I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 108: Temple at the bottom of the lake

As Eggplant said, the original Mingsha Mountain was a piece of yellow sand, which was formed by the accumulation of fine sand carried by the strong wind.

But the one in front of him not only looks taller, but also doesn't seem to be sandy.

Although the world really lacks light at night, the Mingsha Mountain in front of me is still different from the surroundings. It is too dark and out of place with the surroundings.

A piece of deep black completely blocked the vision of the large area in front of him.

It's like a huge black sky curtain falling from the sky, standing in front of everyone's eyes.

Chen Ke said with emotion:

"Let's go, the two Mingsha Mountains in the real world are not as high, and I have never seen such a black mountain."

Eggplant joked:

"That means you have never been a coal worker."

Ji Hanxin said, the special effects of this game are indeed too abrupt

How can there be such a tall black stone mountain in the desert? Unless it's an extraterrestrial meteorite.

Song Qian looked at the Crescent Lake, which was wider than the real world, and suggested:

"Don't worry about the Black Mountain, we should follow the guidance of the Pre-Qin Nine Stars Mirror, enter from the Crescent Lake first, and then look for the ancient house."

Everyone also agreed.

Looking at the lake surface that looks deeper at night, Ji Han is really a little bit resistant.

For deep water areas, he still has a sense of fear, after all, he is not a child who grew up by the sea.

Everyone has no equipment to further explore and detect, so they have to turn on the converter and return to the real world first.

We had to wait for the daytime when the light was better before the four of us came over in diving suits.

The next morning, the four changed into diving suits in advance in the real world.

Chen Ke looked at the eggplant and smiled:

"Brother eggplant, I feel like you are like a fat catfish now."

"Fuck off, don't look at my figure is a bit out of shape now, I was also a fresh meat in the water back then, a lotus in the water."

The tourists I happened to meet smiled and took pictures of them, probably because they were surprised to see them wearing diving suits in the desert, thinking that the four of them were here to engage in performance art and take photos.

According to the location confirmed yesterday, the four of them took a large box of equipment and found an empty place before Song Qian clicked on the teleporter.

The game interface appeared again before Ji Han's eyes.

【The game is about to start】

[Status: Stamina: 100; Armor: 220]

[Prop bar: mechanical crossbow (20/20; attack power: 70), flashlight (power 100%), 24 anesthesia needles, 1 bottle of blue nutrient solution, special crossbow arrows, Zhenyue sword, five bottles of thousand-year-old corpse blood water, Five bottles of body suture solution]

[Backpack column: omitted]

[Game level: Level 3 Cabbage Duan (97 levels away from the new method)]

[Game scene: Sand Sea Black Stone, Abyss Dead Race]

[This gift: four alloy harpoons, a brand new high-pressure water gun, and two catties of high-quality fresh coriander]

Although Ji Han had even received the little blue pills before, and was mentally prepared for the outrageous gifts presented by the game, he was still surprised this time.

I can still understand this harpoon. The pistol in the water is not easy to use, so I may encounter something.

But why did you give me a high-pressure water gun?

Although many games have been taken off the shelves because of the blood, it is not possible to use a high-pressure water gun as a weapon, right?

Besides, sending high-pressure water guns in the desert is the same as selling milk powder in the mortuary.

The most outrageous thing is that two catties of coriander were also given away, which is completely incomprehensible.

I don't hate cilantro, but what's the use? If you send me a Huaze coriander, I can still accept it.

But thinking about the magical effect of the high-grade bait in the last round, Ji Han still kept the parsley.

After complaining about the items given out by the game, Ji Han opened the purchase catalog and simply selected them.

The previous Flying Claws were good and practical. I bought a few for everyone.

Fucking 5000 one? Gilded claws? Parts were reselected to make burning arrows, lighting arrows and explosive arrows.

I replenished the green and blue nutrient solution, and bought two bottles of purple corpse water.

It cost 50,000 yuan in total, Ji Han gritted his teeth in distress.

Be calm and calm, high risk has high reward.

Following a flash of white light, the four of them came to the vast Crescent Lake in the inner world.

It is already daytime in the other world. Although the fog is clear, you can still see the magnificence of Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Lake.

Everyone also clearly saw the Mingsha Mountain in the inner world, which was formed by a whole piece of black stone.

Eggplant scolded:

"Grass, it feels like standing in front of an alien spaceship."

Although the eggplant's words are quite unreliable, but this metaphor is really vivid.

Everyone adjusted the diving suit and oxygen tank, and tried it in shallow water first.

Ji Han had never used these equipments before, so Song Qian was always beside him.

After the basic proficiency, everyone determines the action strategy.

Chen Ke provided everyone with a waterproof fluorescent board on which they could write directly with their fingers.

After all, it is underwater, so it is not so convenient to communicate.

According to his game experience, Ji Han arranged:

"After going down, let's find the old house first, and take a look at the situation of the old house first. Don't act rashly. Remember to act as a team and don't go alone. If you need to communicate, you can gently pull."

Speaking of which, Ji Han gave everyone a harpoon.

Chen Ke patted:

"Brother Ji can do it. There are too many weapons and equipment, even the tools for Runtu stabbing."

Eggplant also echoed:

"It means that his combat experience is still very...huh?"

Before Eggplant finished speaking, Ji Han walked to the lake to fill the high-pressure water gun in his hand.

Song Qian asked curiously when she saw it:

"Brother Han, what are you doing? Is that a high-pressure water gun?"

Ji Han is also hard to explain, UU reading www.uukanshu. com could only vaguely say:

"Ah, it's okay, it's just in case."

Eggplant smiled and said:

"No, Ji Han, you don't think that a high-pressure water gun is a gun that can be used underwater, do you?"

Chen Ke also reminded:

"Brother Ji, if you want to store water, I have a bottle here."

Eggplant stopped:

"No, no, maybe your brother Ji likes to drink from the high-pressure water gun, it's very strong."

Song Qian didn't interfere here, after all, Brother Han had his own ideas every time.

"Okay, let's go then."

Everyone made an OK gesture to Song Qian, jumped into the water one by one, and after hitting a Filipino fish-fried splash, they followed Song Qian to swim towards a deeper place.

Song Qian's swimming skills are the best, leading the way in front, and the remaining three move forward together.

Although the area of ​​the Crescent Lake in the inner world is very large, the deep water area is still concentrated near the center.

However, this has reduced the amount of underwater exercise for several people. The water temperature here is acceptable and the water quality is relatively good, but there are no traces of other fish biological activities.

The visibility in the water can reach more than ten meters.

The four of them swam for a while towards the dark area in the center.

Sure enough, I soon saw a dark building sitting on the bottom of the water. After diving to this depth, the light above the head has weakened a lot, and the outline of the building will be able to be illuminated.

The four unscrewed the diving lights above their heads and swam towards the old house.

But who knows, as soon as it landed on the tiles at the entrance of the ancient house, Eggplant grabbed Ji Han, Song Qian and Chen Ke, and pointed to the stone tablet at the entrance of the ancient house.

Since there is a stele, it naturally has content. Let's swim over and have a look.

There are only three big characters engraved on the stone tablet: Zhengui Temple.

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