I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 47: 1 shy tree

When Durranke woke up, he saw an extremely strange scene.

Li Chu, Liu Fufeng, and the old man surnamed Chen who first woke up, surrounded a tall and gorgeous glazed tree and observed carefully.

At this time, the colored glaze tree no longer had the giant wood posture when suppressing the black water forest mother, only one person came to the height, but the whole body's aura was not diminished.

Liu Fufeng was a terrestrial immortal, and he could clearly perceive this breath, which was close to immortal. With such a breath, the origin of this tree is really hard to imagine.

If ordinary people can live around this tree, it is certain that they will be disease-free and disaster-free in their entire life. After a long period of time, they will be able to maintain a light body.

As for the black woods that had been so angry before, it was as if their souls had been drawn out, and they were all short. The most amazing thing is that the black bark powder comes off, revealing the colorful colors inside.

The whole piece of Heishui Forest suddenly became a little awkward, without the creepy secrets at all, but a little bit more air and joy.


When Dulanke opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the new bark covered with a big flower jacket. He thought that this was the style of the Northland, and then a rousing spirit subconsciously looked for Li Chu.

As long as the master is still standing here, it means that I am in the sun, which means that the bad guy is dead.

This is a natural and impeccable logic.

Li Chu was naturally alive. Not only was he alive, but he was also closely watched by the glazed tree.

It is obviously a tree, but it always gives people the feeling that it has eyes.

When Li Chu moved slightly to the left, it turned left, and when Li Chu moved to the right, it turned right.

Li Chu walked two steps backward, and it followed forward. Li Chu walked two steps forward, and it still came forward, trying to give a hug, Li Chu quickly backed away.

I don’t know how long this weird stalemate has lasted. Durange walked up strangely and asked curiously: "What is this?"

Before the words fell, a vine suddenly sprang from the glazed tree with a snap.

The crowd hadn't reacted yet, and Durranke's tears had already splashed out.

"Woo" Old Du covered his mouth, "It hurts, how can it slap me?"

"Dao Master Du, you'd better show respect." Liu Fufeng whispered, "This Venerable Tree just suppressed the source of the monster chaos in this black water forest in an instant, and its cultivation level is hard to guess."

Don't you say it earlier

Old Du wailed in his heart, and quickly said: "It turns out that it saved us. No wonder I see this fairy tree being so heroic, upright, handsome, fairy-like and very kind, and there is even a sense of security of seeing my father."


Before the words fell, another vine burst out suddenly.

Lao Du's tears flowed freely along a black face.

"Why does it slap me again"

"Dao Master Du speak carefully. According to what I have just observed, this Venerable Tree seems to be a girl." Liu Fufeng said carefully.


Old Du's black face was full of surprise.

Is the tree still divided into male and female?


"How did you see it?"

His doubts just uttered.

I saw that glazed tree stretched out the vine that had just drawn me in front of Li Chu, and then slowly opened a dazzling seven-color glazed flower, beautiful and dazzling, and I knew it at a glance.

Seeing this atmosphere of colorful bubbles about to emerge, Lao Du knew at a glance how Liu Fufeng noticed it.

The blind can see it.

Li Chu looked at this weird behavior and said, "It has already bloomed several flowers. What is it going to do?"

Liu Fufeng whispered: "Little Chief Li, if I didn't guess wrong, this seems to be a courtship behavior."

"A tree?" Li Chu was a little surprised.

"Little Li, be careful." Liu Fufeng hurriedly said, "What's wrong with the tree, the way is natural, everything in nature has seven emotions and six desires after awakening, which is also normal."

He glanced at the glazed tree secretly, for fear that it would be underestimated because of Li Chu's words.

Unexpectedly, the colored glaze tree didn't mean to be angry with Li Chu at all. On the contrary, it seemed to be shyly twisting the crown because of what he said was the central thing.

My day.

Are you shy?

Although a shy tree had just talked about nature, it was the first time Chunchun had seen this kind of scene.

"I'm not a tree." Li Chu said again.

"Then what were you just now?" Liu Fufeng asked.

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Why are some people so handsome even if they are so handsome? Even if they change their trees, they are tens of thousands of times more handsome than other trees.

Should this be real?

Thinking of this, he had vaguely understood the outline of this matter.

It should have been a very sinister conspiracy trap.

But since the moment Li Chu turned into a tree, the style of the whole thing was wrong.

The Blackwater Forest Mother stopped fighting in an instant, but rushed over in a hurry, probably thinking about something unhealthy. And this glazed fairy tree, which was far away, came here in an instant because of fear that Li Chu would be ascended first, and suppressed the mighty black jellyfish in one breath.

Then follow Li Chu to blossom.

Calculated by strength, this Black Water Forest Mother is at least an Earth Immortal level great demon above her, and she has only had this cultivation level for thousands of years. Then this colored glaze fairy tree is a bit scary.

Even if it is not the top level, I am afraid it is close.

But what is it doing?

How old are people who can do this kind of jealousy?

It's not.

Regardless of age, this is not what a tree should do, right?

He couldn't understand.

Looking at Li Chu's calm face again, he seemed to treat this incident as an ordinary thing for Sikong. But this kind of thing is probably not new to him.

I really got it for him~www.readwn.com~Hmm"

After thinking for a while, Li Chu felt that this was not the answer, so he said to the glazed tree: "Senior tree, first of all, thank you for suppressing the big demon and waiting for me to help. But I don’t know what you want to do, I’ll wait. It’s better to say goodbye. If there is an opportunity in the future, I will definitely report it.

After that, he tentatively turned and left.

Hearing a swish, the tree's brilliance flashed and came to him again.

Then he handed out a vine, and a flower slowly bloomed from the vine.

"This is still an infatuation tree."

Liu Fufeng and Du Lanke held their foreheads with their hands, and were somewhat incompetent with the picture in front of them.

When they were in a stalemate, Bai Yujing had already started a lot of riots.

"Meeting! Meeting!"

The Sixth Elder shouted loudly.

Even if he didn't call, it would be difficult to cover the disappearance of the fairy tree. Sooner or later, he had to discuss it.

Not long after, all the Dao children of Quan Feng, the upper and lower disciples, were gathered by him.

When I was about to discuss how to hide this matter first, I heard that Feiyun landed over there, and a letter was passed over by Baiyu Jingzhu Peak.

The Sixth Elder sighed in his heart, although in recent years, the head teacher often retreats and seldom does things, causing many young people to forget his temper.

But they all know it.

Tong Wudi's name is not blown out

It was typed out!

Back then, how decisive and thunderous this Master Master was, and the fear of Master Master Master was carved into the lungs of their generation.

"Does the master head teacher already know?" The cold sweat of the Sixth Elder shook down immediately.

Open letterhead.

There are only a few jargons above.

"Within seven days, find the fairy tree."

"Northland, Jixiang Mansion."

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