Ji Han also felt that what Chen Ke said was reasonable.

Everyone felt that this Black Rock Mountain was not only alive, but also seemed to be carrying some kind of monster, but the monsters encountered were different each time, and it was also related to the situation at that time.

It seems that the monster brought out by this Black Rock Mountain is determined by something in the local area.

Ji Hanxin said that in this way, this kind of Black Stone Mountain seems to have some kind of learning ability.

Otherwise, after those people entered here, how could there be shadows that looked the same as them.

But I still can't figure out why there is this Black Stone Mountain wherever there is a divine pillar.

While talking, everyone continued to advance along the tunnel to the depths of Heishi Mountain.

At this moment, Eggplant suddenly raised his hand and made a silent gesture.

Then everyone heard the sound of chaotic footsteps coming from the tunnel behind them.


Hearing Eggplant's order, private hurriedly speeded up.

And as the footsteps behind them gradually disappeared, the experienced Ji Han and the others immediately paid attention to the walls around them.

At this moment, a black hand suddenly reached out from the ground and grabbed Chen Ke's ankle.


With the experience of being attacked in the lower body in Changbai Mountain, Chen Ke kicked his arm away with one kick, and Eggplant hit that arm with a backhand.

The black arm turned into a puddle of black liquid and spilled on the ground.

Eggplant snorted coldly:

"Fortunately, each of these monsters is more brittle."

However, Chen Ke sensed something was wrong, and lifted his trouser legs to find that the ankle he had just been caught was already black.

Chen Ke swallowed his saliva and asked:

"Brother Ji, according to what you said before, is this one of the steps for the shadow to seize the house?"

Under such circumstances, Ji Han didn't dare to hide anything, and responded:

"That's true. Everyone, cover your skin well so that you don't get touched by that black liquid. Ke Chen, apply some blue nutrient liquid, it may be able to restrain it."

Just as everyone fastened their clothes tightly, several black arms protruded from the wall.

The space in the tunnel is not that wide, Ji Han and the four of them all took out their melee weapons.

There are even two naked Ji Han who are covered in black have already come out of the wall. With Ji Han's science popularization just now, everyone knows that these are made by Heishi Mountain, so they have no taboo to destroy them.

Eggplant kicked a Ji Han against the wall, and the pistol hit the head with three bullets. Chen Ke also used a mini electromagnetic gun to headshot a fake Ji Han.

Looking at his tragic death and Chen Ke's and Eggplant's clean actions, Ji Han always felt that there was some personal grievance involved?

I don't know why, but the clones that appear here are all Ji Han.

So much so that Ji Han had no choice but to remind him in a low voice while destroying his fake self:

"You guys, be careful, don't shoot the real me. Why do you feel that you are more active in eliminating these fake me than you are usually fighting monsters?"

The others were already overwhelmed, and they didn't respond to Ji Han's joke. Song Qian cut off the fake Ji Han running behind him with a heart-locking chain. strong reading

Turning around and shouting:

"There are more and more, we have to speed up." At this moment 7*HuaN*Zhang Si

Eggplant has also emptied several pistol magazines, and asked:

"How far is it from the divine pillar now?"

"Looking at the detector's instructions, it should be only a few hundred meters away."

Hearing that it was only a few hundred meters away, Eggplant took out the Destroyer again and said:

"Old rules, let me lead the way, Chen Keqing, Ji Han, you and Song Qian, keep your buttocks, everyone follow closely, don't be cut off from the middle."

After speaking, a shot was fired, and the huge gunshots spread in the tunnel. Several black shadows that had just drilled out of the wall in front of them were instantly crushed by the eggplant.

A large amount of black slime was pasted on the wall.

Ji Han had already thrown out the devil's tentacles and swung his melee weapon, killing himself who was chasing after him.

The narrow space in the tunnel is not suitable for Thousand Corpses Surrounding, but even so, Ji Han and the others are still temporarily free from the pursuit of those shadows.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, a reflected light suddenly appeared in front of him.

Because the blackness of Heishi Mountain is absolute, it does not reflect light when it is illuminated, so the eggplant walking in front confirmed that it was reflective, and immediately shouted:

"Hey, it seems that there is no Black Rock Mountain ahead. We ran out and drilled through this mountain."

But when everyone ran to the tunnel entrance, they found that there was a small open space below the end of the tunnel entrance, and not far away was a large black mucus, which seemed to be hundreds of square meters in size.

It's like a small black lake underground.

Everyone also recognized at a glance that this was the black slime seen on the stone pillar above, and it seemed to be the same material as the black shadows that had just formed.

Ji Han said:

"We didn't go out. This seems to be the place where those dark shadows were created in the mountain."

And if Ji Han's previous speculation is correct, these viscous black liquids were formed after people turned into shadows and were killed.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that what is in front of us is another kind of corpse mountain and blood sea.

I don't know how many people came here to seek immortality and ask for immortality, but ended up staying here in this form.

Song Qian fiddled with the Shenzhu detector on her waist, frowned and said:

"The divine pillar seems to be in this black lake."

Eggplant said "ah" when he heard it:

"This is really difficult. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com We didn't bring any diving suits, and this kind of viscous crude oil-like thing can come out after being sunk."

Talking about Eggplant, I wanted to take a walk around the tidal black lake to see if I found anything.

Ji Han recalled that he had encountered a similar black sticky substance in the Tianchi Lake of Changbai Mountain. At that time, as long as someone walked over, the black sticky thing would automatically separate.

So Ji Han also followed, wanting to see if the black goo here is the same as that in Changbai Mountain.

But his eyes were scanning the situation on the black ground not far ahead, and a new prompt popped up on the interface in front of him.

[Abyss Gaze passive skill has been deployed]

Ji Han felt a little baffled, he just stared at the ground and walked forward carefully, how could it trigger the abyss gaze?

At the same time, a familiar red letter flashed above Eggplant's head not far away:


Before Ji Han could understand the situation, he subconsciously stretched out the devil's tentacles to wrap around Eggplant, trying to pull him back.

I thought it was some monster in the black sticky lake ahead, but I didn't expect that the devil's tentacles just grabbed the eggplant.

Eggplant, who had already taken a step forward, suddenly stepped on the ground, and his body sank downward.

Fortunately, Ji Han's demonic tentacles had already grabbed him, and Eggplant reacted quickly, grabbing the tentacles and climbing up.

Not knowing what happened, Ji Han carefully pulled back the eggplant that climbed up.

Eggplant turned around and reminded:

"Be careful, there are pits on the ground."

Chen Ke didn't show it, and his drone spray paint also showed that there were no pits on the ground.

Ji Han recalled the game prompt just now, and added:

"Don't move, everyone, it's a two-dimensional pit." Zhi Da Zhi Xiao

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