I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 169: Tidal sea spirit Chen Ke

"I dare not play this game anymore (!

Seeing the stone house that had just stood collapsed, Ji Han and the others were startled.

This power is indeed somewhat astonishing, no wonder Ji Han felt that the other party took out a mortar.

Eggplant responded immediately:

"Stand back, I saw someone knocked down just now."

"Huh? Someone hit it? Can you still live?"

Before he finished speaking, a man stood up from the broken stone house. Under the reflection of the light blue light of the river, the man's whole body reflected the bright light.

It was none other than Osamu Yamazaki who had just been rescued and possessed the ability of invisibility.

At this time, he did not use invisibility, but his whole body was as bright as a diamond.

He smashed the remaining wall of the stone house with one punch, and said fiercely:

"Let's play the second round."

Several people took out their pistols and shot at Yamazaki, but the bullets hit him with no effect at all.

Ji Hanxin said yes, it's okay to drop it from such a high place, and the bullets are of course useless. I didn't expect this guy to have other abilities.

The strength of this kind of crashing the house is definitely not something that can be confronted directly.

The four of them ran up the broken bridge again and ran towards the other side of the river, only to find that Yamazaki's mermaid skeleton also attacked him again.

But this time he was much more relaxed, because his physical strength was by no means comparable to those mermaid bones.

With a wave of both palms, several mermaid bones were directly crushed.

Field asked Walter who floated down together:

"Is that guy's second ability reliable?"

"No problem, his body surface enhancement is at the level of a monster. Most of the people who fought against him in this state were torn apart. Although after using that trick, they can no longer use invisibility for a short time, but if you deal with it Those guys should be fine, let's get closer together, and I will protect you with a water wall."

Numerous mermaid bones surrounded Yamazaki, but they did not cause any substantial damage to him. The blue crystal bone fragments were beaten everywhere.

However, this provided Ji Han and the others with an opportunity to output.

Eggplant has also been replaced with a sniper clip, and every shot hit Yamazaki's forehead.

This move seems to have some effect. After breaking the barrier of the mermaid bones around him, Yamazaki is also intentionally resisting Eggplant's single-point attack with his hands.

But at this time, the sea water around the four of them was violently rolling again. Before a huge wave hit, everyone hurriedly hid on the roof of a stone house.

Seeing Walt and Field floating in the air not far away, everyone turned to attack the two first, but all the bullets were blocked by Walt's water wall.

Yamazaki below rubbed his forehead in pain and cursed:

"Bastard, throw me down, you two are watching a show?"

Field laughed:

"Isn't this for you to experience the state of the two of us just now?"

Walter stopped:

"Okay, kill them quickly to complete the task."

Under the impact of the high waves, Eggplant's sniper rifle was also affected. Field took the opportunity to use the ability to make the mermaid bones in front of Yamazaki drift away, opening a path for him.

Yamazaki roared and rushed towards the house where Ji Han and the others were staying.

Under Field's levitation force, Yamazaki jumped up and landed heavily on the roof.

Ji Han, who was about to jump away, saw a flash of blue light on Yamazaki's body, and knew that this move could be blocked, so he turned around and stood still, raising his hand to block the knife in Yamazaki's hand after jumping up.

When the arms touched, a small shock erupted, and even the roof was stepped on by the two to create a big depression.

Seeing that the hand knife was blocked, Yamazaki was very surprised. In this state of body strengthening, the hardness of the body surface is not much different from that of diamonds. The karate hand knife swung at this strength should be able to cut even steel.

But it was easily blocked by Ji Han raising his left arm.

Surprised, he kicked back and distanced himself from Ji Han.

Walter and Field didn't expect that Ji Han would actually have the strength to face Yamazaki in this state.

Distracted, Walter looked at the few people who had just jumped from the roof to other roofs, and immediately noticed something was wrong, but it was too late to react.

Even though water walls were immediately erected around them, the sudden shots from the room on the right still left bullet holes in the bodies of Walter and Field.

Because of the protection of the water wall, none of the bullets hurt the vitals, but only hit the calf and arm of Walter and Field.

The invisibility ability failed, and Song Qian's figure was gradually revealed from the roof of the nearby house.

Field couldn't believe it:

"This guy is actually invisible?"

Walter endured the gunshot wound and cursed:

"After going back, those guys in the intelligence department can apologize with death."

The stealth attack did not kill the two of them, Song Qian quickly retreated to protect Chen Ke.

The injured Walter was enraged again, and after they landed on a house with Field, they checked the distance and directly manipulated the water around Ji Han and the others to turn upwards.

It was as if a large sea storm had risen around the house, trapping Ji Han and the others inside. Walt was going to use the seaspout to throw them into the air and then fall down.

Immortality at this height is also a serious injury, and there is no need to care about Yamazaki, anyway, the kid will not be killed in this state.

Eggplant grabbed Chen Ke and Song Qian and shouted:

"Cao, I can't get out this time, let's go inside the stone house first!"

Song Qian replied:

"No, it will be washed away."

Chen Ke harpooned the ground while fiddling with the simple equipment made by Shenzhu and Ye Mingzhu:

"Hold on a little longer, I'll be done soon."

After speaking, continue to slowly lower your head and adjust the device.

Ji Han and Yamazaki also confronted each other, and neither of them easily made a move in this sea tornado.

After all, the many ghosts around Ji Han were not affected by the sea tornado, so they looked very bluffing.

But Ji Han was also a little flustered, thinking that the sea dragon roll was spinning faster and faster, and it would be bad if it was rolled up in a while.

But Feld, who felt that this space seemed to be undergoing some kind of change, patted Walter and said:

"Wait Walter, look at the ocean."

I saw that the seawater, which was originally one meter deep, was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if the tide had ebbed. Even the seaspout controlled by Walt had gradually become much weaker.

Soon the sea water on the ground was only left with shallow puddles and blue shoals in the river. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

With the help of these sea waters without the help of wind attribute abilities, it is certain that the sea tornado cannot be completed. Walter had to temporarily give up the control of the sea water and observe what happened around him.

As the sea water flying around the stone house fell back to the ground, I saw Chen Ke standing on the roof, holding a harpoon, holding the equipment with the divine pillar and the night pearl, turning around and smiling:

"I'll just say it's feasible, the sea water has receded."

Eggplant laughed and scolded:

"Grass, yes, Chen Ke, Tidal Sea Spirit, right?"

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