I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 59: Avoid the wind

Looking at the three people who were so worried about their safety, Li Chu couldn't help feeling a little moved, so he briefly described what happened on Broken Tablet Mountain to the three of them.

It was nothing more than the monsters attacking and interrupting Beishan, but he stopped him, and the battle was interrupted and there was some loss in Beishan.

After listening to his calm and gentle description, the three of them also nodded. As expected, Xiao Li Daochang has always been at ease. It's just that the real scene of that short battle may never be imagined by them.

After all, the three of them spread out, revealing a table of steaming hot pot behind them, boiled in the pot with fat beef, fat lamb, shrimp slip, fish balls, and various vegetables. .

"Master, you have been working hard these days. It's just time to have a hot pot to warm your stomach." Lao Du Yin greeted, "Hey, this is the secret recipe that I queued up in Liuji for half an hour in the south of the city. If you leave Jixiang Mansion, you won't be able to taste it at all!"

"Alright." Li Chu hadn't eaten in his own body for a few days, so he leaned forward, and Lao Du handed over a pair of chopsticks.

Seeing him move, Liu Fufeng and King Xuan Diao dared to move.

Liu Fufeng said, "It's great that Dao Li, Dao Li, you're back. We were worried about your safety before. We are not thinking about food and tea. Even if there are delicacies of mountains and seas, how can we eat them?"

As he said, he smiled at Lao Du again: "How about Daochang Du, I insist on letting you buy Liu Ji's base material, right? This time-honored brand has been around for hundreds of years, and it's authentic!"

"Yeah..." The Xuan Diao Wang also said to Li Chu: "You really didn't see Dao Li Xiao, the three of us were so anxious before!"

As he said, he picked up two plates of meat and shouted: "Give Xiao Li Daochang some more meat. I went to the butcher’s shop to personally select it. I watched the slices of meat he chopped out with one knife. fine."

Old Du remembered something again, and hurriedly said: "By the way, Master, there is one more thing to let you know, this Venerable Tree...has some background."

As he said, he called the sixth elder Bai Yujing to the door, was crushed by the tree veteran, and then left crying.

Li Chu frowned slightly as he listened, feeling that if Bai Yujing was provoked because of this, it would be a disaster.

But this tree veteran...

He looked back and saw a shyness from a tree inexplicably, and felt a little helpless.

Who can take it any way?

After a full meal, the cups and plates were messed up, and the four of them burped around the table, and they all felt that life was quite wonderful.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a groan.


Looking at it together, everyone remembered that there was still a Wang Longqi lying on the bed.

He was a mortal, his body was taken by Li Chu Yuanshen to kill demons and demons, and his physical strength was very huge, so he recovered after returning for a long time before waking up.

"Cough..." Wang Longqi coughed twice, opened his eyes, and saw a bunch of familiar faces around the bed.

"Are you okay?" Li Chu asked.

"Is the Seventh Young Master okay? We may be so worried about you." Old Du said hurriedly.

"I'm fine..." Wang Longqi shook his head, "I'm just a little hungry..."

"No problem..." Lao Du glanced back, and there was only half a pot of hot pot with soup base. He turned his head and said, "I'll ask Hou Chu to give you a bowl of Yangchun noodles."

"What smells so fragrant?" Wang Longqi sniffed, "Are you making hot pot with me behind your back? I want to eat too."

"There is no hot pot..." Lao Du whispered: "If you want, you can try the hot pot base."

"Liu Ji from the south of the city, a century-old brand." Liu Fufeng added immediately.

Wang Longqi: "..."


"what happened……"

The chariot landed, and Guo Longque came to the front of the heroes. His expression was gloomy, but there were no casualties when he saw all the heroes, except that they were all a little bit ashamed, which eased slightly.

But at the same time I started to wonder, the mountains are gone and the people are still there. What is going on?

Could it be that the real purpose of the Golden State Demon is... demolition?

"It's very complicated..." Gao Jiaxi stepped forward and said about the shocking changes that had happened before.

Guo Longque was also a little unbelievable.

That Wang Qi... is actually Yu Qi'an's disciple Li Chu, he already knew that, but that little Taoist actually had such magical powers?

The closer you get to that realm, the more you know how difficult it is to do all this.

Even if it is to summon a sacred beast and a unicorn, it is not an easy task to destroy the thousands of demons in the Golden State in one breath.

Even if there is a factor of sword repair's strong lethality in it, it would be a bit shocking.

After thinking for a moment, it is difficult to have an answer. He didn't want to, but waved his hand, "Bring me the traitor!"

Immediately, several heroes walked up with He Tu, who had already sealed the vitality of his body.

"Master, Master..." When He Tu saw Guo Longque, he was so scared that his three souls came out of his body and seven souls ascended into the sky, and his legs were soft and he could no longer stand.

He repeatedly buckled his head and burst into tears: "Master, the disciple knows the sins are serious! But please let the master spare the disciple's one-time life, after all...The whole Broken Stone Mountain is only shorter than you. If the disciple dies, you are us. The shortest man on the hill..."

"I know that you can't plan this kind of thing with your mind. It's okay to let me spare your life..." Guo Longque said in a deep voice, "Then you will direct you to commit this matter and who will help you. Contact the Golden State Demon, the original text, and make it clear."

"Who instructed me..." He Tu hesitated, but after life and death, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's gold..."

Only when he uttered a word, he suddenly stiffened, as if he had been under a spell, his throat was dumb, and he couldn't say a word. This is not over yet, I will see the next second, his mouth, eyes, nose, ears...

Golden light appeared in the seven apertures at the same time!

This golden light burst out like flames, quickly swallowing his whole body, and then the inflammation spread outward and intensified!

Upon seeing this, Guo Longque shouted: "Get out of the way!"

Before the words fell, I saw the human figure covered with golden flames bursting open!

"Huh." Guo Longque snorted coldly and raised his right hand. The explosion that was about to spread to the surrounding area was instantly frozen. The air stagnated, and then as his fingers tightened, the space seemed to be compressed and changed in a blink of an eye. It became a pure black ball the size of a fist.

It looks dark and shiny, as if it contains terrible energy.

Guo Longque turned his hands and flicked his sleeves, and the black ball disappeared again. A turmoil disappeared.

And that picture of the living one in the same place disappeared into the world.

"Master, this..." Another disciple leaned forward, not knowing what to do for a while.

Guo Longque raised his hand and said, "You guys will be at ease for the time being. My top priority is to retrieve the unicorn..."

That's right.

The unicorn beast that was the real life and death of Beishan was lost. Since all the disciples are safe and sound here, there is absolutely no reason for the Qilin to fall. It's just that when the Broken Tablet fell to pieces, it didn't know where it went.

Guo Longque closed his eyes and sensed the existence of a unicorn with the power of a certain contract.

"I didn't go far..." He murmured, rising out of thin air.

The figure flew down to a barren mountain in the distance for a moment, and there was a remote cave on the barren mountain. He frowned, then entered.

Going all the way into the belly of the mountain, I saw a small black unicorn beast curled up in a pair of rocks in the depths of the cave.

The big head is inserted into the chaotic world ~www.readwn.com~ only the scaly **** is exposed.

"What are you doing?"

Guo Longque stepped forward and patted Qilin's ass.

Qilin shook, and immediately pulled out his big head, revealing a face full of ancient times, his eyes trembled slightly, and he was slightly calm when he saw Guo Longque. Then he shook his mane, regaining his majestic and divine appearance.

"The Broken Tablet Mountain collapsed, what are you doing here?" Guo Longque asked again.

Just listen to the Qilin growl lowly, "Aw..."

Guo Longque was slightly startled.

He naturally understood the words of the unicorn, but what made him puzzled was what the unicorn said.

Because Qilin, one of the most invincible beasts in the sky and the earth, answered him with four words.

"Avoid the trend..."

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