I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 211: Ancient city charred corpse

Hearing Ji Han ask how the fire rat eats, everyone was puzzled.

Chen Ke asked curiously:

"Brother Ji, I have beef jerky with me. There is no need to eat this, right?"

"It's not for filling the stomach, but the flesh and blood of this magma fire rat can enhance the ability to prevent fire. Although the flames around the city seem to be extinguished, I think this kind of help is still necessary."

Song Qian and Chen Ke remembered that Ji Han could resist the captain's flame attack before, thinking that was the reason, they also agreed.

Eggplant rolled up his arms and sleeves and said:

"Okay, leave it to me. I have also handled some wild game before when I was performing missions in the wild."

As he said that, he would start to head and skin the magma fire mouse on the ground. It looked like the knife was really skilled.

After these magma firerats were killed, their fur returned to snow white again.

After Eggplant dealt with all the magma fire rats, Ji Han saw:

【Extreme Fire Rat Fur Has Arrived】

This thing is good, but it is not something that can be given to teammates, so it can only be used by oneself first.

Eggplant turned the skinned fire mouse over and cut off the tender meat next to the spine of the fire mouse's back with a knife.

"Come on, this piece of meat is the most tender and can be eaten directly."

Chen Ke had a face full of reluctance:

"Uh, why don't you deal with it?"

"Don't worry, there shouldn't be any parasites and germs in the environment near the magma."

Watching the meat being removed from the fire mouse, Ji Han also felt a little queasy. Although he had watched several episodes of "Survival in the Wild", it was still not good to eat wild animals raw.

So he took out a burning arrow and ignited it on the ground, set up a small fire, and did a simple barbecue on the tender meat before handing it out to everyone.

"Come on, let's do it."

Chen Ke took out beef jerky and handed it to everyone, so that at least the smell of fire rat meat could be covered.

But it was almost useless, because the four of them basically swallowed the fire rat meat directly.

"Brother Han, is this all right?"

Look at the data reminder in front of you:

[The fire damage received by the body is reduced by half every time]

"Well, this way the body's fire damage can be reduced by half."

The three felt that the fire rat meat they ate was nothing special, but they didn't question Ji Han's swearing.

After extinguishing the flames on the ground, the four continued to walk along the stone road towards the black city they had seen before.

After scaring away those magma fire rats, the road was very peaceful, and it was safer to rely on Chen Ke's drone to explore the way ahead.

The endless trees around were also getting taller and taller. After walking for more than half an hour, an old stone bridge finally appeared in front of the four of them.

There is a deep ravine under the stone bridge, and some red flames can be vaguely seen, and it is obvious that there is heat coming up.

Song Qian turned on a lighting stick and threw it down. The lighting stick fell freely for three or four seconds before reaching the bottom.

Not long after it was illuminated, the lighting stick lit up with a "huh".

Ji Han raised his head and said:

"There should be magma below here. According to the image of magma surrounded by magma in the pre-Qin Nine Stars Mirror, the flames should be here, but maybe our luck is better. Now the volcano is in a dormant period and its state is relatively stable."

Opposite the stone bridge were two tall city gates. Although there were no doors, the endless darkness behind the gates and the gates on both sides already made people feel a little uneasy.

Eggplant knocked on the ground of the stone bridge and cursed:

"Grass, the natural floor heating is good, but living here will not cause carbon monoxide poisoning?"

Ji Han shook his head, and stepped onto the stone bridge first:

"Let's not talk about carbon monoxide. I don't even see water here. I guess it's not ordinary people who can live in this kind of place."

Chen Ke put the drone into the sky, but still couldn't see the whole picture of the city.

"Brother Ji, let's have another lighting arrow."

"This place is too big, climb up the city gate and then launch."

But when the four of them stepped into the entrance of the city gate, they saw a charred corpse lying on the ground.

Just now because it was too dark, he didn't pay attention to his feet, but only now did he notice that the body was stretched and half prostrate on the ground, with one hand stretched out in the direction of the city gate, as if it was still crawling towards the outside of the city gate before it died.

Seeing this situation, the four of them checked carefully. The whole body of the corpse was pitch black, as if it had been burned to death, but it was not carbonized to the touch, and even somewhat elastic, as if a person had been wrapped in a layer of asphalt.

Ji Han looked back at Chen Ke:

"Come on, archaeologists, look at yours, and confirm the age."

Chen Ke spread his hands and said:

"Brother Ji, you think highly of me, don't you? It's all done like this, without leaving any appearance characteristics. I can't judge it."

But when it comes to corpses, Ji Han remembered the corpses he saw in the human body amber before, so he asked:

"So can you judge the corpse in the amber just now?"

Chen Ke frowned and recalled:

"Those corpses are not easy to judge, because they are all wearing nomadic hunting clothes, but there are almost no decorations. They should be from an older tribe. I can only confirm that it should be 1,500 years ago. , I can’t judge the specific dynasty.”

Seeing that Ji Han didn't reply, Chen Ke added:

"However, this kind of construction feature that there are city gates on both sides of the city gate seems to be the style of the Qin and Han Dynasties. After a while, shoot an arrow from the city tower to see the specific situation in Chengnei, and you should be able to confirm it."

Did Ji Hanxin say Qin Han?

However, the nine-star mirror in the pre-Qin period shows that there was a city here thousands of years ago. However, the volcano erupted several times in the middle, and it is possible that the city was rebuilt by later people~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The corpses on the ground are not necessarily contemporaneous.

"Okay, let's go, first go to the top of the city to have a look."

Everyone just stepped into the city, although they didn't see the whole view of the city, but immediately found that there was more than one charred corpse similar to the one in the city gate just now on the streets of the city.

He was also lying on the ground, his whole body was scorched black, and he raised his hand to grab something.

Song Qian said in surprise:

"The state of these people is like the situation in Pompeii after the volcanic eruption. Could it be the death caused by the volcanic eruption?"

Ji Han shook his head and said:

"That's not right. These corpses were not engulfed in volcanic ash, and they were not melted. They should not be magma, and there are no traces of magma here. They were killed by other things."

Looking at the orientation of these corpses, all of them are facing the city gate, Eggplant added:

"It seems that what killed them was something that came out of the city, and suddenly they didn't even have a chance to escape the city gate."

Chen Ke shivered and said:

"Don't talk about it, let's say I won't go in with you."

Ji Han didn't care about the corpses on the ground anymore, but walked up to the top of the city along the rocky steps that had been severely peeled off on one side.

He pulled out an illuminating arrow and shot it at an angle perpendicular to the city wall, after roughly measuring the height.

But with the flames of the lighting arrows bursting out, what appeared in front of Ji Han's eyes was a city structure that he had never imagined.

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