I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 249: Consciousness-only society's fear

Seeing this familiar and strange black mountain, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Again and again, this can be repeated again and again, this time it shouldn't be a coincidence, right?

Why is there that weird black mountain where the next divine pillar is located?

Although full of doubts, everyone didn't have time to speak, because the picture in the pre-Qin Nine Star Mirror was still going on.

The perspective of the ancient mirror continued to go deeper into the palace, and one could see that the entire palace seemed to be built on the Black Mountain, and there were always black stone mountains protruding from the ground around the palace.

There is a huge green gate in the apse, which looks ten meters high. I don't know what kind of material it is, but it looks like it was carved from ice.

The door opened outwards, leaving a space one meter wide.

Just when everyone thought that the angle of view of the bronze mirror would go in, under the reflection of the blue light behind, a dozen black figures could be seen appearing on the wall.

At a glance, it is clear that someone is coming from behind, and the light reflects people's shadows on the wall.

The image in the ancient mirror also ended with this last picture, and it returned to its previous appearance again, and the mirror feet fell to the ground.

Everyone didn't speak, and silently stared at the bronze mirror in Ji Han's hand.

Eggplant lit a flue:

"Do you feel that the situation shown in this same situation seems to be different?"

Chen Ke nodded and said:

"I feel a little awkward, but I can't say it."

Ji Han also felt the same way, he always felt that there was something wrong with the situation shown in the bronze mirror this time, but he insisted on saying what was different, but he couldn't quite come up with it.

Song Qian wondered:

"Is it because there are no people living this time?"

Ji Hanxin said that this is a difference, usually when checking the position of most of the divine pillars, you can see some people.

Although I didn't see the person directly this time, the black shadow that came out at the end obviously looked like a person, and it didn't seem to be here.

Chen Ke repeatedly rewound his own video, as if he had discovered something:

"Every time I see that black mountain, I feel a little awkward, but I can't tell what's wrong."

Ji Han also felt strange, although he hadn't seen the figure of Heishan in the ancient mirror, even if he found it, it shouldn't feel too weird, right?

What's wrong?

Recalling everyone's judgment on the Black Mountain at the Tianchi Lake in Changbai Mountain, Ji Han finally discovered the problem.

"I see, it's time."

Seeing that everyone was still confused, Ji Han explained:

"Remember that we judged in Changbai Mountain that those black mountains must have appeared long after the sacred pillar was placed. From the images of the previous bronze mirrors, we can also confirm that there were no black mountains at all when the ancient mirror recorded it, which means that other black mountains appeared. The time was after the bronze mirror recorded the location of the divine pillar, but this time is different."

Eggplant continued:

"This time, it is obvious that the Black Mountain appeared before the bronze mirror recorded the position of the divine pillar, and it may even appear before the divine pillar was placed. That is to say, this Black Rock Mountain is much older than the other places."

Only then did everyone fully realize that the appearance of the Black Mountain in the bronze mirror completely overturned everyone's previous guesses about the Black Rock Mountain.

Of course, unless this mountain alone is an outlier, different from other Black Rock Mountains.

Chen Ke said in a daze:

"Then what to do now?"

Ji Hanxin said that although this Black Rock Mountain seems to be different from the past, the tasks that everyone should perform are still to be performed. Now there is no time to solve the mystery of the coincidence of Blackstone Mountain.

So he shook his head and said:

"Chen Ke, you don't have to worry about other things. That mountain should be in the Kunlun Mountains. You have to confirm the exact location as soon as possible. Remember, keep it a secret for now."

"Ok, no problem."

Gu Eggplant fired the soot and asked:

"But Ji Han, have you figured out a countermeasure? Those guys from the Consciousness-only Society may reposition our position."

Ji Han put away the corner of the mirror and said:

"I haven't figured out the specific strategy yet, but before that I want to meet someone, maybe he can give me some inspiration."

"Who are you talking about? Could it be that you still have an undercover agent in the Consciousness-only Society?"

Ji Han turned to Song Qian and said:

"Song Qian, help me arrange it. I want to meet Tan Xi who was captured alive by us."

If Ji Han didn't say anything, Song Qian would have almost forgotten him.

"He is with Ding An, but those who join the Consciousness-only Society will be subject to some kind of restriction, and Captain Ding An has not obtained any valuable information from him."

"It's okay, take me to have a look first, maybe I can pry his mouth open."

At the same time, three people walked out of a brand new church in Jingzhou City.

It was the "Three Musketeers" of Consciousness-Only Society that Ji Han had met before: Riel, Field and Walter.

Riel led a large army to the Alps to ambush for a lonely time.

Field and old Dyson ambushed Ji Han and others on Changbai Mountain.

Walter took Riel's younger brother to kidnap Jim Mo and failed to sell his teammates to escape.

The three of them just came out after reporting the situation, Riel said with a smirk:

"Sell me at the beginning, and recommended me to go to the Alps with the big team to fight against the alien guards, but it seems that I am the most chic?"

Field scratched his head helplessly and said:

"This is my retribution, I took a bunch of perverts to fight another pervert, next time I won't take this kind of mission~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Riel and Walter thought about what they just saw The situation of Youqi arrived, she still looked disdainful when she left, but when she came back, she had already been made into a doll, and Tia was allowed to play.

Of course, according to the logic of the boss, this is waste utilization, but it still makes people feel uncomfortable.

The three of them also prayed silently in their hearts, hoping that they would not be assigned to a team with Tia in future missions.

Otherwise, if something really happened, let alone expecting her to save him, it would be pretty good if he didn't turn himself into a doll.

Seeing that Walter hadn't spoken, Field joked:

"What? You're not scared by the captain, are you?"

Walter took a deep breath and said:

"The captain is nothing. Although he can't beat him, at least he won't come after me. What I'm worried about is that Liu Dan."

Speaking of Liu Dan, the expressions of the three became serious.

That guy is currently the biggest threat to Weishi Society. With her ability, if she finds everyone's position, she will be a child with one knife.

Walter also participated in the earliest action against Liu Dan. Although he was only serving as a backup at that time, if he hadn't been hydrated in time, he might have already died.

But what they are most confused about now is the relationship between Liu Dan and Ji Han.

According to the comparison of the intelligence of the two teams just now, the one who rescued Ji Han and the others was Ji Mo, whom Walter wanted to capture before.

Liu Dan hid his identity and was protected by Ji Han?

None of these can be confirmed yet, but after Walter knew what happened to Field and others and that Liu Dan might be Jim Mo, he was also afraid for a while. No wonder the little guy was not scared when he saw him.

Thinking about it this way, it was fortunate that the captain took the shot, otherwise he would have been unprepared to catch Ji Mo.

Maybe she will be instantly killed by that little loli who looks harmless to humans and animals.

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