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Looking at the familiar red fingers, the four of them froze on the spot:

Are these black icemen the same group as the real ice sculptures I saw just now?

Eggplant raised his gun and said:

"Hey, isn't that right? Aren't these things still outside before? Why are they running faster than us?"

Ji Han nodded and said:

"That's right, and the color has also changed. I'm not sure if it's the ice sculptures outside, or whether it's somehow related to the real ice sculptures outside."

Chen Ke affirmed:

"It's definitely the same batch. I recognize the clothes they're wearing, and I can't go wrong, but they actually came ahead of us first!"

Song Qian asked:

"Then what should we do now? Do we want to rush over?"

Ji Han cautiously said:

"Attack from a distance first to avoid unnecessary damage. Whether they are cultural relics or icemen, we can't take our own risks."

As soon as Ji Han finished speaking, dozens of icemen ran forward together, and the loud sound of hitting the ground was like a robot.

Ji Han hastily made arrangements:

"Eggplant is far away, Chen Ke is noodle, and Song Qian and I are close."

A broken finger of the ice sculpture fell to the ground before it was hit just now, so everyone believes that the ice sculpture must be of poor firmness.

Sure enough, with the attack of bullets and crossbow arrows, a large number of black icemen shattered in place.

The crystal clear ice fell to the ground. Miraculously, there was no black mark on the ice that fell on the ground.

Just when everyone thought that this batch of monsters was very fragile, the sharp-eyed eggplant discovered something unusual:

"Grass, brothers, something's not right, these black ice men lose their color as soon as you hit them."

At the beginning, Ji Han didn't notice anything unusual, and the color faded as soon as he hit it? Maybe it's just a trait of these monsters.

But then he discovered that although the black iceman was shattered, there was a black shadow with a diameter of half a meter at the foot of the shattered place.

It was as if a puddle of black crude oil had been left in place.

The iceman has been shattered, where is the shadow?

No, transparent ice cubes have no shadows!

Thinking of this, Ji Han hastily reminded:

"Everyone be careful, there is something wrong with the shadow, it's the shadow!"

Others also noticed:

Even if the iceman in front is crushed, there will be black shadows behind to gradually occupy the ice crystal fragments that are broken on the ground, and then restore the iceman to its original appearance and continue to attack.

Chen Ke shattered a few icemen with a mini electromagnetic cannon, and said doubtfully:

"I've heard of memory metal, but I haven't heard of memory ice cubes. I've noticed that every broken ice sculpture will return to its original appearance."

Although these ice sculptures are very fragile, they do not pose any threat to everyone's life for the time being.

But the ice sculptures are still moving forward slowly, and the opponent seems to be able to resurrect infinitely, so it is not an option to consume them like this.

Ji Han scanned the Iceman in front of him while shooting an arrow:

【Curse of Ice Shadow】

【Health volume: 500】

[Explanation: In the curse of longevity, the body turns into a transparent ice crystal, and if it loses its color, it is not enough to be called life. It relies on the only black shadow that has not been deprived to kill and move forward. 】

So they should be those real ice sculptures outside, these people are cursed to become like this?

Since only the shadow is not deprived, they rely on the black shadow to act.

But in this case, there is no way to completely wipe them out for the time being, after all, no one can get rid of the shadows.

It is even more impossible to do this in a place where soft white light is everywhere.

So he hastily suggested:

"These things move forward by shadows, so it may not be easy to deal with. Eggplant Destroyer opens the way, let's see if we can go inside the door first."

When Eggplant heard this, he raised the Destroyer's fierce machine gun and opened a path among the Icemen.

The four hurriedly ran forward through the crushed ice, but they could still see black shadows fixed on the ground. Because there were no objects on it, it was as if black tiles were inlaid on the ground.

Song Qian said:

"I didn't expect to encounter such a situation. If Captain Gu Shui is here, it will definitely be easier to deal with."

Captain Gu Shui's ability is shadow, so he has a certain amount of research on shadows. If he is here, he will almost hit his muzzle.

Fortunately, it took some time for those icemen to recover. The four of them walked through the road blocked by the black icemen and came to the huge ice door.

Different from the half-meter-wide image in the Pre-Qin Nine-Star Mirror, the huge ice door is knocking firmly on the wall at this time, and the two seem to be integrated without leaving the slightest gap.

Eggplant couldn't help scolding:

"Grass, it's okay if you don't leave the door open? Ji Han, don't you have a way of picking a lock? See if you can open it, and we will help you resist these ice sculptures."

"No problem, just be careful."

"Don't worry, these icemen will shatter if you hit them, there is almost no danger."

Ji Han said seriously:

"I'm not worried about the ice sculptures, I'm worried about those dark shadows. Have you forgotten what we found under the black tower in Liu's hometown?"

These words reminded everyone that the four of them found a man-eating black figure in the secret room of the nine-story black tower below the small courtyard of the Liu family.

At that time, everyone almost lost their lives. If Ji Han hadn't received the meat tonic, both of them would have been disabled.

And according to the description of the leader of the Liu family in the letter, he obtained the black shadow in a place where the gods lived.

The four of them had never encountered that kind of man-eating black shadow before, but the weird shadow they encountered today reminded Ji Han.

Reminded by Ji Han, everyone also remembered the situation in the basement, so they all became cautious.

While the three resisted the ice sculpture that got up again, Ji Han began to carefully observe the huge ice door embedded in the wall.

This bluish-white stone gate is more than ten meters high, with dense patterns carved on it, but there is neither a keyhole nor a door handle on the door.

Ji Han touched it lightly with his hand, but he didn't feel a trace of cold, but a warm feeling.

This is not carved out of ice, but some kind of jade. It feels a bit like the jade in the jade cell in the basement of the Liu family's ancient house.

Those jade stones were used to imprison the man-eating shadow.

This made Ji Han feel a little uncertain, if a bunch of man-eating shadows appeared after opening the door, none of them would be able to get out alive.

Thinking about Ji Han taking out the time-delay protection ball, if there is any accident and encounters that kind of man-eating black shadow, at least he can guard against it for a while.

Seeing that Ji Han was slow to move, Eggplant didn't forget to turn around and remind:

"Why are you still standing there? Didn't you open the door?"

"There's not even a keyhole, what a fart, wait a minute, there's something wrong with this door."

While talking, Ji Han groped for the lines on the jade gate, hoping to find clues.

Sure enough, Ji Han quickly touched a doorknob in the lower part of the center of the Yumen, but the doorknob was actually carved on the Yumen.

"Good guy, do you think I'm Ma Liang, the magic pen?"

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