I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 189: The so-called real

Everyone couldn't believe it when they saw Ji Han, and they all understood.

He is such a guy who takes the lead in everything and cares about the lives of his teammates. Of course, he will not accept the sacrifice of his teammates more than others.

Ji Hanxin said wait a minute, the body?

Shouldn't the player return to reality normally after the game fails or dies, or should he be cheated out of money by this game?

I still clearly remember that my life value is 1 million.

Where did the remains come from? The game character died and then the virtual remains in the game?

Ji Han didn't understand it for a while, and said with a puzzled face:

"Go, take me to have a look."

Seeing that Ji Han still couldn't accept it, Eggplant knew that he couldn't recover from this matter, so he comforted him in advance:

"You don't have to blame yourself, and you can't blame you for this matter. Aunt Pan's move came so suddenly that no one would have thought of it."

Although Ji Hanxin said so, he knew that Captain Cui Feng blocked the fatal blow for him at that time.

To put it bluntly, she saved herself a million dollars. I have to go and see what's going on. If Team Cui doesn't have the money to revive, or if he gets cheated too much by the game, I have money now.

It doesn't matter whether she wants to re-enter the game, pay her back the money, or even ask me to pay to help her revive in the game.

But looking at the expressions of the other people, it seemed that something was wrong, Ji Han always had a bad feeling.

The four of them soon arrived at the medical cold storage. In order to prevent Team Cui's body from decomposing, everyone had to freeze her temporarily.

Pulling open the translucent frozen bin, revealing Captain Cui Feng's pale face.

Seeing Captain Cui Feng's body, Ji Han subconsciously wanted to scan it to see if there was a way to rescue it.

But suddenly realized something

The game settlement is over, and I have returned to the real world long ago.

real world? What about this corpse?

Ji Han looked down at Captain Cui Feng's body again, and couldn't help but take two steps back in fright.

Eggplant helped Ji Han, and they knew that Ji Han was unwilling to accept the reality of Captain Cui Feng's death.

But I didn't expect his reaction to be so strong. Maybe he, like Eggplant, also has a similar psychological shadow of the death of his teammates.

Ji Han felt a burst of confusion in his brain, raised his head and asked

"Is Captain Cui Feng really dead?"

Song Qian grabbed Ji Han's hand and nodded.

"Brother Han, I know it might be hard to accept, but it's really not your fault."

Ji Han held on to the last ray of hope that Cui Feng might have died in the real world and had nothing to do with the game.

So he leaned over and lowered his head to check Cui Feng's body, looking for the wound on her chest in the game.

Sure enough, he saw the terrifying penetrating wound stabbed by Aunt Pan.

There is no doubt that Cui Feng was killed in the game, and indeed died in the real world.

No, no, it's just a game, how could someone really be dead?

Ji Han suddenly felt an unprecedented panic in his brain, eggplant, Song Qian and Chen Ke wanted to continue to comfort him, but Ji Han shook his head and said

"You go out first, I want to be alone."

The three of them looked at each other. Although they were worried, they believed in Ji Han's self-control ability, so they had to go out first. Fortunately, Ji Han could be seen from outside through the glass wall of the medical cold storage.

Stimulated by the cold air from the cold storage, Ji Han took a few deep breaths to try to keep himself calm.

then in my mind

"Show game interface"

Sure enough, the game interface of "Inner World" reappeared in front of my eyes.

Then Ji Han asked a question to the game

"Inner World game, answer me, what will happen if you die in the game?"

A game dialog box really popped up in front of me and replied

Sorry, the subject statement is unclear and cannot be answered.

Ji Han took a breath and asked

"Me, what if I die?"

If the game host dies, the cost of 1 million will be deducted, and the game file will be unbound and deleted, that is, it will no longer remember playing the game and return to normal life. The game will ensure that it will not be affected by the world. debt, repayable only from personal assets)

Ji Hanxin said that it was the same as what he told himself before, that is to say, if I die in the game, I just can’t play the game anymore, and it won’t affect my life, it depends on my ability whether I earn or lose.

From this point of view, this is really just a game.

Then Ji Han turned his head to look at Song Qian, Qiezi and Chen Ke outside the glass wall, and the three of them were also staring at him.

"What if they died?"

If a real person in the game dies, it is death.

"Real people in the game? Aren't they players?"

Ji Han clearly remembered that when he first bound the game, the game told him that he was just one of the players, but it was a special beta player who could open this kind of auxiliary hook to make money. From this point of view, there must be other players, Song Qian and the others, right? ?

They're just real people in the game, you haven't met other players yet.

Haven't met another player yet?

That is to say, everyone along the way is real?

Ji Han suddenly understood why they were so grateful to him after saving a few people in the game; why the various details in the game could be made so realistic; and why Captain Cui Feng in front of him really died.

Because only I am playing the game, and everyone else is risking their lives.

Damn, it turned out to be like this.

"Oh my God."

So the monsters and villains I met before are all real things in reality?

What Ji Han was amazed by was not only his own bravery along the way, but also the courage of these people, because they knew that there was a risk of death and they never turned back.

"Can I opt out of the game and not play?"

The selected player can only exit the game by dying. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Then can I tell them I'm playing a game?"

In order to ensure the balance of the game, attempts to tell others about the game content will be erased and the game will be unbound.

Ji Han held his forehead in pain, thinking that if he could, he really wouldn't dare to play this game anymore.

He couldn't accept taking other people's lives as his own game, let alone the monsters and bad guys he killed before, if the data given by the game was true, it could be regarded as eliminating harm for the people.

But what about these teammates? Isn't it irresponsible for me to play with them?

More importantly, Xiao Ji Mo is real, so if he plays this game and offends such realistic bad guys, they will attack Ji Mo as long as they have brains!

Now that I think about it, I am really scared. It is a miracle that Ji Mo is still safe and sound.

No, this game must not be played anymore. Anyway, Ji Mo’s illness is cured, so I have to quit this game as soon as possible, even if the money is not earned or returned to Captain Cui Feng

Ji Han looked up and saw Cui Feng's cold body again.

return? What do you pay for? He saved himself with his life, so I should pay him back?

I dare not play this game https://

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