I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 151: Cthulhu? Godzilla?

Text Chapter 151 Cthulhu? Godzilla?

Everyone looked at this underwater city that was almost completely in darkness from the stone platform. Although the details could not be seen clearly, the scale was amazing enough.

The light of the sun above the head is extremely weak, like a illusory lone moon hanging above the head.

Seen from the stone platform, the whole space looks like a big wrist upside down in the water, isolating the sea water outside.

You can still vaguely see fish swimming over your head.

Some broken shipwrecks also fell on the stone platform, but most of the wreckage fell into the darkness below the stone platform.

Eggplant watched and said:

"This **** should be the largest aquarium in history, right?"

Chen Ke said solemnly:

"Brother Ji, have you heard of Raliyah?"

Eggplant obviously has no concept of the nouns in this kind of literature, curiously said:

"Pull what?"

Song Qian explained:

"R'lyeh is a ruined underwater city in the myth of Cthulhu. It is said that the powerful ancient **** Cthulhu and his family lived here."

Ji Han deliberately lowered his voice and said to Chen Ke:

"In the eternal mansion, R'lyeh, the sleeping Cthulhu awaits you in your dreams!"

Chen Ke waved his hands straight after hearing this:

"Don't make trouble, Brother Ji, this place looks uncomfortable, we'd better finish the task as soon as possible."

Ji Han smiled and said:

"Okay, this place has nothing to do with the Cthulhu mythology. La'lye is in the South Pacific, not here. Don't scare yourself. It is the best policy to go back after completing the task."

Song Qian searched around and said:

"According to the basic position determined by Chen Ke before, the sacred pillar is likely to be on the stone bridge that the river crosses, but it can't be seen here, so we have to go down and walk along the river."

Everyone followed Ji Han and walked down the stone steps with the harpoon he had used in Crescent Moon Spring.

In front of the stone platform is a large area of ​​houses, some of which have collapsed, and some still have some shipwrecks on them.

Then everyone had to go through those buildings to get to the glowing river.

But when everyone came to the bottom of the platform, they found that the bottom was also covered by sea water, and there was less than one meter of sea water on the ground.

Eggplant scolded:

"The ancients did not do a good job of waterproofing, and the water accumulation is so serious."

Song Qian shook her head and said:

"If it was a water leak, it would have been filled long ago. This space is fixed by the divine pillar, so it is estimated that there is a deviation in the divine pillar."

Ji Han slowly walked into the water and said:

"It may be that the ancients who lived on the seabed originally needed this kind of amphibian living environment."

The water body on the ground is connected to the water wall, and there are many living marine life in the water.

Some fishes and shrimps were scared away by the four uninvited guests.

Under the erosion of the sea water, most of the stone houses have been dilapidated. If you look in from the door, you can vaguely see simple living facilities.

What puzzled Ji Han was that the height of the stone beds in the stone house was almost a few centimeters below the water surface, which seemed to be deliberately designed like this, even passing through five or six stone houses.

Chen Ke asked:

"Where did you say these seabed immigrants went? It should be quite safe to live here?"

Eggplant smiled and said:

"Do you have to ask? I'm malnourished, I don't get the sun, and I don't have much fruit. It doesn't take much, and I will get scurvy after two months of living."

Eggplant's speculation is reasonable if it is placed on ordinary humans, but these immigrants who came to the bottom of the sea on their own initiative obviously lived here for a long time.

Just looking at the scale of the building, we can tell that they should have successfully expanded the race, and they certainly did not become extinct due to disease as Eggplant said.

At this time Song Qian suddenly turned around and made a silent gesture:

"Hush, listen, there seems to be the sound of water behind you."

Everyone stopped and carefully identified the surrounding movements, but in the dark surroundings, there were no other things except the cold and dilapidated houses.

Eggplant turned around and said:

Gu "Thinking too much, I guess it's a fish, the fish at this depth is of the best quality, I'll catch one for you later, let you taste the thorn..."

Before the eggplant finished speaking, Chen Ke was dragged and slapped by something and fell into the water with a "slap".

The situation changed, Song Qian and Ji Han immediately rushed forward to hold Chen Ke back.

Eggplant also reacted quickly. Seeing that Chen Ke was about to be dragged away, he stabbed Chen Ke between his calves with a harpoon in his hand.

I don't know if the thing that was dragging Chen Ke loosened or what, as Chen Ke's body stopped, Ji Han suddenly felt that the strength in his hands was much lighter, and he hurriedly pulled Chen Ke up.

Chen Ke choked on two mouthfuls of water, clutched his lower body and jumped a few times, coughing painfully.

Eggplant pulled out the harpoon, swept in the direction just now and asked:

"Chen Ke, do you see what it is?"

Chen Ke rubbed his legs and took a deep breath:

"I didn't see it clearly, but I saw a black shadow that just bit my leg and then dragged it back, but Brother Egg, can you be more precise next time you save someone? I have to nail the harpoon between my legs. Can you save me by holding my balls?"

Eggplant explained embarrassingly:

"It's not clear about the special situation. I'll treat you to some oysters when I go back."

Song Qian also mentioned the harpoon and said:

"Don't be silly, pay attention, the thing just now may come again."

Chen Ke checked the leg wound. Fortunately, the diving suit on the leg was torn, and there was a row of thin blood pressure marks on the leg.

Eggplant checked left and right, and came back after confirming that the thing was no longer nearby:

"Grass, you can burn incense. Fortunately, there are no sharks in such shallow water, or there will be nothing."

Ji Han didn't figure it out either. Although the place was dark, flashlights and lighting sticks between the houses were enough to illuminate it. The sea water was fairly clear, and the black ground at the bottom could be seen directly, but the monster just now couldn't be seen clearly at all.

Ji Han reminded:

"Everyone gather a little bit, and if the situation just now happens again, use the harpoon to get stuck on the ground in time."

The four of them were wary of the calm water around them and continued to move forward, but the ground in front of them seemed to be uneven, as if stepping on rough reefs.

Song Qian, who was walking in the front, suddenly felt that the rock under her feet moved, and then her body was lifted up, and she immediately turned back.

The four of them saw a black figure as tall as a person standing in the shallow water in front of them.

It looks like a kangaroo, but it looks much stronger, standing up slowly like a small black tower.

The light of the flashlight shone on it, UU reading www. uukanshu.com can see the rough skin like a black reef, the head has some dinosaur-like fangs, and the eyes are bright red under the light of the flashlight.

The first time Ji Han saw this thing, he thought of a creature, but it shouldn't appear here.

Brother Chen has already said it bluntly:

"Is this **** Godzilla?"

Eggplant scolded:

"Wardfa? Godzilla? Is this Godzilla's cub?"

As soon as the words fell, the "little Godzilla" opened its mouth wide and rushed towards him.

Everyone hurriedly stretched out their harpoons to resist it, but the sharp harpoons pierced the skin of the thing, as if they were pressed against a wall, and they couldn't penetrate at all.

Taking advantage of the close distance and enduring the stench in this thing's mouth, Ji Han scanned it.

【Mutated Marine Iguana】

[Health Volume: 2000/2000]

[Explanation: The mutated marine iguana produced by Liben nuclear waste has extremely thick and sharp leather armor, and likes to hide in the shallow seabed. Adult marine iguanas will produce different mutations. When they are young, their natural enemies are other large marine life . 】

Mutated marine iguana? Isn't this **** Godzilla?

This game is too shameless, dare to use it after changing the name?

However, compared with those Li himself who actually dumped the nuclear sewage into the ocean and still had the nerve to use the monster image produced by the nuclear pollution to make money, this game at least has a bottom line.

I can't even think about it anymore, if the one who attacked Chen Ke just now is also this kind of thing, there must be more than one in that place.

Taking advantage of the three people in front of him still able to block him, Ji Han turned his head and said:

"This thing must be more than one, be careful..."

Before he could finish the word "behind", a big mouth opened towards him behind his back.


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