Seeing that his own shadow actually attacked him, Song Qian, Chen Ke and Qiezi were all startled and hurriedly backed away.

Perhaps thinking of the cannibal shadow seen at the former site of the Liu family, Song Qian and the three of them also became nervous.

Ji Han had just dealt with these shadows, and he was wearing two-way foil eyes, so instead he stepped out with his sword, dodged forward, raised his sword and slashed at the surrounding black shadows.

The two in front of and beside him were killed in an instant, and fell to the ground and turned into a black substance.

The other one was farther away, and it was not killed by Ji Han's surprise attack, but went straight to the eggplant.

Seeing Ji Han slashing three black shadows with one sword, Eggplant thought he could do it, so he drew out his dagger and stabbed at the black shadows.

"Hey! That won't work!"

As soon as Ji Han finished speaking, Eggplant slashed through the air, and immediately after, Eggplant felt a punch in the abdomen.

Eggplant turned to the side and cursed:

"Grass, what the hell! Why can't I hit it?"

Ji Han knew that the black shadow had no lethality, so he didn't rush to fight back, but took out another three pairs of two-direction foil eyes and handed them to everyone.

"Bringing this on, you will be able to see the condition of the shadow clearly."

Strong reading sacrifice. Although the three of them didn't quite understand what it meant, they all put on their glasses when they saw Ji Han wearing them.

As soon as I put it on, the black shadow on the ground turned into a black three-dimensional figure.

This time the black shadow came again, and the eggplant made a backhand strike, but Ji Han swung the Zhenyue Sword and killed the black shadow before he could hit it.

The eggplant closed the knife and said:

"Grass, you don't even give me a chance to take revenge."

"It's not because you're afraid that you won't be able to react."

Ji Hanxin said that killing Sombra can be exchanged for the skills of the Shadow series, so of course he has to grab the head.

Looking at the black shadow on the ground, Song Qian asked:

"Brother Han, what the **** is going on?"

Ji Han put Zhenyue Sword into its sheath and explained:

"You can tell by looking down, we don't have shadows, and we can attack the shadows just now, so I speculate that we have entered some kind of non-absolute two-dimensional space."

Seeing everyone's disbelief, Ji Han told everyone in detail what happened after he came in.

Chen Ke widened his eyes and asked:

"That means we entered the relief murals on the wall?"

Ji Han hesitated and said:

"Whether it entered the mural is still uncertain, but our body or this space must have some kind of two-dimensionality."

Eggplant did not forget to laugh at himself:

"That is to say, after entering this door, I will become as thin as you?"

Ji Han replied:

"Ah, yes, yes, yes. Well, no kidding, our senses should still be normal, but the body may be affected."

"Then what to do next?"

"It's good to keep going, but everyone pays attention to your state at all times. Who knows what this two-dimensional state will lead to."

Chen Ke carefully observed the glasses he put on and asked:

"Brother Ji, where did you buy such weird glasses? It can actually turn two-dimensional into three-dimensional."

"Hey, the glasses from the 3D cinema, just modify it yourself."

Just as Ji Han was speaking, the black shadows on the ground started to flow into the palace like a liquid.

The four looked at each other, and Ji Han reminded:

"Get your weapons ready, everyone, follow up and see, the four shadows I killed just now may have disappeared like this."

The four followed the shadows on the ground and ran towards the palace until they reached the fence of the inner hall.

The outer fence used to be drilled out of absolutely black rocks, but here it is different.

The fence is not only larger than the outside, but also a downward pit.

Watching the four black broken images flow into the **** pit like water.

The four of Ji Han also stopped by the fence, but even with the blessing of two-way foil glasses, because the bottom is also absolutely black, it is difficult to discern the specific content.

Eggplant scolded:

"Grass, this is the case again, this thing can't be seen at all, okay?"

Chen Ke took out the drone from his hand and said:

"Don't worry, I'm ready this time!"

Speaking of which, Chen Ke turned his head slightly, and the drone fell into the deep pit, spraying fluorescent paint around.

With Chen Ke's fingers dancing, the words "Trash Black Mountain" were written on the inner wall of the Shenkeng.

It seems that with the experience on the Black Rock Mountain in Changbai Mountain last time, everyone has the experience to deal with this kind of thing.

Ji Han complained:

"Your thing is simply a magical tool for writing small advertisements, Song Qian, how is the signal of your Shenzhu detector?"

Song Qian pointed to the detector with a yellow light on her waist and said:

"No problem. Although it is not clear whether there is any change in the direction in this semi-two-dimensional space, the current direction of the detector is indeed pointing downward."

This is Zhang Si. Ji Han was still not at ease, and searched the palace again with everyone, but it was different from the outside, and there was no other exit.

It seems that only this pit can go down, so Ji Han asked Chen Ke to lead the way with the drone, and walked with everyone along the inner wall of the pit.

At the same time, the chief captain has held a captain-level meeting as planned.

"The auxiliary location of Shenzhu this time is the Yuzhufeng camp in Kunlun Mountains. Except for the old man and the new captain of the second team that has not yet been selected, the other captains will start immediately."

But everyone didn't take any action, anyone with a discerning eye could see it, UU reading www.uukanshu. Although most of the members of Consciousness Only Society were deceived by com's last action, the captains present here all have a sense of honor. Of course, they hope that the chief captain will be open and honest for them.

At this moment, Captain Gu Shui of the eighth team raised his hand and said:

"Old man, can I ask, is it still a feint this time, or is there really an auxiliary mission?"

The captain slapped the ground lightly with his cane, raised his eyes slightly, and stared at Gu Shui with a frown:

"Execute the mission..."

Before the captain reprimanded him, Gu Shui turned around and said:

"I know, I know, let's go!"

Seeing this, the other captains had no choice but to bow their heads and reply:


Not daring to ask any more questions, Captain Ding An came out with a smile and said:

"Obviously knowing the captain's temper, Captain Gu Shui asked extra questions, regardless of his age, his personality still can't be changed."

At this time, Captain Chunchen of the third team laughed behind him:

"It's Captain Ding An, you didn't understand. It's obviously Captain Gu Shui and the chief captain who are playing the oboe, just to tell everyone not to ask."

Only then did Ding An come to his senses, and said with emotion:

"I really don't know what Brother Ji Han wants to do this time."

Captain Chunchen asked:

"Oh? I thought Team Ding and Team Song were so close, they should know how to write the inside story."

"Stop teasing me, Captain Chunchen, as our intelligence agency, you should know better than me."

At this time Captain Wang Cai pushed the two of them from behind and said:

"Hurry up and go to perform the task, and still chat here."

Seeing Captain Wang Cai full of energy, Chunchen said curiously:

Control the big and the owl. "Obviously still negative because of Captain Cui Feng's death, it seems that man has stood up."

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