I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 126: Sand Bug King Killing Gu

Everyone was startled when they heard gunshots.

Eggplant was keenly aware that it was the sound of a sniper rifle, and was about to seal the smoke against the sniper.

But the four of them immediately realized something was wrong, because apart from the sniper rifle, there were other noisy gunshots and shouts, all coming from outside the city gate.

Looking at the flashing gunfire outside through the broken city gate, Song Qian judged:

"It must be the five of Ethan and the others from the International Alien Alliance."

Eggplant scratched his head and said:

"Who is this fighting with? It sounds quite intense. It can't be that people from the Consciousness-only Society are also here?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone felt a slight vibration under their feet.

Ji Han remembered what they had encountered in the sand before and said:

"It must have been attacked by a monster in the sand. With such a big shock, it must not be the fish, but the huge black shadow that knocked the fish away."

Chen Ke asked:

"Then what should I do? Do you want to help?"

Eggplant shook his head and said:

"I don't think there is any need to go. Aren't those grandchildren awesome? Let them handle it themselves."

Song Qian said:

"Having said that, no matter what, we are all the same force. No matter who is in danger, the only ones who are happy are those from the Consciousness Only Society. Brother Han, what do you think?"

Before Ji Han could speak, a small task popped up in front of him again.

[Optional mission: International Aid]

[Reward: 500]

[Description: Assist the members of the International Alien Alliance, if you successfully rescue the distressed people, there will be special rewards]

Good guy, different prices for the same life, this is really the cheapest rescue I have ever seen.

Are those guys worth five hundred? That's not even enough gas money.

Forget it, fly legs are also meat, and besides, watching them get killed, I really don't feel right.

Ji Han raised his head and said:

"Let's go, we are international friends anyway, but everyone must ensure their own safety."

The four of them passed through the city gate and ran to the rough stone square outside. The outside has been illuminated by the lighting sticks of Ethan's team.

Although they were mentally prepared, the four of them were still taken aback when they saw the situation outside.

The giant in the sand is not the big snake that Eggplant judged before, but a huge sandworm.

Looking at the body shape, it is as thick as a truck. The thick body is divided into sections. Each section is covered with a thick yellow shell, and five or six long soft tentacles emerge from the gaps in the shell.

There are several long fangs on the head, and the mouth is opened like a claw, revealing a circle of sharp teeth inside.

The part of the body exposed to the sand is a full eight or nine meters, standing upright like a cobra, writhing in the sand.

It looks like a living underground crusher.

The black girl named Ellie was still biting in the bug's mouth. Because of the stretching ability, Ellie was not killed by the giant bug that attacked.

But those sharp teeth still bit her left arm and left shoulder completely, and the huge force made her body tear apart with the wound, and blood flowed.

Ellie yelled and grabbed the bug's fangs tightly to prevent being torn apart by the bug.

Their captain, Ethan, threw out a steel cable to trap the body of the giant worm, preventing the worm from biting Ellie and burrowing into the sand again.

It stands to reason that human strength and physical strength cannot compete with giant insects, but because of the metallization ability, Ethan can do it. His body is like a big thick nail, and the lower half of his body is stuck in the thick nail. On the rocky ground, the huge force kept the giant insect away for a while.

The rest of Will, Little K and Samuel also attacked the giant worm, trying to save Ellie.

But it seems that there is no effect. For this kind of behemoth, Little K's charming eyes are almost useless.

Will's sniper rifle couldn't penetrate the shell of the giant worm, it could only damage those tentacles, but the effect was minimal.

Except for some space abilities, Samuel, whose main ability is strength, wanted to rush up directly, but was directly thrown out by the giant insect.

The four of them were also very surprised that there was such a monster under the sand.

Seeing this stuff, the first thing Ji Han thought of was the Bobbit bug.

But that thing only survives in the sand at the bottom of the water, and it actually exists in the desert, and it's so huge.

Regardless of being surprised, the four of them ran along the stone road. At this time, it was much more convenient not to be disturbed by those desert tilapias.

Eggplant yelled:

"Grandchildren, don't be afraid, grandpa is here!"

The members of Ethan's team were also surprised when they saw Ji Han and the others running. They thought they had been eaten by this bug, but they didn't expect the four of them to come to the rescue without any injuries.

Eggplant saw that Will's shot at the bug didn't work, and knowing that the bug's armor was thick, he took out a new magazine from his bag and loaded it.

A "bang" shot hit the giant worm. Although it didn't penetrate, it left a red spot on the giant worm.

After aiming for a while, the second shot hit the red dot again.

Will saw and understood Eggplant's intentions, and shot at the red dot.

Although the red dot was clear, the giant worm was writhing all the time. Although there were many people shooting, only Eggplant and Will could be hit.

Chen Ke dropped two automatic acupuncture anesthesia bombs on the giant worm's body, but the action of the giant worm didn't seem to be affected much, and the electronic equipment attack was afraid of affecting the people bitten by the worm, so he had to join in. shooting.

Song Qian popped out the flying claws, entangled the giant insect, tied the other end to a stone, and helped Ethan stabilize the monster first.

Taking advantage of several people joining the battle, Ji Han scanned the giant worm in front of him. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

[Elite monster in this game: Sand Bug King Killing Gu]

[Health volume: 55000/60000]

[Explanation: The giant death worm hidden in the desert usually lurks on the sandy bottom, its vision is basically degraded, but its sense of touch, taste, and smell are extremely keen, its teeth are vicious, and it is a pure carnivorous monster. Sand bottom tilapia and other large It feeds on living things and hates grass plants extremely. 】

Is it just an elite monster with such a thick blood volume? So what kind of boss is this?

Besides, the information doesn’t need to be so detailed, does it?

It even showed what the worm likes to eat or not, and I don't keep it.

But looking at the data, it's really hard to play, and the eggplant has just hit damage.

Besides, there are so many people at the scene, and it is not my own who killed the head, so let's save people first.

Eh? That's right, this bug really hates grass plants, don't they just happen to be here?

And it's a herbaceous plant with a unique taste: two catties of fresh coriander.

If this is thrown into its mouth, it may save the foreigner.

Thinking about it, Ji Han took out the coriander, stepped forward and said:

"Cover me, I'll save people."

As he said that, he swung his flying claws towards the fangs of the sand bug king, hooked them and flew up.

Ethan thought this kid was crazy? He wouldn't want to use his strength to pry open the giant worm's mouth to save people, right?

Everyone didn't understand what Ji Han was doing, thinking that one person was not enough for this bug?

Ji Han grabbed the fangs and barely stood beside the giant worm's mouth.

The giant worm twisted its body and opened its mouth slightly, trying to bite Ji Han.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ji Han threw all the two catties of parsley in his hand into the giant worm's mouth.

"Eat your vegetables!"

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