I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 228: Phoenix 1 and its followers

Although no one was wearing seat belts, fortunately, Ji Han stuffed the devil's tentacles into the car before finally falling out.

That's why no one was seriously injured.

From the gap in the taxi, you can see that Yan Mo is approaching here with the magma behind him, and he is not far away from everyone.

"Get up quickly! That thing is coming again."

Everyone kicked the door of the car with difficulty, and climbed out of the broken car in a daze.

At this time, Yanmo was only tens of meters away from everyone.

Seeing Yan Mo raised his arms again, everyone quickly rushed towards the rocky slope.

And Yan Mo behind him bent over and punched Tan Xi's taxi into flat scrap metal.

Before Tan Xi had time to feel sorry for Tan Xi, the blast and flames knocked the four people not far away to the ground.

Ji Han didn't have time to look back, he just got up and shouted:

"Quick, quick! Get into the tunnel, it's safe to get in!"

The tunnel twists and turns. Although the opening is not small, it is no problem to get through a few trucks, but it must be difficult for Yan Mo to go in.

And that is still an upward way out, and it is very slow for the magma to flow in and catch up.

So Ji Han led everyone to run towards the tunnel entrance.

But there was still some distance to go. Yan Mo saw that the punch just smashed the car, and it seemed that he had seen through the intentions of the four people.

The magma in the palm of the hand gathered more and more, and slowly spread out in the hand, like a signal tower, but in Yanmo's hand, it was like a javelin.

The huge body didn't need to make any exaggerated body movements, and easily threw this "magma javelin" in front of the four of them.

Impartially pierced on the tunnel entrance, the huge impact force caused the rocks at the tunnel entrance to collapse, coupled with the hot magma as the adhesive, this completely sealed the exit.

The four people who were still running there stopped in an instant, avoiding the collapsed rocks.

It was only after the smoke and dust passed that they noticed that the escape route had been blocked.

Eggplant tried to fire a shot, but as soon as the magma was blasted out of the big crater, it was immediately covered by the newly flowing magma and gravel.

Chen Ke said in despair:

"No, Brother Ji, is there any other way out?"

Ji Han shook his head, then looked back at Yan Mo who was walking up.

Because the stone **** was relatively high, the magma below could not surge up temporarily, but it gave the four of them some time to cope.

Ji Han comforted:

"Don't panic, I have to think of a way, you guys think of a way to see how you can dig this hole, I'll hold Yanmo back."

"Brother Han, let's go with you, you can't handle it by yourself."

Ji Hanxin said that now it's not about the number of people, but the need to think of a suitable way to deal with this guy.

Sanskrit to punish evil also tried, and it didn't do any harm to him.

Since the blood volume is not infinite, there must be flaws, wraiths, magma, the most yin, the most yang, ancient.

Wait a minute, if it is said to be ancient, it means that this monster is very old. Didn't I just buy a Chongyang stick?

Damn, never used it and almost forgot about it.

The older he was, the greater the damage. It would definitely be effective against this thing, but if it was still a physical attack, he might still not be able to destroy him.

But besides punishing the evil Sanskrit, I have nothing to target the resentful spirits.

No, just because I don’t have it doesn’t mean that others don’t, the divine bird Huobi!

It is said that the flame of the divine bird can kill evil things, and it is a divine bird, so it can definitely deal with Yanmo.

Big idiot! I was given a bird call whistle at the beginning, isn't that a good match!

Ji Han turned around and comforted him:

"Your weapons may not be able to deal with Yanmo, first open the way out, and I have a solution there."

After saying that, he left everyone and started running towards Yanmo.

Song Qian still wanted to go there, but was stopped by Eggplant:

"Believe in Ji Han, let's open up the back road first, otherwise we won't be able to get out."

Seeing Ji Han's back rushing towards the sea of ​​flames, Song Qian had no choice but to grit her teeth and deal with this side first.

Ji Han didn't run very far before he found out the bird call whistle, but he wasn't sure if it would be useful for the divine bird, the firebird.

Before Yan Mo could climb up, Ji Han used his life's greatest lung capacity to blow the bird calling whistle very loudly.

Although the sound was indeed like the cry of a big bird flying in the air, it didn't turn around at all, but it was heart-piercing and hoarse.

But originally he was asking for help from the divine bird, the fire pheasant, which fit the situation very well.

After blowing three or four times in a row, there was no sign of the fire bird in the air, so Ji Han took a few breaths.

In my heart, I scolded this divine bird for eating its own honey for nothing, it was so meaningless at a critical moment! What about eating people who are short-mouthed?

And Yan Mo has already climbed up again, if it waits for it to come up, the height gap will be even greater.

Helpless, Ji Han had no choice but to pull out the Double Ninth Stick from his crotch first.

The stick was as long as the eyebrows, and it was extremely smooth. It felt like the whole stick was patted, and Ji Han was really afraid that it would break if he dropped the stick.

Just when Ji Han ran to the edge of the stone **** to look for an opportunity to attack, he heard a familiar long howl from above his head.

Looking up, the divine bird Huobi had already swooped down towards Yanmo.

When it was on the platform under the city just now, the Huoyan retracted its wings and shrank its body in order to get in, so it didn't look that big.

At this time, the wings are fully spread out, and the golden body looks not much smaller than Yan Mo~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Golden flames fall from the sky, like golden rain, that kind of golden fire seems to be similar to Yan Mo's body The fire has a certain restraint relationship.

Where the Balrog touched the golden fire, the magma gave off a strange dark red color.

And bending down in pain to avoid the falling "golden rain" is like being burned.

Ji Han saw that the golden fire spit out by the divine bird Huoyu had an effect on Yanmo, so he hurriedly took the opportunity to rush over.

Song Qian and the three who were looking for the blasting point not far away realized what Ji Han was doing just now. Can even the divine bird communicate?

What is going on with this divine bird alone?

Seeing that the divine bird sprayed out golden fire to attract Yanmo's attention, Ji Han waved a wooden stick and rushed up.

Hitting the flame demon with a wooden stick? Are you crazy?

Unexpectedly, taking advantage of the divine bird Huoyu entangled with Yan Mo, Ji Han lifted the Double Ninth Stick and aimed at Yan Mo's chest.

Although it was only following the assisting attack of the divine bird Huoji, it could be regarded as a phoenix following and cooperating with each other.

Yan Mo seemed to have noticed it with his head down, but he didn't care about Ji Han's "ant" attack either.

But this simple blow to Yan Mo's body caused sparks to fly and the magma to burst. A big hole was punched out of Yan Mo's chest, and his entire mutilated body fell backwards.

Even Song Qian and the three of them froze in place in shock. Everyone believed that Ji Han tried to find a way to hold Yan Mo back.

But no one expected that Ji Han would directly shatter Yan Mo's body into a piece of shattered magma with one stick.

How much power does this guy still have!

In fact, Yan Mo and Ji Han should be the most surprised in the audience.

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