I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 113: Zhong Po Corpse

Chen Ke and Qiezi stood guard around the well, only to find that all the corpses floating in the corridor had disappeared.

Eggplant gestured to Chen Ke suspiciously, but Chen Ke didn't understand it.

I had no choice but to write on the fluorescent board:

"Where's the body?"

Chen Ke noticed something strange after seeing it, and looked around cautiously in horror.

Then he made a "explosion" gesture towards the eggplant.

Eggplant Heart said it was me, and no one would be able to see what you mean by "fraudulent corpse".

Jizhi shook his head, patted Chen Ke on the shoulder to calm him down, then pointed to the corridor, which was very close anyway, and motioned to go and have a look.

Chen Ke looked reluctant, but the eggplants had already passed, so he could only follow behind.

When we got to the corridor, we did not see those corpses. Eggplant thought that they were fake corpses, and there were also chains. Where did these corpses go?

Following the location where the corpse was before, Eggplant really saw the chain.

I saw that the chains were almost straightened, leading to the platform outside the corridor.

Swimming over, I saw that the previous corpses had already floated to the other side, and they were all facing one direction neatly.

Eh? Is there something attracting those corpses? Why has the position and direction of the corpse changed?

Chen Ke shrugged at Eggplant, expressing that he did not understand.

Eggplant wanted to see where the corpses were facing, so he swam up a few meters to a higher position, so he could see clearly.

The corpses locked everywhere in Zhengui Temple were no longer wandering randomly like they were at the beginning, but were all heading towards one place.

There was still a faint white light leaking out there, it was the big bell on the ground in the side yard.

I don't know if it was because the lights around him were turned off, but Eggplant felt that the white light from the bottom of the clock seemed brighter.

Chen Ke also swam up. After seeing the situation, he did not explore in detail, but patted the eggplant and pointed to the distance.

A few rays of light had shone down there.

It seems that five members of Ethan's team came down, **** it, so fast.

Eggplant and Chen Ke had no choice but to sneak towards the shaft. The light on the diving suit didn't respond, so Ji Han and Song Qian should still be exploring.

The small light on the diving suit has the function of teammate communication. According to the agreement before going down the well, no matter whether it is the two people on the well or the two downhole, if they encounter danger, press the red light, and the other party will rescue or return in time.

If Ji Han and Song Qian in the underground found the passage, they would press the green light to signal that they could go down.

At this time, the little lamp did not respond, so Chen Ke and Eggplant first hid in the main hall of the courtyard where the shaft was located.

Ji Han and Song Qian explored the depths of the well one after the other.

Ji Han was still somewhat resistant to this kind of dark deep water area, so his speed was relatively slow.

When he came down, Ji Han worried that if it was too deep, his body might not be able to bear it.

Fortunately, they didn't dive much along the wall, and the two found a big hole in the wall of the well, about two or three meters wide.

And you can continue to explore deeper. Ji Han held Song Qian where she was and didn't understand, and found that the hair was floating towards the top of the head, that is to say, the water flowed from the bottom.

There may be some water source connected to the bottom of this well, and the hole on the wall of the well should lead to other places.

Just in case the entrance of the cave was wrong, Ji Han and Song Qian decided to continue swimming in after letting those two people down in vain.

This hole is wider than the well, and the walls are very smooth, as if they have been polished.

Ji Han and Song Qian swam in for about tens of meters, only to find that the stone above their heads had disappeared.

The two arrived at a new body of water.

Here is still the inner wall of two or three meters wide, and the bottom of the water is made of stones in front of it, and the opening of the water is towards the top of the head.

The two floated up quickly while holding onto the wall, and soon got out of the water.

Ji Han let out a long breath and said:

"I'll go, finally come out, it's too claustrophobic down here."

Song Qian nodded and said:

"Brother Han, this should be another water area connected to Crescent Spring, right?"

The water area exposed here is not large, that is, a small pond with an area of ​​tens of square meters, but the water here is very deep, and the two of them just got out of the deep hole in the pond.

Walking to the shore, I found that the stones by the water here are neat and tidy.

Although the front is still in darkness, the situation under the feet has proved the signs of people's activities here, and it should be the right place.

"Brother Han, do you want to press the light to tell them to come down?"

Ji Han shook his head and said:

"Let's go back and pick it up. After all, there are forks and detours, and if there are other holes under the well, it will be bad if they go wrong."

After the two left an open flashlight on the shore, they jumped into the pond and swam back together.

After passing through a passage tens of meters long, the two finally returned to the well of Zhengui Temple.

Ji Han and Song Qian were floating up, but suddenly felt a tremor in the water, they looked at each other, they didn't know what happened, was it an earthquake?

At this time, the red lights of the diving suits on the two of them turned on.

Something happened on the well!

Ji Han accelerated his ascension, but just after he came out of the well, he met Eggplant, who was lying on the well platform and looking in.

His head was like a torpedo, hitting Eggplant's nose directly.

But Eggplant didn't care about the pain anymore, when he saw Ji Han and Song Qian coming out, he hurriedly dragged them into the main room next to him.

In the room, Chen Ke saw the two people coming out, so he also came over, and the tense state was relieved.

Ji Han pointed to the outside and asked what happened?

In desperation, Eggplant gestured several times with his hands, but everyone didn't understand what he meant.

Helpless, Eggplant had to take out the fluorescent board again and wrote:

"The Clock Breaks the Corpse"

Before Eggplant finished writing, the door and window next to UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was suddenly smashed by something.

Then a pale corpse swam in, dragging a broken chain behind it, and when it saw the four of them, it swam straight over.

Damn, what a scam!

Eggplant must be thinking about writing "The Clock Breaks the Dead".

Fortunately, at this time, he still wanted to save fonts as much as possible and express as soon as possible, but unexpectedly, the answer appeared faster than his fluorescent board.

With Ji Han's instructions, Qiezi and Chen Ke would definitely not move the big clock.

It must be those few foreigners who really did more than fail.

I don't know if it's an itchy hand or I don't know what a "clock" is.

But at this time, it was too late to think about the reason, because the corpse had already swam over, Chen Ke wanted to go out, but the eggplant grabbed him and shook his head desperately.

Ji Han understood what he meant, if all the corpses outside were revived, then there would be at least ten or twenty corpses, and going out would be a team battle.

And in the house, if one comes in, kill this one.

The four nodded to each other, knowing how to resolve the battle inside the house.

That is to say, in the water, the pale corpse swam slowly, and the four of them had two seconds to make a unified decision.

The white corpse in the water stared, and just grabbed Song Qian when she twisted his arm.

Ji Han took the opportunity to grab its other arm, and Chen Ke tried to hold its feet with both hands to prevent it from escaping or fighting back.

In the end, Eggplant hugged the corpse's head and twisted it fiercely, only to hear a muffled "gaba".

The head of the white corpse in the water was twisted an extra ninety degrees.

Ji Hanxin said that with this level of cooperation, they can work on an assembly line in the future.

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