I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 221: living black stone mountain

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"Burn to death? What do you mean?"

Song Qian and the three of them were all in a daze. Seeing that Ji Han was about to tell the content of the writing on the wall, Eggplant still couldn't hold back. He carefully lit his cigarette, took a deep breath and said:

"The next time I go out with you, I have to bring popcorn, so just talk about the content."

Ji Han leaned against the wall beside him and said:

"The content on this is intermittent, and many places are missing. I can only give a rough idea."

The writing on the wall was recorded by the last group of people who stayed in the city.

They said that there is a monster sealed in the bottomless hole under the crater of Changbai Mountain, and the name of that monster could not be translated using the electronic wave reading method.

Everyone looked at the place Ji Han was pointing at. It was a little figure made up of the shape of "fire". If it wasn't written in the pile of words, they would have thought it was some child's stick figure.

That is what is sealed in the bottomless pit under the stone platform.

The whole body is fire, so Ji Han tentatively called it the Balrog.

Originally, that thing existed in the crater of Changbai Mountain, and it often caused volcanic eruptions.

According to the ancestors, an immortal came from nowhere and sealed the Balrog into the magma with a sacred stone.

He also taught the people here to build a gossip-shaped city on the sealed hole to suppress the monsters below.

When the immortal left, he told everyone that someone would come to retrieve the sacred stone in the future, and the problem would be solved by then.

Because of the help of the immortals and the protection of the sacred stone, the Changbai Mountains were peaceful.

And they did not forget the words of the immortal, and set up a selective mechanism here so that the person whom the immortal said could find this sacred stone.

Chen Ke opened his mouth wide and said:

"Good guy, old prophet, how did that guy know that we will come to get the pillar after thousands of years?"

Eggplant smoked the cigarette just now in two puffs, and before it was completely extinguished, he continued another cigarette and said:

"It's not that simple. The so-called **** man is from the Liu family."

Song Qian shook her head and said:

"That's not right, shouldn't the people of Liu's family live as patron saints? Why do you let other people come and get them?"

Ji Han nodded and said:

"That's right, so I think there is something wrong with the attitude of the people of the Liu family towards the divine pillar. Maybe it's not necessarily the guardian pillar you first learned about. Of course, it's also possible that other people took the divine pillar and came over to do something good, and then told People from the Liu family here will come to get it in the future. I won’t mention this matter, I will continue to talk about the situation here.”

Later residents here discovered two more things:

First, the sacred stone can transform the flames ejected from the deep pit that seals the Balrog into yin and yang bipolar inflammation.

Yin Yan burns living things into ghosts, Yang Yan turns humans and ghosts into smoke, and Shuang Yan can extinguish both of them.

Second, in addition to the suppressed monsters, there is also a divine bird in the volcano. This divine bird often feeds on yang flames and can drive away yin and evil things.

Carefully take the flames falling from the divine bird to get rid of all diseases and prolong life.

In order to ensure that the seal here is always there, and to enjoy the blessings brought by the divine bird for a long time, the residents at the foot of Changbai Mountain live here in rotation.

Eggplant smiled and said:

"Tsk, the original divine bird is a beneficial bird. It's just that the soldiers of Daqin didn't know much about sustainable development, so they insisted on killing it until the entire army was wiped out. And the residents at that time could come and go here alternately, which means that as long as they take medicine If the method is correct, you can prolong your life and get rid of all diseases, and you will not be trapped here."

"Ha, it makes sense, it's really greedy enough to swallow an elephant."

Song Qian asked:

"Brother Han, since it is said that the yin and yang two-level flames spewed out from the deep pit of the sealed monster, and now they are gone, does it mean that the monsters below are almost the same?"

Ji Han shook his head and said:

"It's hard to say. Just now I saw that there was still movement below, and the guy who left the sacred stone said that the person who came to get the sacred stone would deal with it in the future?"

Chen Ke scolded:

"Damn, why don't you do it yourself when you're so good? Why don't you pretend to be deep when you say it's left to the people who come later? But Brother Ji, what about the residents here later?"

Ji Han bowed his head and replied:

"Because the appearance of one thing broke the life that had been settled here."

Song Qian and Chen Ke haven't reacted yet, but Eggplant's brain is quick:

"You mean the black mountain outside?"

Indeed, the weird black mountain outside did not appear in the things just mentioned

Ji Han nodded and continued talking.

Until a meteorite fell one day, it precisely fell into the Tianchi Lake in Changbai Mountain, and it really fell into the ground.

Since then, there have always been strange things under Tianchi, and this strange black rock mountain falling from the sky is also considered an ominous sign by everyone.

They unexpectedly discovered that the Yin and Yang bipolar fire could easily burn those black mountain stones into fly ash.

"It seems that the Qin soldiers guessed right. They were indeed planning to use the yin and yang bipolar fire here to deal with those Black Mountain stones. What happened afterwards? Those stones didn't seem to be disposed of."

Ji Han pointed at the bottom line of writing on the wall. The writing on that line was messier and shallower than the others. If it wasn't for the well-preserved stone wall, the handwriting might not have been found.

"This is the last sentence of the record. It seems to be done in an emergency: We will dispose of those things. Sorry, I didn't wait for you."



"Here, Brother Ji, what are they going to deal with?"

Ji Han shook his head and said:

"I didn't say it, but judging from the meaning of these words, it seems that they are going to die together. What happened to them at that time?"

Eggplant speculated:

"No matter what they encountered? It should have prevented them from destroying those black mountain stones."

Song Qian also continued based on Eggplant's conclusion:

"So you mean that the 'those things' mentioned above may come from the black mountain stone?"

"That's right, but no matter what, those people really do what they say, as if there is nothing left."

Ji Han recalled the description of the yin and yang bipolar inflammation on the wall, and seemed to have some ideas.

"You still remember the saying on the wall, 'Yin flames burn living things into ghosts, Yang flames turn humans and ghosts into smoke, and double flames can extinguish both of them'. This means that the fire is very powerful, right?"

"Nonsense, for sure."

"When I came down just now, I felt very strange. With such a powerful fire, the Black Mountain Stone could be quickly burned into fly ash. None were burned."

Eggplant also got stuck in place after asking this question.

Chen Ke came to the same conclusion as Ji Han thought just now:

"Is there a choice in the yin and yang bipolar burning things that spew out here?"

"That's right."

Seeing that Chen Ke and himself reached the same conclusion, Ji Han continued to speculate from the newly obtained information on the wall:

"Look, yin flames burn living things into ghosts, yang flames turn humans and ghosts into smoke, and double flames can extinguish both. In summary, no matter which kind of fire destroys living things or ghosts, they are right. It may be the wraith spirit bone we saw before."

Song Qian nodded and added:

"From the stele of the Great Qin generals, we also know that this kind of fire can also hurt that kind of divine bird."

Ji Han nodded and said:

"That's right, that is to say, no matter how it burns, what this yin and yang bipolar fire destroys must be moving things, not living things, or ghosts and gods, but if this is the case, the question arises: why does this fire also destroy the black lime outside? ?”

Chen Ke replied tremblingly:

"Brother Ji, do you mean that Black Rock Mountain is alive?"

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