I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 124: Underground Babel Tree

Once reminded by Eggplant, everyone's attention was once again shifted to the leader of the Huns sitting at the entrance of the passage.

I saw that not only his head was turned 180°, but even his arms were turned backwards, facing the four of them.

Although the head and arms were turned around, the body remained motionless, as if the limbs of the body had their own thoughts.

Looking at this weird figure, Ji Han couldn't help but complain:

"This leader of the Huns is also a yoga enthusiast, and his movements are too exaggerated."

Chen Ke frowned and said:

"Brother Ji, stop joking, how do you deal with it?"

Eggplant raised his gun and said:

"What's the matter, watch me shoot you in the head and set off a firework for you."

Ji Han hastily stopped and said:

"Don't use a gun. I don't know if these glowing hyphae will be dangerous after they are broken. Let's fight in close quarters. Anyway, this thing has no weapons. It's still the same as before, just take off his head."

Everyone took out the melee daggers according to what Ji Han said, and Ji Han himself took out the claw knife.

All four of them are within this passage, and weapons that are too long are not easy to use.

At this moment, the two arms of the leader of the Xiongnu were slowly placed on the ground to support his body, and then his legs were also twisted, and he stood upside down.

The limbs of the whole person are turned upside down, and even the head is standing on the back. It looks like a huge bug twisted from a human body lying on the ground.

Simply a deformity.

The four felt their scalps go numb when they saw it, and each of them clenched the short blade tightly.

The leader of the Xiongnu lying on the ground in a strange posture bowed down, and then jumped onto the wall beside the four with the strength of his legs.

Fortunately, the four of them were all prepared, and they opened a distance on the spot to surround the leader of the Huns.

At this time, a closer look revealed that the leader of the Huns even twisted his fingers and toes to strange places.

Fortunately, it didn't have a weapon in its hand, and the rusty scimitar on its waist was thrown aside by Ji Han before.

The leader of the Xiongnu stretched out his hand and patted the eggplant next to him. The eggplant blocked it with his gloved arm, and then pulled the leader of the Huns towards him, stabbing it at the neck.

Although the dagger was not long, it also cut a big hole in the leader's neck.

If there is no bone, the eggplant can be cut in half with this knife.

Similar to the underwater living corpse, the cut wound did not flow out of blood, but a large amount of transparent gelatinous mucus.

Eggplant wanted to distance himself, but the leader of the Huns rushed towards him.

Song Qian raised her leg and kicked the body of the leader of the Xiongnu to the wall.

Ji Han saw the right moment, and stepped forward to strike at the unsevered neck of the eggplant, but he swung the knife, and the leader of the Xiongnu waved his hand to block the blade.

Although it was blocked, the four fingers of the palm were cut off in unison.

Seeing this opportunity, Eggplant went up and slashed at the remaining neck, finally beheading the thing this time.

Seeing the decapitation of this deformed species, Chen Ke, who had never done anything, heaved a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, everyone discovered that the corpse of the leader of the Huns had not stopped moving.

From where the fingers were broken, and where the neck was broken.

A large number of hyphae shining white light were drilled out, and connected to the severed fingers and head.

The broken part is like the lotus root being cut open, with many silk threads hanging in the middle.

The place where the root was disconnected gradually shrank, and finally the severed finger and the head were reconnected.

Seeing this situation, the four retreated towards the tunnel entrance together.

Eggplant frowned and said:

"Be careful, this guy is different from the one in the water, the broken body can be restored."

Chen Ke remembered the writing on the wall just now, and asked:

"Is this the body of the **** mentioned in the tribal wall text? It seems that the human body and the fungus are symbiotic."

Ji Han nodded and said:

"This should be its normal state. What we encountered in the water may have lost this ability because it has been soaked in water for many years and the activity of the fungi has disappeared."

Just as he was speaking, the body of the leader of the Huns changed again.

As if it had melted, it walked crookedly, and the sizes of various parts of the body were not coordinated.

The four of them didn't know whether to fight or retreat, when the leader of the Xiongnu rushed over and punched Ji Han in front of him.

Just as Ji Han wanted to raise his hand to resist, he saw that the guy's right fist suddenly became as big as a skull.

With the swing of the whole body, heavy punches came!

Ji Han was surprised, before he had time to defend, he was sent flying several meters away, directly flew out of the innermost tunnel, and fell into the circular tomb.

Seeing this, the other three hurriedly withdrew to check on Ji Han's situation.

Ji Hanxin said that the body of this thing is like water, and the size of each part can be changed at will.

Are you Luffy's second gear?

He was knocked out from the aisle and landed in the circular tomb, behind him were those thigh-thin glowing hyphae.

Just as Ji Han was about to stand up and fight again, the ground under his feet suddenly collapsed.

It turned out to be the irregular deep hole in the middle of the circular tomb where mycelium drilled out. It may have collapsed under the trampling of Ji Han due to the passage of time.

In desperation, Ji Han hastily leaned forward, but fortunately the whole body did not collapse, only the lower body of Ji Han fell into the mycelium hole that "leads to the realm of the gods", and the upper body lay outside.

Seeing this, the three hurried to rescue him, and Song Qian rushed over to grab Ji Han.

Eggplant didn't dare to go directly, for fear of trampling the ground, but stretched out his hand to help Song Qian pull Jihan up.

And Chen Ke lay on the ground ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and grabbed Ji Han's clothes.

But the leader of the Huns also ran out of the tunnel and attacked the four of them again.

Eggplant gritted his teeth and cursed:

"This grandson's mother doesn't talk about martial arts, taking advantage of others' danger."

But the leader of the Xiongnu didn't care about this, and punched the eggplant again.

Eggplant had no choice but to withdraw his hands to prevent it, and slid back a few meters, showing the great strength.

With the help of Chen Ke and Song Qian, Ji Han also crawled out.

The leader of the Huns charged again, but this time before the two sides fought, the leader of the Huns, who was not serious under his feet, directly trampled the nearby ground again.

Except for Eggplant, who had just been punched away, and Chen Ke, who was standing in the corner after La Jihan came up.

The remaining three, Ji Han, Song Qian and the leader of the Xiongnu, all fell towards the pit.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, the eggplant threw its flying claws at the two of them before it collapsed and fell.

Ji Han and Song Qian grabbed the flying claws and the chain together, and hit the wall to prevent them from falling.

Fearing that one would be difficult to support, Chen Ke by the wall also threw out his flying claws for Ji Han to grab, and leaned towards the eggplant.

The leader of the Xiongnu was not so lucky, and his body twisted and fell towards the crack in the black stone below.

Ji Han hugged Song Qian to stabilize his figure before he began to observe the situation below.

It turns out that under the cave is the absolutely black rock outside. There is a crack several meters wide on the rock, and the other side of the crack may be connected to the big crack in the canyon outside.

Several thick hyphae glowing white protruded from the cracks.

Ji Han felt that mycelium could no longer be used to describe them, because the thick and glowing mycelium stretched down through the cracks, with no end in sight.

It's like the sacred tree reaching the sky in myths and legends.

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