I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 104: Tear it up, I won't save it

The man who got out of the car was also a foreigner, tall and thin, with long brown hair combed behind his head, a khaki windbreaker and black sunglasses, and he was dressed like a private detective.

Ji Han could recognize that this foreigner was not a member of the International Alien Alliance team, and there was no information about this person's game.

Since Christine is not the boss of this round, it should be the one walking in front of him.

Ji Han stood in place, curiously said:

"Your Excellency?"

"Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong, I'm just asking for directions."

Little K behind Ji Han was still imprisoned, unable to move freely, but he also saw the man approaching.

Can't help being surprised:



Hearing this name, Ji Han immediately remembered the investigation materials of the Consciousness-Only Society that he saw in the Jushan Mental Hospital.

Among them, there is indeed one named Riel, numbered R, and code-named space.

However, like the profiles of many members of the Consciousness Only Society, his profile does not have a photo of his face, so Ji Han couldn't identify him for a while.

Riel was a member of the International Alien Alliance before, and later defected to join the Consciousness-only Society. He was considered Little K's senior, so Little K knew him.

When Riel heard Little K calling him, he laughed and said:

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet my little colleagues from the International Alien Alliance here."

Little K shouted:

"You bastard, you dare to show up, the International Alien Alliance will sooner or later take your group of Consciousness-only Society..."

Before Little K finished speaking, Riel snapped his fingers.

Then from his side, the black image spread like a haze, enveloping everyone.

As the black shadow expanded, Ji Han, Little K, and three roommates who had lost consciousness due to the charming eyes all fell into the inner world.

Originally, he couldn't move his body, but when he entered the inner world, he felt that the confinement around him was even stronger. Little K couldn't even open his mouth.

Riel made a silence gesture and said:

"When adults talk, children don't interrupt."

Little K was shocked in his heart, this guy was indeed the strongest spell control system supernatural user in the International Alien Alliance, and he was far behind him.

Also being pulled into the inner world, Ji Han didn't feel flustered at all, and he didn't feel affected at all. He looked at Little K and then Riel.

Now that he has confirmed that the other party is a member of the Consciousness Only Society, Ji Han no longer circles around.

"Then stop talking nonsense, come to me this time, do you want to invite me to join, or do you want to kill me?"

Riel waved his hand and made a very innocent look:

"I don't want to make fun of myself, but I just want to ask about the location of the divine pillar."

When Ji Han heard it, he felt a little funny and said:

"Why should I tell you?"

"If you are in other places, it is true that you cannot be forced, but here, I still have some ways."

As Ruier said, he lifted his palm, and the three roommates who had already lost consciousness were already suspended in the air.

"In this space, I have the final say, although it doesn't seem to have much influence on you. But if I kill these friends of yours, you won't be indifferent, right?"

Ji Han was taken aback for a moment, and then urged with a smile:

"Hurry up, kill, kill, kill! Don't be polite. Do you need my help?"

Xin said that good guy enters the world in the game, I don't care who you kill.

Anyway, it’s not true, why don’t you try to kill people in the real world? You will be arrested and judged every minute, even if you are a foreigner.

My mentality is not so weak that I can threaten me with a few NPCs. Isn't this guy too naive?

Riel stared at Ji Han through the sunglasses, judging from the biological characteristics displayed in the sunglasses, this guy did not lie, he really didn't care about the lives of these friends.

Good guy, is this kid really from the Guardians of the Otherworld? Why do things seem to be more ruthless than us.

At this time, the little K behind him finally broke out, broke free from Riel's shackles, and shouted at Ji Han:

"Hey, no matter what he said, this is three lives, you should tell him first."

Ji Han turned his head and glared at Little K, saying:

"Yo yo! The relics fell on me. Since you are so merciful, you can tell him."

Little K said in his heart that you are too ruthless. Although it may be just your friends who hide their real identities, you can't let them die so casually, right?

Riel saw the situation, put his palms flat, and put Ji Han's three roommates down.

He has only one mission this time, and it doesn't really matter whether he can get the position of the divine pillar. So it would not be worthwhile if this secondary task led to enmity with this terrifying guy.

Only do things that are arranged, and never do things that are beyond the outline.

This is an important experience for Riel to be able to live in the Consciousness-only Society until now.

Seeing that Riel left his roommate behind, Little K also heaved a sigh of relief.

But before he recovered, he saw Riel punching the ground with a single fist, and from where he hit, the surrounding scenery immediately lost its color.

Little K felt as if his body was frozen. Compared with the confinement just now, it is completely unbreakable fixation at this time.

But Ji Han's body was still radiant and brightly colored, as if he hadn't been affected at all.

After such a comparison, Little K suddenly felt that it made sense for his charming eyes to fail him.

And in the upper right corner of Ji Han's game interface, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com still flashes a small icon:

[Invulnerable is activating]

Whether it's Little K's charming eyes or Riel's control circle, they have no effect on Ji Han.

Riel was also a little surprised. At this time, he was already using his relatively high-strength control magic circle, but the opponent was not affected at all.

Now I finally understand that this guy really has the strength to fight Weishi with one kill and one capture.

Riel paused on one foot, and rushed from the spot in an instant. The speed was so fast that Little K felt that he could move, and there was no room for reaction at all.

But in Ji Han's eyes, no matter how fast an attack is, it's just a flash of blue light.

So he took a step back and blocked Riel's attack with one hand.

In this space where everything loses its color, Riel can freely change the attributes of himself and others. But I didn't expect that if I increased my speed to the acceptable maximum, I would still be defended by the opponent.

Riel's heart turned, and he turned around to catch Little K and jumped back.

"As the righteous power of the international alien organization. You don't care about her life, do you?"

Seeing Riel threatening him again, Ji Han scratched his head and said:

"You may have misunderstood. In fact, we only met in the morning, and we are not familiar with each other. I heard that you used to be colleagues. It's a good relationship. You can handle it yourself, and I won't interfere."

Little K heard Ji Han's unfeeling and righteous words, and said:

"Hey, you guys are too unfeeling, aren't you? At least they are in the same camp!"

Ji Han waved his hand and said:

"Didn't you say that the 10th division of the alien guard team is very good? You can't beat it, and I will give it away if I go. It's better to keep the green hills, and I will withdraw first."

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