I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 213: Wraith bone fire

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Ji Han, Chen Ke, and Qiezi all looked astonished, and they walked slowly to the side of the stone roof and looked towards the street.

Once the lights gathered, the situation below became much clearer.

As expected, those charred corpses were no longer facing the direction of the city gate, but turned to face Ji Han and the others inside the city.

They could clearly hear the sound of the hard shell cracking from below, and the four focused their flashlights on a charred corpse.

I saw that the body of the scorched corpse was twisting unexpectedly, and the sound of things breaking apart began to be heard from it.

Chen Ke asked curiously:

"Could it be that you are going to cheat the corpse again?"

Ji Hanxin said it couldn't be, it was already charred to that state, if this can still be used to cheat corpses, then it can definitely be regarded as a model worker in the zombie circle.

Eggplant is also puzzled:

"Don't say it, the sound is quite crisp, and I'm a little hungry after hearing it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Han saw that the back of the scorched corpse was split open, and something light blue flowed out from it.

"Be careful, something is coming out."

At first, Ji Han thought it was bugs, but since he had the bug control blade, he didn't have to worry about it.

But the blue thing flowed out like a stream of water.

Ji Han also asked:

"What's that blue thing? Blood?"

The blue substance flowing out looks like liquid or tight gas, and it's hard to tell what it is.

Looking at the half-floating and half-attached state, Eggplant seems to see some clues:

"It seems, it seems to be flames."

"Blue flames coming out of the body? How much wine did this buddy drink before he died?"

At this time, Song Qian reminded:

"Look at the other corpses!"

I saw that almost all the charred corpses that could be seen on the whole street were the same as the one in front of him, and blue flame-like things began to flow out.

Just when the four of them were a little overwhelmed by the flowing blue flames.

With a sound of "poof", an arm skeleton with blue fire pierced out from the back of the charred corpse in front of him.

This unexpected turn of events surprised everyone, and hurriedly backed away.

"Hiss" another arm stretched out, and then two blue arm bones that were emitting blue flames actually tore apart the entire charred corpse.

And the upper body of that thing finally emerged from the corpse.

It turned out to be a skeleton with blue flames all over its body.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go!"

Ji Han stood up and pushed everyone, hurriedly stepped on the roof of the stone house and ran towards the city.

But immediately the same voice came from the receiver next to him. It was obvious that similar situations had already happened to other teachers.

Although the four of them were using flashlights, there were more and more blue lights around them.

Chen Ke asked while running:

"What's the situation, Brother Ji, do you know that thing?"

Ji Han replied:

"I know a fart, but the skeleton with blue fire coming out of the corpse must not have climbed out because of wanting to breathe."

Eggplant continued:

"What if it's the golden cicada who got mad after she got out of her shell? Did she get her bones out?"

Song Qian looked back, and saw that several of the fiery blue skeletons had already climbed onto the roof and started running towards this side.

"Catch up."

Looking back at the running speed of those skeletons, Ji Han knew that he would be overtaken soon, so he looked around and found a house with a relatively open roof and only one side with a street.

"Go over there first."

The four of them stepped onto the same roof and drew out their weapons to prepare for defense.

Those skeletons with blue flames all over their bodies had chased to a place only three or four stone houses away from Ji Han and the others.

Ji Hanxin said that he didn't even have any muscles, and he ran so **** fast.

Now that he was about to fight, Ji Han immediately began to scan the specific information of these things.

"Cover it up, let me see what the weakness is."

Chen Ke didn't care about that, the mini railgun I was talking about had already been launched, and when the railgun hit those skeletons, it sparked a blue flame.

All five shots hit the skull, and the skeleton stood there in a daze for a moment. With a burst of blue flames burning on the head, the skull regenerated intact.

Chen Ke scolded:

"Fuck, isn't it, has regeneration become the basic ability of these monsters now?"

Eggplant scolded:

"Small, look at me!"

As he spoke, he raised the Destroyer and fired a shot at the feet of the three blue skeletons, blowing the three skeletons away.

The stock prices that came over the wall from nearby were also directly scattered to the ground by Song Qian.

But the blue skeleton, which was seriously injured by these few sentences, floated up with the burst of blue flames, and then swooped down towards the four of them.

Like a ghost, corpses and blue flames roared past overhead.

He noticed that there was a skeleton crawling up from the top of his head, but he didn't find that there was a skeleton crawling up by his feet. Eggplant smashed the **** of the gun and shattered the skeleton directly, but the skeleton's hands didn't seem to be affected, and it directly pinched Eggplant's arm.

"Ah grass!" Eggplant felt a sharp pain in his arm.

The information of the monster also appeared in front of Ji Han, but before he could read it, he stretched out the tentacles of the devil and slammed the skeleton that was holding the eggplant away.

"Are you okay?"

"Grass, it **** hurts."

Eggplant raised his arm, only to see that the place held by the skeleton just now had no explanation, not even wounds and burns.

Song Qian pulled away the skeleton that wanted to climb up and shouted:

"Watch out for the top of your head!"

Several blue fireball-like things passed over everyone's heads again.

"Brother Han, is there a way?"

Only then did Ji Han start to look at the information about this thing:

【Yin Yan Wraith Spirit Fire Bones】

[Health volume: 15001500]

[Explanation: For a person burned to death by the negative spirit fire, the flame will remain on the blood and bones in his body. Because this thing is extremely yin, it will tend to things with sufficient yang. Once the attached bone fire touches the skin, it will be absorbed by yang qi and suffer from the erosion of yin qi, eventually leading to the exhaustion of yang qi and death. The only way to overcome it is to use the strength of the yang to exuberant yang qi, or to restrain each other with yang inflammation. 】

Oh, by the way, didn't I use Thousand Corpse Soul Surround Yin Qi last time to avoid the attack of the mermaid corpse on the seabed? Is it okay this time?

【Sorry~www.wuxiamtl.com~Your skills have strengthened physical attacks this time, so the yin qi lingering around thousands of corpses this time has been transformed into physical attacks. 】

Zhuo, this is really digging a hole for yourself!

Damn, but where can I find Yang Yan? Is normal flame ok?

Thinking about Ji Han, he started to take out the burning arrow and told everyone about it.

Eggplant rubbed his arms and cursed:

"Grass, that is, the fire of the old Yin X?"

Song Qian swung the heart lock chain over her head, and shot down two Wraith Fire Bones that swooped down. Chen Ke and Eggplant pulled with the Wraith Fire Bones on the ground to buy time for Ji Han.

Ji Han was also afraid that one of them would be extinguished, so he drew out five flaming arrows. Just as he was about to shoot the eggplant, he waved his hand and took out a bottle of wine that he brought with him, and sprinkled it nearby.

The five flaming arrows brought up the flames on the ground, and immediately blocked the flames of the wraiths.

Chen Ke excitedly said:

"It's done!"

As soon as the words fell, nearly ten resentful spirit fire bones rushed straight into the fire wall in front of them.

After a burst of air waves and white smoke, the flames in front of him dissipated immediately, leaving only dozens of Wraith Fire Bones running towards us in the distance.

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