I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 390: Earth Ancestral Soul

Seeing the stone house next to them sliding towards the four of them, the eggplant standing at the end was the first to react and push everyone forward.

The four of them just ran to the aisle in front of them when the stone house slid over and hit the opposite house, and the gravel fell to the ground, causing a lot of smoke and dust.

Eggplant scolded:

"Grass, what is this?"

As soon as the words fell, the stone house on the other side of the road also began to vibrate, but this time it did not slide towards the four of them, but turned over like a huge stone.

"Looks like it's not over yet, get out of the way!"

The four hurried to the other side, avoiding the impact of the house again.

Ji Han guessed:

"Could it be that we were discovered by the Earth Ancestor?"

Chen Ke replied:

"It must be so, otherwise there would be nothing else here."

Song Qian looked at the Shenzhu detector and replied:

"That guy should be not far behind the stone platform."

Seeing that the houses next to him began to vibrate again, Ji Han took out an illuminating arrow and put it on the mechanical crossbow. Before making arrangements, Eggplant responded:

"Don't worry, if you see me, shoot him to pieces."

As the lighting arrow shot into the air, there was a "pop" that sparked a burst of white light, and the four of them followed to the side of the street.

But when I got here, I found that the long street behind Shitai was empty. Song Qian looked at the Shenzhu detector in her hand and said doubtfully:

"No, it should be there."

"Could it be something invisible?"

Eggplant replied:

"I'm not sure if it's invisible or not. Anyway, my infrared rays can't see anything over there."

Chen Ke also said curiously:

"Don't meet ghosts..."

Before Chen Ke finished speaking, the black stones under the feet of the four began to vibrate.

Immediately afterwards, a black stone house rose from the feet of the four of them, making Ji Han and the others almost unable to stand.

"Cao, is Dizu a house spirit? You are not a conscious world. Where did these houses come from?"

Ji Han looked around and said:

"I don't know too well, let's find that guy first."

At this time, Song Qian put away the Shenzhu detector, pulled out two pieces of yellow paper and said:

"Let me try, you help me cover."

Although they didn't know what method Song Qian was going to use, everyone hurriedly protected her in the center.

With the height of the stone house under the feet, the surrounding houses also began to hit this side.

This time 17*bX*wX* Zhang Si. Chen Ke fired several mini electromagnetic guns to smash the corners of the house, and Eggplant added another shot and hit the center of the house, smashing it completely.

But not long after it was crushed, the stones on the ground were lined up again.

Chen Ke said while attacking:

"These buildings are moving wantonly, just like "Inception". Then we really entered the conscious world again?"

Ji Han responded:

"It's hard to say now, we have to find that thing before we can confirm it."

Song Qian picked up two talismans drawn with blood and said:

"It's done! Can you see what the light can illuminate this time?"

As he spoke, he shot one talisman into the air, held the other in his hand and shook it lightly, and shouted:


Immediately, the talisman that was shot at the top of the head burned in the air, bursting out with a golden light.

At the same time, a figure gradually appeared on the originally empty street on the other side:

Although it is said to be in human form, it seems that there are a lot of tentacles growing around the body, and the body is also swaying.

Strong reading sacrifice. Even though I didn't see the shape clearly, the approximate location is exactly what Song Qian described before.

"Fuck, you bastard, I got you!"

When Eggplant saw the target appeared, he waved his hand and fired a shot. With a "bang", the figure covered with a lot of golden light was scattered, and even the black bricks on the ground behind were smashed.

But almost instantly, the scattered figure rose from the ground next to it again.

The figure lightly raised its hand downwards, and the house where Ji Han and the others were located collapsed.

Fortunately, Ji Han reacted quickly and stretched out the devil's tentacles in advance to wrap everyone in, so that everyone would not be hurt by the falling stones.

Eggplant pushed away the stone on his body and cursed:

"Grass, what the **** are they?"

Ji Han slowly retracted the devil's tentacles and said:

"I don't know, it doesn't seem so easy to deal with, let me try."

Said that Ji Han kicked down the broken stone wall, but just after kicking down the stone wall, the four people saw that it was already standing only five or six meters away from everyone.

This time the distance was relatively close, and everyone finally saw the appearance of the thing clearly.

It was a person with a lot of wood growing all over his body, not only on his legs and arms, but also on his face.

The whole body is glowing with blue light, and the outside is covered with a layer of golden coating. His figure is floating, and he feels like a person who has just woken up.

The other party appeared so suddenly, in the end it was Eggplant who reacted first, raised and destroyed it with a single shot.

With a loud noise, this time it still only shattered the black stone bricks on the ground, but the thing was not affected.

And when he turned his head slightly, the gravel on the ground engulfed Ji Han and the others and crashed into the stone house on the other side.

Ji Han didn't push away the gravel on his body in time, but carefully looked at the information of the monster that just appeared in front of him:

【Earth Ancestral Soul】

[One of the bosses of this game]

[Explanation: Dizu is dead~www.wuxiamtl.com~The body is sealed in a black sarcophagus by absorbing the ghosts of other people in Dizu Village, until the consciousness world enters the living again, and can be resurrected with new yang energy. Decay, so you can only act on the black stone that carries ghosts. Due to the wide distribution of Shenmu nerves and the ancestral soul absorbing too many ghosts, its conscious world can be freely expanded and used on the black stone. 】

Eggplant pulled a few people up and cursed:

"Grass, it's really a ghost, you can't hit it at all. Was this guy a construction worker before he was alive? If he likes it so much, why would he hit someone with a stone?"

Ji Han hastily explained:

"This guy is the ghost of the Earth Ancestor. The Destroyer's attack may not be effective against it. Let me try, Eggplant, you have to find a way to get rid of the black bricks on the ground."

Upon hearing this, Eggplant hurriedly grabbed Ji Han and asked:

"What are you talking about? Black bricks on the ground? Even if you give me a bulldozer, I'll have to work for a month!"

As soon as the words fell, the ancestral spirit of the earth came out from the black open space next to the four of them again.

Seeing that guy was going to attack again, Ji Han directly cast Thousand Corpse Soul Surrounding, and a large number of ghosts came out of their bodies and rushed towards the ancestor spirit.

To say that the ghost's attack on the ghost is really effective, directly knocking the ancestor spirits away one after another, leaving everyone with a moment to breathe.

Eggplant remembered that the black stone would lose its previous properties through burning, so he replied:

"Okay, then this guy is handed over to you, I will try to deal with the surrounding stones."

Control the big and the owl. Just as Ji Han was about to agree, he saw blue arms rising from the ground where the ancestral spirit was knocked flying, as if the gate of **** was wide open, and evil spirits rushed out.

"I take back what I just said."

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