I Can’t Be a Sword God

Vol 3 Chapter 42: Will ascend to the broken monument mountain

Time seems to have passed for a long time, and it seems to be just a short moment.

The wind on the edge of the Bohai cliff hit Cao Pan's face, only to feel a little fierce. It stands to reason that the wind here shouldn't be so big.

He Tu also said, "Commander Cao, do you think this wind... is a bit slapped."

Cao Pan thought about why the wind was so strong after his breath, because the mountains here were gone, only a bare piece of land... ten feet lower than the original level.

If the area is smaller, it can also be called a pit.

Of course, these circumstances are not important.

The important thing is that those who destroy these environments are the culprits who directly change the climate near Bohai Cliff.

Two swords.

The winners stand, the losers fall.

Wang Qixuan was in the air, high above him, and even that wretched temperament became a bit like the unpredictable breath of a worldly expert, and he even didn't dare to look directly at it.

He Tu asked again: "Commander Cao, are you still planning to recruit him?"


Cao Pan muttered the word, and suddenly felt a little funny. After the fairy fight just now, can you still use the word solicitation?

Is it more appropriate to use "refuge"?


Cao Pan began to figure out that it seems that worshipping is popular in the rivers and lakes recently... It's just that Wang Qiji seems to be a teenager younger than himself, so it seems a bit bad for him to call himself elder brother.

Maybe it's a good choice to recognize a foster father, and it's not that difficult to say a vocal father.

I was afraid that Wang Qi didn't want to agree.

That's a big deal...

Unlike him, He Tu's side is more purely frightened. It was said that he would drive away tigers and devour wolves, but he had always thought that the little Taoist priest was the stronger one. Unexpectedly, Wang Qi killed the little Taoist priest unscathed. This wolf is too amazing.

For the Golden Bodhisattva who wants to build the northern Buddhist kingdom, the more masters there are in the northern land, the more difficult it is naturally.

It was expected that no matter how the two people would lose out, how to deal with Wang Qi in the future is also a problem.


When the two of them were pregnant with ghosts, Wang Qi was already floating close, and fell gently.

"Commander Cao and Commander He will live up to the mission." He said calmly.

Cao Pan and He Tu looked at Wang Qi, only to feel that this person's temperament was much colder than before, and their eyes turned into glimpses. It's as if this fight was won, and his whole body was beaten cold.

It really pretends to him.

But in all fairness, anyone who sent away a land-based fairy-level opponent without injury after such a fight with an immortal would have to pretend.

Taking into account the strength of the opponent, Cao Pan and He Tu also gave him the greatest degree of tolerance.

"More than fulfilling the mission, the battle of Brother Wang is simply breathtaking. No one would have imagined that there are such two geniuses in swordsmanship in the world, and from now on, only Brother Wang will be the only one." He Tu sighed: " What people say about Daxueshan Scarlet-Browed Sword Saint, I dare say that within ten years, Brother Wang will be the number one swordsman in the world."

"Hahaha, within ten years, in my opinion, Brother Wang's current strength is no longer under the red eyebrows, but he has never competed. If it is me, I will definitely find a chance to challenge on Daxue Mountain and fight since then. Isn't it beautiful to be famous!" Cao Pan also said loudly.

"Heh, dare not." Wang Qi just shook his head lightly, as if he didn't care about this false name.

"Brother King of War helped me Duanbei Mountain a lot. I should have invited you to go up the mountain. It's just that Brother Wang, your temperament is dilute and you don't seem to have any interest in going up the mountain..." Qi said suddenly.

"It's not a bad idea."

"Huh?" Cao Pan was startled, and said to his heart why this person suddenly became enthusiastic again.

Everyone knows that as long as Broken Tablet Mountain goes up, it will be inextricably linked with the anti-thief, so going up the mountain is almost equal to joining. The appearance that Wang Qi showed earlier, although he had a good impression of Duanbei Mountain, he would never join, but was willing to cooperate. Why did he suddenly change his mind after killing this little Taoist priest?

From Cao Pan's perspective, he naturally didn't want Wang Qi to go up the mountain at this time. Because he still can't fully understand this person's temperament, let him go up the mountain at this time, maybe it will really add a general to Duanbei Mountain, then it will not be worth the loss.

But since Wang Qi said so, do you dare to stop him?

Hearing this, Cao Pan had to say: "Brother Wang, wait for a day, I will send the news back to the mountain, and I will take you up the mountain tomorrow. Haha, if the master sees you, I will be very happy."

Wang Qi smiled lightly and nodded.

Cao Pan and He Tu laughed together, but the proportion of those who actually laughed is worth pondering.


The news soon passed back to Broken Tablet Mountain.

There was a young man at the level of a terrestrial **** who was going up the mountain. The news seemed to be thunderous, and it quickly shook the whole mountain up and down.

There are many halls on Broken Tablet Mountain, with a total of eight banners, each performing its own duties. The others didn't know much about the tasks of Cao and He. I just knew that there was a little Taoist who had a very strong cultivation base and was not inferior to the land gods, who destroyed the mission and killed the hidden piles under the mountain. Sooner or later, he had to deal with it.

But if this is a sudden addition of a young and powerful leader, it will affect the interests of all parties, and everyone must pay more attention to it.

This time Wang Qi beheaded Li Chu, and Cao Pan sent back the news in more detail. So everyone has heard the real name of the little Taoist priest. It turned out to be from the south of the Yangtze River and his name was Li Chu. After a fight between gods and immortals, the underworld leader of Auspicious Mansion and the born sword repair king Qiyi sword slashed at Bohai Cliff.

One person was frightened.

"Oh my God……"

Senior Brother Long Gang, the top killer on Broken Tablet Mountain, who had been to Shenluo City, covered his mouth with four fingers in his room and exclaimed in disbelief.

That little Taoist...

It was Li Chu?

It's impossible, it's impossible!

Long Gang frowned and twitched his eyes~www.readwn.com~ his eyes disappeared.

How could Dao Master Xiao Li be against the mountain? His master and my master are very close friends, and they are the friendship between his wife and son!

Today, who is Guo Xiaobao's son remains to be verified.

When saving Guo Xiaobao earlier, Dao Li Xiaoli had done a great deal. Without him, how could things in Shenluo City go so smoothly?


Earlier, He Tu vowed to say that the little Taoist killed the hidden pile under the mountain... There must be a misunderstanding!

Let's talk about it again.

Dao Li's cultivation is unfathomable, how could he be killed?

He had seen Li Chu's methods before. If someone said that Guo Longque would be killed, Long Gang might still be thinking about it. After all, he knew the realm of the master's cultivation.

But Li Chu was killed...

His first reaction was not to believe it!

Because he didn't know what level Li Chu's cultivation was at. In short, it was high, very high.

This is simply a fantasy.

Could it be the same name?

However, there was a young Taoist priest named Li Chu who came from the south of the Yangtze River. He said that there was a second one. It was too nonsense.

Immediately, Long Gang made up his mind secretly.

When Wang Qi goes up the mountain tomorrow, he must take a good look at him to see if he really has the strength to kill Xiao Li Daochang.

In addition, Xiao Li Daochang's identity should also be informed to the master, and he should not be allowed to die in my hands at Broken Stone Mountain inexplicably.

and also……

He wondered in his heart, if it was indeed Xiao Li Dao who died, then taking advantage of the opportunity to send the news of his death and the corpse back to Jiangnan, would he be able to see his master.

The mystery of Guo Xiaobao's life experience...Is it possible to solve it in his own hands.

Thinking of this, Long Gang only felt a burst of enthusiasm.

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