

There was a slight pause here, and Ji Han and the others finally had a chance to catch their breath.

Eggplant sneaked a probe to check, and confirmed that the ancestral soul did not notice that everyone had escaped, and then turned around and asked:

"Hey Jihan, what did you do just now? Why did the stone house suddenly stop falling?"

After all, everyone heard Ji Han yell just now, thinking it was him using some special ability.

Ji Han frowned and recalled:

"No, I just thought it was too ridiculous for the house to fall from the sky, and I hope it can stop."

Song Qian also felt strange:

"Without any abilities, how could the stone house stop falling?"

Chen Ke seemed to have thought of something, and immediately asked:

"Brother Ji, did you just want it to stop?"


Chen Ke didn't know how to describe his conjecture, so he pulled Ji Han to point to the stone house beside him and said:

"Brother Ji, then try to see if you can make it move through your imagination."

"Huh? It's not very reliable, is it? After all..."

But looking at Chen Ke's eyes that seemed to have made a major discovery, Ji Han suddenly remembered something he possessed, and really stretched out his arm to the stone house beside him, trying to make it move.

Qiezi didn't understand what the two of them were going to do, and was about to ask, when Song Qian, who was at the side, saw Ji Han's calm expression, she reached out her hand to stop Qiezi.

Chen Ke still guided in a low voice:

"Brother Ji, you have to believe that what can be changed can be moved at this time."

Ji Han focused his attention on the stone house in front of him, but when he pushed his palm forward, the stone house did not change at all.

Eggplant shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, expressing that he didn't understand what the **** was going on, and thought, could it be that the two of you also have roots growing on your body?

But when Eggplant was about to support the stone house to observe the outside situation again, the whole stone house really slid to the other side.

Afraid of being discovered, the four quickly followed the stone house and hid behind them again.

Ji Han looked at Chen Ke, nodded and corrected:

"Instead of believing in being able to move, you have to take being able to move for granted."

Eggplant still didn't understand, and asked in a low voice:

"Wait a minute, what do you mean? Could it be that we can also manipulate space in this conscious world?"

Chen Ke shook his head and said:

"We can't, but Brother Ji can."


Song Qian has also reacted:

"Because Brother Han has a divine pillar~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Ji Han nodded and said:

"Because releasing the divine pillar would affect Liu Dan's spatial ability, I didn't release the last one, but kept it on my body."

Eggplant slapped his head and said:

"Oh, shit, that's it, that's great, wouldn't it be possible to go out and fight that thing one-on-one?"

Ji Han nodded and said:

"This is the real world after all, so I, like that guy, can only change the existing things here, just enough to contain it, we still have to think of a suitable offensive strategy."

Eggplant scolded:

"Fuck, leave it to me, we've been playing with it for a long time, and it's time for us to mess with it."

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